Set Up Client#

The client setup is done a Apple Silicon based Mac (macOS) and an Apple Vision Pro device (visionOS).


Set Up Your Apple Developer Account#

  1. Click here to create your Apple developer account.

  2. Next you’ll set up your developer account and signing profiles in Xcode. Additionally, your developer account needs to be trusted by your device. This is required for deploying to device.

    In the Apple Vision Pro headset, if you see the prompt below:


    Navigate to the settings app and trust the certificate of your developer account:

  3. Download Xcode 16.0+ here - visionOS 2.0+

    Be sure to install the visionOS platform when prompted to add run destinations.

  4. macOS Sonoma or later needs to be installed.

  5. You need a network connection to the Windows machine running Omniverse as set up above.

Clone the Repository#

  1. Choose a folder on your local machine to install the repository.

  2. Open a new terminal window.

  3. Navigate to the folder where you want to store your repository

  4. Clone the github repository.

    git clone

Set Up the Client#

Now you’ll set up a client that communicates with Omniverse. Our sample client is designed specifically to communicate with the Purse USD dataset included in the workflow example. It contains custom thumbnails, text, variantSet and variant names, all tailored for the Purse. It has the needed CloudXR Framework components to communicate with Omniverse, making it quick to build and test our end to end workflow.

  1. Open the Configurator.xcodeproject to launch Xcode. You’ll need to adjust some default profile settings of your project before building.

  2. Select the Project Navigator tab and select the top level Configurator object.

  3. Change to the Signing & Capabilities Tab.

  4. Change Team to your own team.

  5. Change the Bundle Identifier to a new unique name, such as com.developername.purse-config.

  6. Navigate to Product > Destination and change the target device to the Vision Pro Simulator.

  7. Once you’ve selected your target, press the Play button to build and run the client.

After a few moments, the Simulator should open and the client will launch inside the visionOS window. If you’re greeted with the Connection Setup window, then you’re almost ready to try connecting to Omniverse!


Connect to the Omniverse Server#

Back on your Windows machine with Omniverse:

  1. Stop any existing Simulated XR modes that might be running by clicking Stop AR from the AR Panel.

  2. Change the Output Plugin from Simulated XR to CloudXR41

  3. Click Start AR.

  4. Once running, take note of the IP address you should connect to from the Information section of the AR Panel.

  5. Over in the Xcode Simulator, change the Connection Type to Manual IP-Address.

  6. Enter the IP address of your Omniverse server

  7. Click connect.

After a few moments, you should see the Purse stage being rendered inside a Portal window.


Congratulations, you have completed your first end to end test of the client and server!