Font style#
It’s possible to set different font types with the style. The style key ‘font’ should point to the font file, which allows packaging of the font to the extension. We support both TTF and OTF formats. All text-based widgets support custom fonts.
with ui.VStack():
ui.Label("Omniverse", style={"font":"${fonts}/OpenSans-SemiBold.ttf", "font_size": 40.0})
ui.Label("Omniverse", style={"font":"${fonts}/roboto_medium.ttf", "font_size": 40.0})
Font size#
It’s possible to set the font size with the style.
Drag the following slider to change the size of the text.
def value_changed(label, value): = {"color": ui.color(0), "font_size": value.as_float}
slider = ui.FloatSlider(min=1.0, max=150.0)
slider.model.as_float = 10.0
label = ui.Label("Omniverse", style={"color": ui.color(0), "font_size": 7.0})
slider.model.add_value_changed_fn(partial(value_changed, label))