Generated< omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassRegistry_abi >#

Fully qualified name: omni::core::Generated< omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassRegistry_abi >

class Generated<omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassRegistry_abi> : public omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassRegistry_abi#

Registry (database) of known omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPass objects.

When registering passes, prefer using Pass Registration helpers rather than directly accessing methods on this interface.

See Passes for more pass related functionality.

Subclassed by omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassRegistry

Public Functions

inline uint32_t registerPass(
omni::graph::exec::unstable::PassType passType,
const char *name,
omni::core::ObjectParam<omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassFactory> factory,
const omni::graph::exec::unstable::ConstName &nameToMatch,
omni::graph::exec::unstable::PassPriority priority,
) noexcept#

Registers a new pass.

type is the type of pass being registered (e.g. populate, partition, etc).

name is the name of the pass, it is for debugging purposes. Must not be nullptr.

factory is the interface that will instantiate the pass. Must not be nullptr.

Some pass types (e.g. populate passes) desire to affect only a subset of the nodes and/or definitions in a graph. nameToMatch is used to specify the name of the node/definitions the pass wishes to affect. The meaning of this field is pass type dependent. Many pass types ignore nameToMatch. Must not be nullptr. This method copies the name.

Some pass types (e.g. partition passes) are designed such that only a single pass should affect an entity. When multiple passes wish to affect an entity, priority can be used to resolve the conflict. The meaning of the priority value is pass type specific. Many pass types ignore priority.

When registering passes, prefer using Pass Registration helpers rather than directly accessing this method.

Returns a unique identifier that can be passed to omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassRegistry::deregisterPass() to deregister the pass. A value of 0 is never returned.

Thread Safety

This method is not thread safe.

inline void deregisterPass(
omni::graph::exec::unstable::PassType passType,
uint32_t passId,
) noexcept#

Deregisters a pass.

passId is the id of the pass to deregister. passId is generated by omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassRegistry::registerPass().

It is not an error if passId is not found.

When deregistering passes, prefer using Pass Registration helpers rather than directly accessing this method.

Thread Safety

This method is not thread safe.

inline omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassTypeRegistry *getPassTypeRegistry(
omni::graph::exec::unstable::PassType type,
) noexcept#

Returns a sub-registry containing pass of the specified type.

The returned omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassTypeRegistry will not have omni::core::IObject::acquire() called before being returned.

A valid pointer is always returned.

Thread Safety

This method is not thread safe.

inline omni::graph::exec::unstable::Stamp getStamp() noexcept#

Returns version stamp for the registry.

Version is incremented each time the content of registry changes, i.e. pass is added or removed.

Thread Safety

This method is not thread safe.

inline void *castWithoutAcquire(omni::core::TypeId id) noexcept#

Casts this object to the type described the the given id.

Returns nullptr if the cast was not successful.

Unlike omni::core::IObject::cast(), this casting method does not call omni::core::IObject::acquire().

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.

inline uint32_t getUseCount() noexcept#

Returns the number of different instances (this included) referencing the current object.

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.

inline void *cast(omni::core::TypeId id) noexcept#

Returns a pointer to the interface defined by the given type id if this object implements the type id’s interface.

Objects can support multiple interfaces, even interfaces that are in different inheritance chains.

The returned object will have omni::core::IObject::acquire() called on it before it is returned, meaning it is up to the caller to call omni::core::IObject::release() on the returned pointer.

The returned pointer can be safely reinterpret_cast<> to the type id’s C++ class. For example, “omni.windowing.IWindow” can be cast to omni::windowing::IWindow.

Do not directly use this method, rather use a wrapper function like omni::core::cast() or omni::core::ObjectPtr::as().

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.

inline void acquire() noexcept#

Increments the object’s reference count.

Objects may have multiple reference counts (e.g. one per interface implemented). As such, it is important that you call omni::core::IObject::release() on the same pointer from which you called omni::core::IObject::acquire().

Do not directly use this method, rather use omni::core::ObjectPtr, which will manage calling omni::core::IObject::acquire() and omni::core::IObject::release() for you.

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.

inline void release() noexcept#

Decrements the objects reference count.

Most implementations will destroy the object if the reference count reaches 0 (though this is not a requirement).

Objects may have multiple reference counts (e.g. one per interface implemented). As such, it is important that you call omni::core::IObject::release() on the same pointer from which you called omni::core::IObject::acquire().

Do not directly use this method, rather use omni::core::ObjectPtr, which will manage calling omni::core::IObject::acquire() and omni::core::IObject::release() for you.

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.

Protected Functions

virtual uint32_t registerPass_abi(
PassType passType,
const char *name,
IPassFactory *factory,
const ConstName *nameToMatch,
PassPriority priority,
) noexcept = 0#

Registers a new pass.

type is the type of pass being registered (e.g. populate, partition, etc).

name is the name of the pass, it is for debugging purposes. Must not be nullptr.

factory is the interface that will instantiate the pass. Must not be nullptr.

Some pass types (e.g. populate passes) desire to affect only a subset of the nodes and/or definitions in a graph. nameToMatch is used to specify the name of the node/definitions the pass wishes to affect. The meaning of this field is pass type dependent. Many pass types ignore nameToMatch. Must not be nullptr. This method copies the name.

Some pass types (e.g. partition passes) are designed such that only a single pass should affect an entity. When multiple passes wish to affect an entity, priority can be used to resolve the conflict. The meaning of the priority value is pass type specific. Many pass types ignore priority.

When registering passes, prefer using Pass Registration helpers rather than directly accessing this method.

Returns a unique identifier that can be passed to omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassRegistry::deregisterPass() to deregister the pass. A value of 0 is never returned.

Thread Safety

This method is not thread safe.

virtual void deregisterPass_abi(
PassType passType,
uint32_t passId,
) noexcept = 0#

Deregisters a pass.

passId is the id of the pass to deregister. passId is generated by omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassRegistry::registerPass().

It is not an error if passId is not found.

When deregistering passes, prefer using Pass Registration helpers rather than directly accessing this method.

Thread Safety

This method is not thread safe.

virtual IPassTypeRegistry *getPassTypeRegistry_abi(
PassType type,
) noexcept = 0#

Returns a sub-registry containing pass of the specified type.

The returned omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPassTypeRegistry will not have omni::core::IObject::acquire() called before being returned.

A valid pointer is always returned.

Thread Safety

This method is not thread safe.

virtual Stamp getStamp_abi() noexcept = 0#

Returns version stamp for the registry.

Version is incremented each time the content of registry changes, i.e. pass is added or removed.

Thread Safety

This method is not thread safe.

virtual void *castWithoutAcquire_abi(
omni::core::TypeId id,
) noexcept = 0#

Casts this object to the type described the the given id.

Returns nullptr if the cast was not successful.

Unlike omni::core::IObject::cast(), this casting method does not call omni::core::IObject::acquire().

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.

virtual uint32_t getUseCount_abi() noexcept = 0#

Returns the number of different instances (this included) referencing the current object.

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.

virtual void *cast_abi(TypeId id) noexcept = 0#

Returns a pointer to the interface defined by the given type id if this object implements the type id’s interface.

Objects can support multiple interfaces, even interfaces that are in different inheritance chains.

The returned object will have omni::core::IObject::acquire() called on it before it is returned, meaning it is up to the caller to call omni::core::IObject::release() on the returned pointer.

The returned pointer can be safely reinterpret_cast<> to the type id’s C++ class. For example, “omni.windowing.IWindow” can be cast to omni::windowing::IWindow.

Do not directly use this method, rather use a wrapper function like omni::core::cast() or omni::core::ObjectPtr::as().

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.

virtual void acquire_abi() noexcept = 0#

Increments the object’s reference count.

Objects may have multiple reference counts (e.g. one per interface implemented). As such, it is important that you call omni::core::IObject::release() on the same pointer from which you called omni::core::IObject::acquire().

Do not directly use this method, rather use omni::core::ObjectPtr, which will manage calling omni::core::IObject::acquire() and omni::core::IObject::release() for you.

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.

virtual void release_abi() noexcept = 0#

Decrements the objects reference count.

Most implementations will destroy the object if the reference count reaches 0 (though this is not a requirement).

Objects may have multiple reference counts (e.g. one per interface implemented). As such, it is important that you call omni::core::IObject::release() on the same pointer from which you called omni::core::IObject::acquire().

Do not directly use this method, rather use omni::core::ObjectPtr, which will manage calling omni::core::IObject::acquire() and omni::core::IObject::release() for you.

Thread Safety

This method is thread safe.