Fully qualified name: omni::graph::exec::unstable::detail
namespace detail#
Implementation details.
Implementation details for omni::graph::exec. Items in this namespace should not be relied on outside of the API.
- ExecutionPathCache
Utility class for discovering all execution paths for a given definition.
- ExecutorSingleNode
Executor implementation that's used to evaluate the associated definitions of single nodes via calls to omni::graph::exec::unstable::ExecutionContext::executeNode_abi . Prevents the executor from attempting to unnecessarily continue graph traversal and task scheduling downstream of the initially-computed node once said node's evaluation has completed.
- SmallStack
ABI-aware stack with inline memory to avoid heap allocation.
- VisitOrder
Information returned to traversal callback indicating visit order.
- ElementAt
Provides iterator access to an interface that defines per-element access.
- NodeData
Traversal information stored per node.
- VisitAll
Traversal strategy that allows discovering all the edges in the graph. Traversal continuation is controlled by user code.
- VisitFirst
Traversal strategy that enters the node when it was first time discovered.
- VisitLast
Traversal strategy that enters the node when entire upstream was already visited and this is the last opportunity to enter the node.