
Defined in omni/ext/ExtensionsUtils.h

class ExtensionStateChangeHookLambda : public omni::ext::IExtensionStateChangeHook

A wrapper object to allow passing an invocable type (i.e.

lambda) as an extension hook.

Public Functions

inline ExtensionStateChangeHookLambda(const std::function<void(const char*, ExtensionStateChangeType)> &fn)



Typically this is not constructed directly. Instead use createExtensionStateChangeHook().


fn – a std::function that will be called on extension state change. May be empty.

inline virtual void onStateChange(const char *extId, ExtensionStateChangeType type) override

State change handler function.


Typically this is not called directly; it is called by ExtensionManager.

inline virtual size_t addRef() override

  • Atomically adds one to the reference count. *


The current reference count after one was added, though this value may change before read if other * threads are also modifying the reference count. The return value is guaranteed to be non-zero.

inline virtual size_t release() override

  • Atomically subtracts one from the reference count. If the result is zero, carb::deleteHandler() is called for * this. *


The current reference count after one was subtracted. If zero is returned, carb::deleteHandler() was * called for this.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr carb::InterfaceDesc getInterfaceDesc()

  • Returns information about this interface. Auto-generated by CARB_PLUGIN_INTERFACE(). *


The carb::InterfaceDesc struct with information about this interface.