Fully qualified name: omni::graph::exec::unstable::SchedulingInfo
enum class omni::graph::exec::unstable::SchedulingInfo#
Constraints to be fulfilled by the scheduler when dispatching a task.
See Execution Concepts for an in-depth guide on how this object is used during execution.
enumerator eSerial#
Execution of a task should be serialized globally. No other serial task should be running.
enumerator eParallel#
Execution of a task can be done safely in parallel. Parallel tasks can run together with serial.
enumerator eIsolate#
Execution of a task has to be done in isolation. No other tasks can run concurrently.
enumerator eSchedulerBypass#
Execution of a task should bypass the scheduler. Either to avoid overhead for lightweight tasks or to serialize within a thread generating the work.
enumerator eSerial#