Defined in omni/ext/IExtensions.h
class ExtensionManager : public carb::IObject
The manager class that is responsible for all Extensions.
See also
Public Functions
virtual void processAndApplyAllChanges() = 0
Process all outstanding extension changes since the previous call to this function.
If an extension was changed it will be reloaded. If it was added or removed (including adding new folders) changes will also be applied. Events (kEventScriptChanged, kEventFolderChanged) are also dispatched.
virtual size_t getExtensionCount() const = 0
Returns the number of registered local extensions.
- Returns
the number of registered local extensions
virtual void getExtensions(ExtensionInfo *extensions) const = 0
Fills an array with information about registered local extensions.
- Parameters
extensions – The array of ExtensionInfo structs to be filled. It must be large enough to hold getExtensionCount() entries.
virtual carb::dictionary::Item *getExtensionDict(const char *extId) const = 0
Get an extension info dictionary for a single extension.
See also
- Parameters
extId – The extension ID to retrieve info for
- Returns
A carb::dictionary::Item pointer containing the information;
if the extension was not found.
inline void setExtensionEnabled(const char *extensionId, bool enabled)
Helper function to enable or disable a single extension.
See also
The operation is deferred until processAndApplyAllChanges() is called. Use setExtensionEnabledImmediate() to perform the action immediately.
- Parameters
extensionId – The extension ID to enable or disable
enabled –
to enable the extension;false
to disable the extension
virtual void setExtensionEnabledBatch(const char **extensionIds, size_t extensionIdCount, bool enabled) = 0
Enables or disables several extensions.
The operation is deferred until processAndApplyAllChanges() is called. Use setExtensionEnabledBatchImmediate() to perform the action immediately.
- Parameters
extensionIds – An array of extension IDs that should be enabled or disabled
extensionIdCount – The number of items in
enabled –
to enable the extensions;false
to disable the extensions
inline bool setExtensionEnabledImmediate(const char *extensionId, bool enabled)
Helper function to enable or disable a single extension, immediately.
See also
- Parameters
extensionId – The extension ID to enable or disable
enabled –
to enable the extension;false
to disable the extension
- Returns
if the operation could be completed;false
virtual bool setExtensionEnabledBatchImmediate(const char **extensionIds, size_t extensionIdCount, bool enabled) = 0
Enables or disables several extensions immediately.
- Parameters
extensionIds – An array of extension IDs that should be enabled or disabled
extensionIdCount – The number of items in
enabled –
to enable the extensions;false
to disable the extensions
- Returns
if the operation could be completed;false
virtual void setExtensionsExcluded(const char **extensionIds, size_t extensionIdCount) = 0
Set extensions to exclude on following solver/startup routines.
The extensions set persist until next call to this function.
- Parameters
extensionIds – An array of extension IDs that should be excluded
extensionIdCount – The number of items in
virtual size_t getFolderCount() const = 0
Gets number of monitored extension folders.
- Returns
Extension folder count.
virtual void getFolders(ExtensionFolderInfo *extensionFolderInfos) const = 0
Gets monitored extension folders.
- Parameters
extensionFolderInfos – The extension folder info array to be filled. It must be large enough to hold getFolderCount() entries.
virtual void addPath(const char *path, ExtensionPathType type = ExtensionPathType::eCollection) = 0
Add extension path.
See also
- Parameters
path – The path to add (folder or direct path)
type – An ExtensionPathType describing how
should be treated
virtual void removePath(const char *path) = 0
Remove extension path.
See also
- Parameters
path – The path previously given to addPath()
virtual carb::events::IEventStream *getChangeEventStream() const = 0
Accesses the IEventStream that is used for change events.
See also
- Returns
The carb::events::IEventStream used for change events
virtual IExtensionManagerHooks *getHooks() const = 0
Interface to install hooks to “extend” extension manager.
- Returns
an IExtensionManagerHooks instance to allow hooking the Extension Manager
virtual bool addRegistryProvider(const char *providerName, IRegistryProvider *provider) = 0
Adds a new registry provider.
See also
IRegistryProvider, removeRegistryProvider()
- Parameters
providerName – unique name for the registry provider
provider – a IRegistryProvider instance that will be retained by
- Returns
if registration was successful;false
otherwise (i.e. the provided name was not unique)
virtual void removeRegistryProvider(const char *providerName) = 0
Removes a registry provider.
See also
IRegistryProvider, addRegistryProvider()
- Parameters
providerName – the unique name previously passed to addRegistryProvider()
virtual size_t getRegistryProviderCount() const = 0
Gets the number of current registry providers.
- Returns
the number of registry providers
virtual void getRegistryProviders(RegistryProviderInfo *infos) = 0
Fills an array with info about current registry providers.
- Parameters
infos – an array of RegistryProviderInfo objects to be filled. It must be large enough to hold getRegistryProviderCount() entries.
virtual void refreshRegistry() = 0
Non blocking call to initiate registry refresh.
virtual bool syncRegistry() = 0
Blocking call to synchronize with remote registry.
- Returns
if the synchronization was successful;false
if an error occurred.
virtual size_t getRegistryExtensionCount() const = 0
Gets the number of extensions in the registry.
virtual void getRegistryExtensions(ExtensionInfo *extensions) const = 0
Fills an array with compatible extensions in the registry.
- Parameters
extensions – an array of ExtensionInfo objects to be filled. It must be large enough to hold getRegistryExtensionCount() entries.
virtual size_t getRegistryExtensionPackageCount() const = 0
Gets the number of extension packages in the registry.
virtual void getRegistryExtensionPackages(ExtensionInfo *extensions) const = 0
Fills the array with all extension packages in the registry.
this function will return all extensions in the registry, including packages for other platforms, incompatible with current runtime.
- Parameters
extensions – an array of ExtensionInfo objects to be filled. It must be large enough to hold getRegistryExtensionPackageCount() entries.
virtual carb::dictionary::Item *getRegistryExtensionDict(const char *extId) = 0
Get an extension info dictionary for a single extension from the registry.
See also
- Parameters
extId – The extension ID to retrieve information for
- Returns
A carb::dictionary::Item containing information about the given extension;
if the extension ID was not found.
virtual bool publishExtension(const char *extId, const char *providerName = "", bool allowOverwrite = false) = 0
Package and upload extension to the registry.
See also
is empty and there are multiple providers, the provider specified in the setting key/app/extensions/registryPublishDefault
is used.- Parameters
extId – The extension ID to publish
providerName – The provider name to use for publish. If an empty string is provided and multiple providers are registered, the provider specified in the setting key
is used.allowOverwrite – If
, the extension already specified in the registry maybe overwritten
virtual bool unpublishExtension(const char *extId, const char *providerName = "") = 0
Removes an extension from the registry.
See also
is empty and there are multiple providers, the provider specified in the setting key/app/extensions/registryPublishDefault
is used.- Parameters
extId – The extension ID to unpublish
providerName – The provider name to use. If an empty string is provided and multiple providers are registered, the provider specified in the setting key
is used.
virtual bool pullExtension(const char *extId) = 0
Downloads the specified extension from the registry.
See also
This is a blocking call. Use pullExtensionAsync() if asynchronous behavior is desired.
- Parameters
extId – The extension ID to download
- Returns
if the extension was downloaded successfully;false
virtual void pullExtensionAsync(const char *extId) = 0
Starts an asynchronous extension download from the registry.
See also
this function returns immediately
- Parameters
extId – The extension ID to download
virtual void fetchExtensionSummaries(ExtensionSummary **summaries, size_t *summaryCount) = 0
Fetches extension summaries for all extensions.
Summary are extensions grouped by version. One summary per fullname(name+tag).
The array that is received is valid until the next call to this function.
- Parameters
summaries – [out] Receives an array of ExtensionSummary instances
summaryCount – [out] Receives the size of the array passed to
virtual void fetchExtensionVersions(const char *nameAndVersion, ExtensionInfo **extensions, size_t *extensionCount) = 0
Fetch all matching compatible extensions.
A partial version can also be passed. So
all valid values fornameAndVersion
The returned array is valid until next call of this function.
- Parameters
nameAndVersion – The name (and optional partial or full version) to search
extensions – [out] Receives an array of ExtensionInfo instances
extensionCount – [out] Receives the size of the array passed to
virtual void fetchExtensionPackages(const char *nameAndVersion, ExtensionInfo **extensions, size_t *extensionCount) = 0
Fetch all matching extension packages.
A partial version can also be passed. So
all valid values fornameAndVersion
.This function will return all extensions in the registry, including packages for other platforms, incompatible with current runtime.
The returned array is valid until next call of this function.
- Parameters
nameAndVersion – The name (and optional partial or full version) to search
extensions – [out] Receives an array of ExtensionInfo instances
extensionCount – [out] Receives the size of the array passed to
virtual void disableAllExtensions() = 0
Disables all enabled extensions.
this is called automatically upon destruction.
virtual void addUserPaths() = 0
Adds user paths from persistent settings.
All of the extension search path from persistent settings are added as ExtensionPathType::eCollectionUser.
virtual void addCachePath() = 0
Add cache paths from settings.
All of the cache paths from settings are added as ExtensionPathType::eCollectionCache. This is necessary for registry usage.
virtual bool generateVersionLock(const char *extId, const VersionLockDesc &desc) = 0
Generate settings that contains versions of started dependencies to lock them (experimental).
- Parameters
extId – The extension ID
desc – A VersionLockDesc descriptor
- Returns
if generation succeeded;false
virtual bool addPathProtocolProvider(const char *scheme, IPathProtocolProvider *provider) = 0
Adds a new path protocol provider.
See also
- Parameters
scheme – A unique name for this provider
provider – A IPathProtocolProvider instance that will be retained by the Extension Manager
- Returns
if the provider was registered;false
otherwise (i.e. ifscheme
is not unique)
virtual void removePathProtocolProvider(const char *scheme) = 0
Removes a path protocol provider.
See also
- Parameters
scheme – The unique name previously passed to addPathProtocolProvider()
virtual bool solveExtensions(const SolverInput &input, ExtensionInfo **extensions, size_t *extensionCount, const char **errorMessage) = 0
Runs the extension dependencies solver on the input.
Input is a list of extension, they can be names, full id, partial versions like
.If solver succeeds it returns a list of extensions that satisfy the input and
, otherwiseerrorMessage
contains explanation of what failed.Note
The returned array and error message is valid until next call of this function.
- Parameters
input – The SolverInput containing a list of extensions
extensions – [out] If
returned, receives an array of ExtensionInfo instances that satisfyinput
, otherwise undefinedextensionCount – [out] If
returned, receives the count of items passed toextensions
, otherwise undefinederrorMessage – [out] If
returned, receives an error message, otherwise undefined
- Returns
if the solver succeeds andextensions
contain the array of extensions that satisfyinput
contains a description of the error, butextensions
are undefined and should not be accessed.
virtual size_t getExtensionPackageCount() const = 0
Gets number of local extension packages.
- Returns
the number of local extension packages
virtual void getExtensionPackages(ExtensionInfo *extensions) const = 0
Fills an array with local extension packages.
This function will return all local extensions, including packages for other platforms, incompatible with current targets.
- Parameters
extensions – An array of ExtensionInfo instances to be filled. It must be large enough to hold getExtensionPackageCount() entries.
virtual bool uninstallExtension(const char *extId) = 0
Removes a downloaded extension.
- Parameters
extId – The extension ID to remove
- Returns
if the extension was removed;false
virtual size_t addRef() = 0
Atomically add one to the reference count.
- Returns
The current reference count after one was added, though this value may change before read if other threads are also modifying the reference count. The return value is guaranteed to be non-zero.
virtual size_t release() = 0
Atomically subtracts one from the reference count.
If the result is zero, carb::deleteHandler() is called for
.- Returns
The current reference count after one was subtracted. If zero is returned, carb::deleteHandler() was called for
Public Static Functions
static inline constexpr carb::InterfaceDesc getInterfaceDesc()
Returns information about this interface. Auto-generated by CARB_PLUGIN_INTERFACE(). *
- Returns
The carb::InterfaceDesc struct with information about this interface.
virtual void processAndApplyAllChanges() = 0