Aggregate 3D Models and Datasets

Aggregating 3D models and datasets within Omniverse is straightforward. In this tutorial, we cover three main approaches:

  1. Importing Assets from Libraries

  2. Using custom 3D tools to import assets from external software.

  3. Point Cloud Data

Importing Assets from Libraries

Omniverse Launcher allows users to download additional assets via content starter packs to allow for more options outside of the “NVIDIA Assets” and “Asset Stores (beta)” browsers. To get started, open Omniverse Launcher and under Exchange -> Content you will find “Content-Packs” available for download (1).

Screenshot of the Launcher's Exchange tab.

Select the content-pack of interest and click “Download” (2). Once selected, the content pack will download to your PC. Note that the default path is your Window’s “Downloads” folder. This directory can be changed next to the “Download” button (2) prior to choosing to download the content-pack.

Screenshot of downloading content with the Launcher.

Once the download has finished, navigate to your directory using the “Content” browser window (3).

Screenshot of the content browser window.

You may navigate to your content-pack using the navigation pane or by typing in the directory path.

Screenshot of navigating to the a content pack.

After navigating to your newly downloaded content-pack directory, browse your directory for the asset you would like to add to your scene. In this example, we have downloaded the Omniverse “Rigged 3D Characters Pack” and will be importing the “Worker”. Select the asset, then drag and drop it within your scene (4).

Screenshot of adding content.

Voila! You have successfully downloaded a content-pack and spawned the asset within your scene.

Custom 3D Tools to Import Assets from External Software

Why Use a Connector to Import 3D Assets

You can import assets from external software to build your digital twin. NVIDIA has built extensions and additional software layers on top of the open-source USD distribution that allows digital content creation (DCC) tools and compute services to communicate with each other through the Omniverse Nucleus Database (DB). Those Extensions, additions, and the application plug-ins that make use of them are collectively known as NVIDIA Omniverse™ Connect.

What is NVIDIA Omniverse™ Connect SDK?

NVIDIA Omniverse™ Connect SDK allows client applications to connect to the Nucleus database and to publish and subscribe to individual assets and worlds. For typical existing DCC tools, most of the work in creating a proper plug-in to Omniverse is to establish a two-way synchronization between the scene representation in the USD library and whatever scene representation the tool uses internally. For applications that natively rely on the USD library, no such synchronization is necessary.

With any needed synchronization in place, a DCC plug-in will use the Connect SDK to apply externally received updates and publish internally generated changes, as necessary. The Connect SDK makes this particularly easy. As the application makes changes to its USD representation of the scene, Connect SDK uses the built-in USD notification mechanisms to keep track of all the local changes since the last publishing event. When requested by the application, the Connect SDK will construct a file-by-file set of differences and publish them to the Nucleus DB where they will then be forwarded to all subscribers.

Connector Types

There are several types of connectors that allow you to interact in multiple ways with a large collection of Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools to import 3D assets into Omniverse. The table below summarizes the various connector types and the corresponding DCC tools available to aggregate 3D assets to build your digital twin.

Diagram of connector types.

Interested in a more detailed compatibility chart to know how your favorite tools connect with Omniverse? Refer to our OpenUSD Exchange catalog.

Installing Connectors

To start installing Connectors, you can use the Omniverse Launcher.

First, navigate to the Exchange tab on the top bar of the launcher:

Screenshot of the Launcher's Exchange tab.

Then select Connectors on the left menu bar as shown in the image below:

Screenshot of the Exchange tab's connectors.

This will filter all available connectors – you can choose the required connector to install:

Screenshot of the Exchange tab's filtered connectors.

Finally, select Install and, provided you have a valid installation of the host application, the process will begin:

Screenshot of installing a connector.

Some connectors might be available from our partners, which would have an “External Link” button. Clicking on this button will take you to the external link to download your connector – provided you have the necessary software installed.

Screenshot of downloading an external connector.

To learn more about Connectors and Connector workflows, watch our NVIDIA On-demand tutorials on connectors here.

Resources for Using Connectors with different DCCs

Here are some specific connector workflow tutorials for your favorite tools:

Digital Content Creation Tool

Connector - Video

Connector - Docs

Visual Components

3DS Max






Substance Painter




Using Connectors to Build Warehouse Digital Twins

In the context of importing warehouse assets, there can be several types of digital content that are to be imported. Some commonly used content development types and associated DCC tools are illustrated in the table below.

Diagram of Digital Twins connectors.

How do you create your own Connector?

Learn more about developing Connectors using the Connect SDK.

Point Cloud Data

Point cloud data can be used to visualize existing objects or spaces, previously scanned in the physical world. This can be particularly useful for cases where there are only few or no 3D models available or when the 3D virtual data is outdated, and you need to evaluate current state “as-built”.

Apart from visualization, more advanced use-cases may include:

  • The creation of digital 3D models based on existing ones.

  • Measuring distances and space layout for planning.

  • Training 3D based AI models on real environments.

Omniverse has currently support for e57 data import and rendering.