
Fully qualified name: omni::graph::exec::unstable::writeFlattenedAsGraphviz

inline void omni::graph::exec::unstable::writeFlattenedAsGraphviz(
omni::core::ObjectParam<IGraph> inGraph,
std::ostream &out,
const bool deterministicAndSimplified = false,

Debugging utility to write out the graph topology in a graphviz format.

  • inGraph – Graph to dump.

  • out – Output stream to receive the produced graphviz text output.

  • deterministicAndSimplified – Optional flag to create a simplified graph dump that is also guaranteed to remain exactly the same each time it is generated. This is done by omitting node topology indices and name hashes from all labels, and using the same color for the entire graph. This setting is mostly used for creating graph dumps that are later used in automated unit tests.