
There are three primary APIs you should use when making frequent updates to large amounts of geometry: UsdGeom.Points, UsdGeom.PointInstancer, and DebugDraw. The different advantages and limitations of each of these methods are explained below, and can help guide you on which method to use.


Use the UsdGeom.Points API when the geometry needs to interact with the renderer. The UsdGeom.Points API is the most efficient method to render large amounts of point geometry.

 1import random
 2import omni.usd
 3from pxr import UsdGeom
 5def create(self):
 6    # Create Point List
 7    N = 500
 8    self.point_list = [(random.uniform(-100, 100), 0, random.uniform(-50, 50)) for _ in range(N)]
 9    self.sizes = [5 for _ in range(N)]
11    points_path = "/World/Points"
12    stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
13    self.points = UsdGeom.Points.Define(stage, points_path)
14    self.points.CreatePointsAttr().Set(self.point_list)
15    self.points.CreateWidthsAttr().Set(self.sizes)
16    self.points.CreateDisplayColorPrimvar("constant").Set([(1, 0, 1)])
18def update(self):
19    # modify the point list
20    for i in range(len(self.point_list)):
21        self.point_list[i][1] = random.uniform(-5,5)
22    # update the points
23    self.points.GetPointsAttr().Set(self.point_list)


Use the UsdGeom.PointInstancer API when the geometry needs to interact with the physics scene. The UsdGeom.PointInstancer API lets you efficiently replicate an instance of a prim — with all of its USD properties — and update all instances with a list of positions, colors, and sizes.

Below are code snippets for how to create and update geometry with UsdGeom.PointInstancer:

 1import random
 2import omni.usd
 3from pxr import UsdGeom
 5def create(self):
 6    # Create Point List
 7    N = 500
 8    self.point_list = [(random.uniform(-100, 100), 0, random.uniform(-50, 50)) for _ in range(N)]
 9    self.colors = [(1, 1, 1, 1) for _ in range(N)]
10    self.sizes = [5 for _ in range(N)]
12    # Set up Geometry to be Instanced
13    cube_path = "/World/Cube"
14    cube = UsdGeom.Cube(stage.DefinePrim(cube_path, "Cube"))
15    cube.AddScaleOp().Set(Gf.Vec3d(1, 1, 1) * scalar)
16    cube.CreateDisplayColorPrimvar().Set([(0, 1, 1)])
17    # Set up Point Instancer
18    stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
19    instance_path = "/World/PointInstancer"
20    self.point_instancer = UsdGeom.PointInstancer(stage.DefinePrim(instance_path, "PointInstancer"))
21    # Create & Set the Positions Attribute
22    self.positions_attr = self.point_instancer.CreatePositionsAttr()
23    self.positions_attr.Set(self.point_list)
24    # Set the Instanced Geometry
25    self.point_instancer.CreatePrototypesRel().SetTargets([cube.GetPath()])
26    self.proto_indices_attr = self.point_instancer.CreateProtoIndicesAttr()
27    self.proto_indices_attr.Set([0] * len(self.point_list))
29def update(self):
30    # modify the point list
31    for i in range(len(self.point_list)):
32        self.point_list[i][1] = random.uniform(-5,5)
33    # update the points
34    self.positions_attr.Set(self.point_list)


The Debug Drawing Helper API is useful for purely visualizing geometry in the Viewport. Geometry drawn with the debug_draw_interface cannot be rendered and does not interact with the physics scene. However, it is the most performance-efficient method of visualizing geometry.

Below are code snippets for how to create and update geometry visualed with DebugDraw:

 1import random
 2from omni.isaac.debug_draw import _debug_draw
 4def create(self):
 5    self.draw = _debug_draw.acquire_debug_draw_interface()
 6    N = 500
 7    self.point_list = [(random.uniform(-100, 100), 0, random.uniform(-50, 50)) for _ in range(N)]
 8    self.colors = [(1, 1, 1, 1) for _ in range(N)]
 9    self.sizes = [5 for _ in range(N)]
11def update(self):
12    # modify the point list
13    for i in range(len(self.point_list)):
14        self.point_list[i][1] = random.uniform(-5,5)
16    # draw the points
17    self.draw.clear_points()
18    self.draw.draw_points(self.point_list, self.color_list, self.size_list)

See the API documentation for complete usage information.

See the PointInstancer Tutorial for more hands-on learning with the PointInstancer API.