OpenUSD Independent Learning

Over the years, NVIDIA has provided a wealth of OpenUSD knowledge and information in the form of conference lectures, informational videos, white papers, manuals, and demonstrations. These resources generally contain exposition with little or no guided instruction. You can explore the content and concepts independently.

Best Practice Guides


These videos provide foundational knowledge typically in the form of video lectures. They do not have a hands-on component, but generally provide a broad overview on the topic covered.

OpenUSD Overview


Sample Code Projects

Sample code projects are repositories that NVIDIA provides for you to independently tinker with and explore. These projects can range in complexity from pared down samples for understanding the key components or full production examples that show how a mature OpenUSD project can be structured.

USD Plugin Samples

This repository contains a set of samples that illustrate authoring of different kinds of plug-ins for USD. In particular, the repository contains plug-in samples for:

  • USD schemas (both code and codeless)

  • File Format Plugins

  • Dynamic Payloads

NVIDIA provides these samples so that you can get started on your USD plug-in journey. Feel free to fork this repository, delete the portions you don’t need, and customize the remaining in whatever way suits your USD environment.

Explore USD Plugins