namespace crashreporter
Namespace for the crash reporter.
carb::crashreporter::CrashSentResult: Result codes used to notify subscribers of crash dump uploads whether an upload succeed or not.
carb::crashreporter::MetadataValueType: Possible types that a volatile metadata value could be.
carb::crashreporter::addCrashMetadata: Adds a metadata value to the crash reporter.
carb::crashreporter::addCrashMetadata: Adds a metadata value to the crash reporter.
carb::crashreporter::addExtraCrashFile: Adds an extra file to be uploaded when a crash occurs.
carb::crashreporter::deregisterCrashReporterForClient: Deregisters and disables the crash reporter for the calling process.
carb::crashreporter::getCrashMetadataValue: Retrieves the value of a crash metadata value (if defined).
carb::crashreporter::isExtraCrashFileKeyUsed: Checks whether a key for an extra crash report file has already been used.
carb::crashreporter::registerCrashReporterForClient: Registers the crash reporter for this process and sets it up.
carb::crashreporter::sendAndRemoveLeftOverDumpsAsync: Attempts to upload any crash dump files left by a previously crashed process.
carb::crashreporter::detail: Namespace for internal helper functions.
carb::crashreporter::CrashSentInfo: Provides a single piece of additional information or context to a crash upload complete callback function.
carb::crashreporter::ICrashReporter: ICrashReporter is the interface to implement a plugin that catches and reports information about the crash to either a local file, a server, or both.
carb::crashreporter::MetadataValueCallback: Descriptor of a single metadata callback function.
carb::crashreporter::MetadataId: Registration identifier for a single metadata value.
carb::crashreporter::OnCrashSentFn: Prototype for a callback function that is performed any time a dump is successfully uploaded.
carb::crashreporter::OnDumpSubmittedFn: Prototype for a callback that indicates when a crash dump upload has completed.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataFloatFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataIntegerFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataStringFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataUIntegerFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataWideStringFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::ResolveSymbolFn: Prototype for a callback function used to resolve symbol information.
carb::crashreporter::kBaseMagicSignature: Base magic signature value used to verify crash reporter resources.
carb::crashreporter::kExternalTerminationSignal: Signal number to use to handle external termination requests.
carb::crashreporter::kInvalidMetadataId: Special metadata identifier to indicate an invalid metadata value or general failure in registering the value with addVolatileMetadata*().
carb::crashreporter::kMagicSignature: Current magic signature used to verify crash reporter resources.
carb::crashreporter::kMetadataFailBadParameter: Special metadata identifier to indicate that a bad parameter was passed into one of the ICrashReporter::addVolatileMetadata *() functions.
carb::crashreporter::kMetadataFailKeyAlreadyUsed: Special metadata identifier to indicate that the key being registered is either a known reserved key or has already been registered as a volatile metadata key.