File Menu

The file menu offers access to file operations both locally and on your Nucleus.

Menu Items



Creates a new empty USD stage.

Open Recent

Lists recently opened USD Files.

New From Stage Template

Creates a new document with pre-configured lighting and scene elements.


Open a USD stage via File Dialog.


Reloads the currently open USD File.

Reopen with New Edit Layer

Reloads the currently open USD File while adding a new edit layer.


Save the current stage as USD.

Save With Options

Opens the USD save dialogue with additional saving options.

Save As…

Save the current USD stage as a new file.

Save Flattened As

Saves the current USD file while merging all components to one mesh.

Add Reference

Allows addition of a file reference by way of a Browse Dialogue.

Add Payload

Add a USD payload by way of a File Browser Dialog


Closes the current App.