Omniverse USD Resolver

This is a USD plugin that allows for working with files in Omniverse


The latest documentation can be found at


You can get the latest build from Packman. There are seperate packages for each usd flavor, python version, and platform.

They are all named: omni_usd_resolver.{usd_flavor}.{python_flavor}.{platform}

usd_flavor is one of:

  • nv-20_08

  • nv-21_11

  • nv-22_05

  • nv-22_11

  • pxr-20_08

  • pxr-21_08

  • pxr-21_11

  • 3dsmax-21_11

  • 3dsmax-22_11

  • 3dsmax-23_11

  • maya-21_11

  • maya-22_11

  • maya-23_11

  • (see for the full list)

python_flavor is one of:

  • nopy

  • py37

  • py38

  • py39

  • py310

platform is one of:

  • windows-x86_64

  • linux-x86_64

  • linux-aarch64

All packages use the same versioning scheme: {major}.{minor}.{patch}

USD & Client Library

The package includes redist.packman.xml which point to the versions of USD and the Omniverse Client Library that this plugin was built against. You can include it in your own packman.xml file like this:

<project toolsVersion="5.0">
  <import path="../_build/target-deps/omni_usd_resolver/deps/redist.packman.xml">
  <dependency name="usd_debug" linkPath="../_build/target-deps/usd/debug">
  <dependency name="usd_release" linkPath="../_build/target-deps/usd/release">
  <dependency name="omni_client_library" linkPath="../_build/target-deps/omni_client_library">

NOTE: This must be in packman.xml file that is pulled after pulling this package. You can’t put it in the same packman.xml as the one that pulls this package.

This requires packman 6.4 or later.


You must either copy the omni_usd_resolver plugin to the default USD plugin location, or register the plugin location at application startup using PXR_NS::PlugRegistry::GetInstance().RegisterPlugins.

Be sure to package both the library (.dll or .so) and the “plugInfo.json” file. Be sure to keep the folder structure the same for the “plugInfo.json” file. It should look like this:

  • omni_usd_resolver.dll or

  • usd/omniverse/resources/plugInfo.json

If you use RegisterPlugins, provide it the path to the “resources” folder. Otherwise, you can copy the entire ‘debug’ or ‘release’ folders into the standard USD folder structure.

Live Mode

In order to send/receive updates you must:

  1. #include <OmniClient.h> (from client library)

  2. Create or open a “.live” file on an Omniverse server

  3. Call omniClientLiveProcess(); periodically

For “frame based” applications, you can safely just call omniClientLiveProcess inside your main loop.

For event based applications, you can register a callback function using omniClientLiveSetQueuedCallback to receive a notification that an update is queued and ready to be processed.

In either case, make sure that nothing (ie: no other thread) is using the USD library when you call omniClientLiveProcess because it will modify the layers and that is not thread safe.
