
class omni.kit.window.extensions.ext_info_widget.ChangelogPage

Bases: PageBase

A tab page within the Extension Manager UI that displays the changelog of an extension.

The ChangelogPage allows users to view the list of changes, updates, bug fixes, and other modifications made to an extension over time. It presents this information in a formatted text area, often leveraging markdown for better readability.

The changelog content is dynamically retrieved based on the extension’s information, either from a local dictionary or from the registry’s extra data. If no changelog is present, a default message indicating the absence of a changelog is shown to the user.

This class inherits from the PageBase interface, adhering to its contract for building and destroying tab content within the Extension Manager UI.


build_tab(ext_info, ext_item)

Builds the changelog tab with extension information.


Destroys the changelog tab and performs any necessary cleanup.


Retrieves the name to be used for the changelog tab in the UI.

build_tab(ext_info, ext_item: ExtensionCommonInfo)

Builds the changelog tab with extension information.

  • ext_info (dict) – The extension info dictionary containing extension details.

  • ext_item (ExtensionCommonInfo) – The common info object for the extension.


Destroys the changelog tab and performs any necessary cleanup.

static get_tab_name()

Retrieves the name to be used for the changelog tab in the UI.


The name of the tab.

Return type
