
class omni.kit.window.extensions.exts_properties_paths.PathItem(path, path_type: ExtensionPathType, add_dummy=False)

Bases: AbstractItem

A class representing a path item in a filesystem-like structure.

This class encapsulates information about a path, including its type and whether it should be accompanied by a dummy element. It’s used to model a single entry in a hierarchical file path representation.

  • path (str) – The filesystem path represented by the item.

  • path_type (omni.ext.ExtensionPathType) – The type of path based on predefined constants.

  • add_dummy (bool) – Flag to indicate whether a dummy placeholder should be added.


__init__(path, path_type[, add_dummy])

Initializes a new instance of PathItem with the provided path, path type, and an optional dummy flag.

__init__(path, path_type: ExtensionPathType, add_dummy=False)

Initializes a new instance of PathItem with the provided path, path type, and an optional dummy flag.