
  • Nucleus Core
    • Do not send CheckpointsChanged event in subscribe_list to clients which don’t support subscribe_list:1 and higher capability

    • Declare “stop” capability (version 0) when registering in the Discovery service

    • Fix “auth” setting group name collision in omni.server.app config .json files, one group is renamed to “auth_service_client”

    • Optimized omni.objects update & KeyValueDB transaction setup

    • Simplifying list implementation, stopping support for wildcards anywhere but the end of the path

    • Implemented get_acl_resolved API call

    • Only rename event should come to clients supporting it

    • Send CheckpointsChanged event when checkpoint is created

    • Fix meta record with unflushed content repair routine

    • Added missing list subscription event on object update

    • Support /path2/ endpoint for downloading a file in a branch or a checkpoint of a file

    • Atomic checkpointing of assets and omni-objects

    • Added missing list subscription event on object update

    • Output logs to stderr

    • Adding deep_copy_object_struct command

    • Extended access log with new information

    • Make delete/delete2 delete HEAD only when all checkpoints are deleted, set_acl_v2 can set ACLs only on HEAD, all checkpoints get ACLs same as in HEAD

    • Implemented support for passing user data to mount using Auth service’s user store.

    • Support for OMNI_DEFAULT_S3_PROXY_CACHE environment variable

    • Bugfixes

    • 3rd-party libraries updates

  • Nucleus Authentication
    • Support API tokens

    • Updated idl.py to support configuring WS_MAX_HTTP_LINE

    • Fixed an error occurred when clients sent refresh tokens signed with the private key that is no longer valid

    • Optimize deleting expired refresh tokens

    • Support read-only users

    • Fixed an issue where service couldn’t write its logs to a file

    • Support nonce argument to let clients subscribe to authentication results

    • Healthchecks

  • Nucleus Search
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] All search requests now require the authentication token.

    • Support PathEvent.Copy and PathEvent.Rename for indexing

    • Bugfixes

  • Nucleus Tagging
    • Added required auto token field to all API functions that expose data from Nucleus.

    • Reverted default storage location of sqlite database.

    • Auto create path to sqlite db if it does not exist.

    • Added support for different storage backends

  • Nucleus Web
    • Updated search and tagging libraries to send the authentication token

    • Fixed an app crash when local storage does not have the cached server

    • Added option to mark user as read-only

    • Updated discovery and auth libraries to fix connection issues in Chrome and Firefox

    • Fix upload notes dialog delay when directory is big(over 100gb)

    • Fixed invitation page wasn’t working if CredentialSettings is null

  • Nucleus System Monitor
    • Added controls for managing cache cleanup policies

    • Ping remote cache before applying it in the settings

    • Restart Cache automatically after changing the remote cache settings

    • Added a button to restart all services

    • Detect which protocol of the remote cache should be used (http vs https)

    • Show warning dialog about enabled sharing

Component versions:

  • Nucleus Core 113.6

  • Authentication Service 1.4.0

  • Discovery Service 1.4.2

  • Search Service 3.0.0

  • Tagging Service 3.0.0

  • Thumbnail Service 1.4.4

  • Web Service 2.4.4

  • System Monitor 3.1.0