
class omni.kit.window.extensions.exts_properties_registries.EditableDelegate

Bases: AbstractItemDelegate

A delegate class that provides an editable interface for registry items.

This delegate is used to create interactive UI elements for each registry item in a TreeView. It supports editing of the item’s name and URL, copying the item’s text with a context menu, and handling user interactions such as double-clicking to edit and confirming edits. It also includes visual cues to distinguish between user-defined and built-in registry items.



Initialize the EditableDelegate with default values and a context menu.


Builds the header for a specified column in the tree view.

build_widget(model, item, column_id, level, ...)

Create a widget per column per item


Cleans up the delegate by clearing subscriptions and context menus.

on_double_click(button, field, label, model, ...)

Called when the user double-clicked the item in TreeView

on_end_edit(text, field, label, model)

Called when the user is editing the item and pressed Enter or clicked outside of the item


Initialize the EditableDelegate with default values and a context menu.


Builds the header for a specified column in the tree view.


column_id (int) – Identifier for the column header to build.

build_widget(model, item, column_id, level, expanded)

Create a widget per column per item

  • model (ui.AbstractItemModel) – The model that holds the data.

  • item (ui.AbstractItem) – The item for which to build the widget.

  • column_id (int) – Identifier for the column in which the widget will be placed.

  • level (int) – The indentation level of the item in the tree structure.

  • expanded (bool) – Indicates if the item’s children are expanded.


Cleans up the delegate by clearing subscriptions and context menus.

on_double_click(button, field, label, model, item)

Called when the user double-clicked the item in TreeView

  • button (int) – The mouse button that was pressed.

  • field (ui.StringField) – The string field that is double-clicked.

  • label (ui.Label) – The label of the item where the double click occurred.

  • model (ui.AbstractItemModel) – The model containing the item.

  • item (ui.AbstractItem) – The item that was double-clicked.

on_end_edit(text, field, label, model)

Called when the user is editing the item and pressed Enter or clicked outside of the item

  • text (str) – The text entered by the user.

  • field (ui.StringField) – The string field that was being edited.

  • label (ui.Label) – The label of the item that was edited.

  • model (ui.AbstractItemModel) – The model containing the item.