Length Units#
The Framework UI offers several different units for expressing length: Pixel, Percent and Fraction. There is no restriction on where certain units should be used.
Pixel is the size in pixels and scaled with the HiDPI scale factor. Pixel is the default unit. If a number is not specified to be a certain unit, it is Pixel. e.g. width=100
meaning width=ui.Pixel(100)
with ui.HStack():
ui.Button("40px", width=ui.Pixel(40))
ui.Button("60px", width=ui.Pixel(60))
ui.Button("100px", width=100)
ui.Button("120px", width=120)
ui.Button("150px", width=150)
Percent and Fraction units make it possible to specify sizes relative to the parent size. 1 Percent is 1/100 of the parent size.
with ui.HStack():
ui.Button("5%", width=ui.Percent(5))
ui.Button("10%", width=ui.Percent(10))
ui.Button("15%", width=ui.Percent(15))
ui.Button("20%", width=ui.Percent(20))
ui.Button("25%", width=ui.Percent(25))
Fraction length is made to take the available space of the parent widget and then divide it among all the child widgets with Fraction length in proportion to their Fraction factor.
with ui.HStack():
ui.Button("One", width=ui.Fraction(1))
ui.Button("Two", width=ui.Fraction(2))
ui.Button("Three", width=ui.Fraction(3))
ui.Button("Four", width=ui.Fraction(4))
ui.Button("Five", width=ui.Fraction(5))