OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_GET_NODE_DATA_AS(context_, type_, ...)#
Calls either omni::graph::exec::unstable::IExecutionContext::getNodeDataAs() or omni::graph::exec::unstable::IExecutionStateInfo::getNodeDataAs() (dependent on the type of the first argument).
The purpose of this macro is to generate an appropriate omni::core::TypeId at compile time from the data item’s type. The user can manually do this, but this macro is much less error prone.
auto data = OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_GET_NODE_DATA_AS( task->getContext(), // pointer to either IExecutionContext or IExecutionStateInfo GraphContextCacheOverride, // the type of the data to retrieve task->getUpstreamPath(), // node path tokens::kInstanceContext // key to use as a lookup in the node's key/value datastore ); if (data) { GraphContextCacheOverride* item = data.value(); // ... } else { omni::core::Result badResult = data.error(); // e.g. kResultNotFound (see docs) // ... }
The macro itself is a variadic macro and can map to multiple overloads of
methods in the interface given as the first argumentWith newer compilers (GCC >= 8), this macro can be replaced with templated methods (without breaking the ABI).