OmniUsdResolver Details

ArResolver was originally designed so a single studio could hook up their asset management system to USD. For the most part, this was a fairly trivial process for a studio to set up. Very rarely did one studio’s assets need to work with a different studio’s assets in USD. As USD has been incorporated into more industries those needs to consume assets from multiple asset management systems became a necessity. The second iteration for ArResolver, Ar 2.0, addressed this requirement by implementing the notion of Primary and URI Resolvers. This separation allowed multiple ArResolver plugins to live in the same USD environment and Ar would dispatch resolves to the correct ArResolver plugin. Even though the API between Ar 1.0 and Ar 2.0 is quite different the underlying concepts are similar. The following sections describe these concepts and how they apply to the different versions of Ar

Asset Paths

Asset Paths are a familiar part of scene description that are commonly authored in USD. They are a special type of string which indicates to USD that they need to be identified and located by asset resolution. The documentation describes what an Asset means in USD along with the Asset Path which represents it.

SdfFileFormat Arguments

SdfFileFormat plugins are a powerful concept in USD but are beyond the scope of this documentation. What is important for SdfFileFormat plugins in regards to ArResolver are the SdfFileFormat arguments that can be authored as part of the Asset Path. These SdfFileFormat arguments are important to the underlying SdfFileFormat plugin that will be used to load the actual Asset. There are two important aspects to an Asset Path authored with SdfFileFormat arguments:

  1. An ArResolver plugin must respect incoming Asset Paths that may, or may not, have SdfFileFormat arguments. These SdfFileFormat arguments are usually seen when creating the Asset Identifier from the Asset Path (CreateIdentifier / AnchorRelativePath) or computing the Resolved Path (Resolve / ResolveWithAssetInfo)

  2. The SdfFileFormat arguments are tied to the identity of the Asset which means that the same Asset Path with different SdfFileFormat arguments is a completely different Asset.

    Examples of Asset Paths that contain SdfFileFormat arguments:

    • @./foo/bar/asset.sff:SDF_FORMAT_ARGS:arg1=baz@

    • @./foo/bar/asset.sff:SDF_FORMAT_ARGS:arg1=boo@

The OmniUsdResolver will maintain the SdfFileFormat arguments when creating the Asset Identifier from the Asset Path. So it should be expected that the returned Asset Identifier can contain the SdfFileFormat arguments. However, the SdfFileFormat arguments will be stripped out when computing and returning the Resolved Path.

Asset Identifiers

Asset Identifiers are not explicitly referred to throughout USD but they are important for uniquely identifying an Asset. In most cases, an Asset Path does not point to a specific Asset and requires additional information so the Asset can be resolved. For example, a relative file path authored as an Asset Path requires the containing Layer Asset Identifier so it can be properly anchored and resolved. The result returned from CreateIdentifier / AnchorRelativePath is usually the Asset Identifier computed from the Asset Path and anchoring Asset Identifier.

Ar 2.0 introduced new API around creating Asset Identifiers for new Assets. CreateIdentifierForNewAsset is a place for an ArResolver plugin to perform any sort of initialization when an Asset is about to be created. The initialization performed in CreateIdentifierForNewAsset is completely up to the plugin and can be as simple, or as complex, as necessary for the new Asset. OmniUsdResolver (Ar 2.0) does not perform any special initialization in CreateIdentifierForNewAsset and is functionally equivalent to CreateIdentifier.

Resolved Paths

Resolved Paths are the computed result when an Asset Identifier is resolved. In Ar 2.0 Resolved Paths are explicitly typed as ArResolvedPath but are really a wrapper around a normal std::string. The explicit ArResolvedPath type helps inform APIs what to expect about the Asset. When an API specifies an ArResolvedPath it indicates to the caller, or implementer, that the Asset is expected to have already gone through Asset Resolution.

The lack of an explicit Resolved Path type like ArResolvedPath in Ar 1.0 made it difficult for a ArResolver implementation to know the state of an incoming path. Everything was just a std::string that could be either an Asset Path, Asset Identifier or Resolved Path. The explicit type in Ar 2.0 really helped clarify the expectation of an incoming or outgoing path.

In a similar manor as CreateIdentifierForNewAsset, Ar 2.0 introduced ResolveForNewAsset. In most cases, the normal call to Resolve / ResolveWithAssetInfo would perform some sort of existence check on the Asset to return the Resolved Path successfully. But for new Assets it’s quite common that they might not exist, as they are still in the process of being created, but need to resolve to some different result than the Asset Identifier. The new CreateIdentifierForNewAsset / ResolveForNewAsset API allows for an ArResolver plugin to completely handle the creation of new Assets. OmniUsdResolver (Ar 2.0) does not do any existence checking but does make sure to completely resolve the URL performing any necessary normalization.

Search Paths

A concept that Pixar uses for it’s own Asset Resolution purposes is Search Paths. Search Paths are a special type of Asset Path that require a method of “searching” to find the actual Asset. They require an Asset Path to be authored in a special way and configuration that determines where these Search Paths will be searched for. The syntax to author a Search Path as an Asset Path is similar to a normal relative file path, it just requires the that the Asset Path is authored without a ./ or ../ prefix. The other requirement is a list of paths for the Search Path to be “searched” against which need to be set on the ArResolver. The method to set these paths is specific to the ArResolver implementation. The ArDefaultResolver allows for these paths to be set from an environment variable (PXR_AR_DEFAULT_SEARCH_PATH) or creating the ArDefaultResolverContext directly.

Example of Asset Paths authored as Search Paths:


Set of paths that Search Paths will be configured to search against:
  • /fast-storage-server/assets/

  • /normal-storage-server/assets/

  • /slow-storage-server/assets/

Search Path vehicles/vehicle_a/asset.usd will be searched for in the following order:
  • /fast-storage-server/assets/vehicles/vehicle_a/asset.usd

  • /normal-storage-server/assets/vehicles/vehicle_a/asset.usd

  • /slow-storage-server/assets/vehicles/vehicle_a/asset.usd

OmniUsdResolver also supports Search Paths indirectly through the Omniverse Client Library. The paths used for “searching” are set explicitly by calling omniClientAddDefaultSearchPath (C++) or omni.client.add_default_search_path (Python). The OmniUsdResolver will respect these configured paths when resolving a Search Path.

Look Here First Strategy

Search Paths were a formal concept in Ar 1.0 that required ArResolver implementations to acknowledge them regardless if they were supported or not. To make matters worse, the Sdf library in USD also had some of it’s own logic to handle a “Look Here First” approach for Search Paths. This “Look Here First” strategy would simply treat the Search Path as a normal relative file path and create an Asset Identifier from the SdfLayer containing the Search Path. This anchored Asset Identifier would then be resolved to determine existence, and if it did exist the “searching” was done. For the most part the “Look Here First” behaved as one would expect, since they have the appearance of a relative file path, but there were a couple problems with it:

  1. Asset Resolution was not entirely handled by the underlying ArResolver. The “Look Here First” resolution step was done in Sdf while the “searching” was handled in ArResolver. To do this the ArResolver API required methods for determining if an Asset Path was indeed a Search Path, regardless if they were supported.

  2. It assumes a file-based asset management system being hosted on a really fast file server where latency isn’t too much of a concern. For cloud-based asset management systems latency is a much larger issue.

    Going back to the example above with a Search Path of:


    Authored in the following SdfLayer:


    Set of paths that Search Paths will be configured to search against:
    • /fast-storage-server/assets/

    • /normal-storage-server/assets/

    • /slow-storage-server/assets/

    The actual set of paths that Search Path vehicles/vehicle_a/asset.usd will be searched for:
    • omniverse://server-a/scenes/vehicles/vehicle_a/asset.usd

    • /fast-storage-server/assets/vehicles/vehicle_a/asset.usd

    • /normal-storage-server/assets/vehicles/vehicle_a/asset.usd

    • /slow-storage-server/assets/vehicles/vehicle_a/asset.usd

This “Look Here First” strategy is the core issue with MDL Paths for Omniverse in USD which has led to performance problems, bugs and confusion.

MDL Paths

Before getting into how OmniUsdResolver works with both MDL Paths and Search Paths to ensure that everything resolves efficiently, its best to modify the previous Search Path example to incorporate a core MDL module to highlight the problem:

Example of a core MDL module authored as a Search Path:


Authored in the following SdfLayer:


Set of paths that Search Paths will be configured to search against:
  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/mdl/

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/Volume/

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/VRay/

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/Ue4/

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/Base/

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/rtx/iray/

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/rtx/

The actual set of paths that MDL Path nvidia/core_definitions.mdl will be searched for:
  • omniverse://server-a/scenes/vehicles/vehicle_a/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/mdl/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/Volume/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/VRay/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/Ue4/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/core/Base/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/rtx/iray/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl

  • /local-server/share/ov/pkgs/omni_core_materials/mdl/rtx/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl

On the surface, everything with how the core MDL module nvidia/core_definitions.mdl is authored in USD seems fine. It’s a normal Search Path that uses the configured paths from the omni_core_materials package to search for the correct core module on disk. However, the fundamental problem is the Look Here First strategy that will always search for the core MDL module relative to where the Search Path is authored. In the example above this would be omniverse://server-a/scenes/vehicles/vehicle_a/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl which will fail to resolve as core MDL modules are intended to be a part of a library shared across applications. Now, why is this failed resolve such an issue?

  1. In order to resolve omniverse://server-a/scenes/vehicles/vehicle_a/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl the Nucleus server hosted at server-a needs to be consulted to determine existence. This will introduce latency, based on proximity to the server, for something that will always fail to resolve.

  2. OmniUsdResolver does not cache failed resolves which means that every core MDL module authored will be impacted by latency. The latency is based on the SdfLayer where the core MDL module is authored, for an SdfLayer that is hosted on a cloud-based asset management system like Nucleus this latency can really impact performance.

    OmniUsdResolver does not cache failed resolves as there is not a good way to determine cache invalidation. Doing so can lead to lots of undesirable issues such as restarting the process so a previous resolve can be recomputed. If failed resolves need to be cached, calling code can use ArResolverScopedCache to control the cache lifetime which will respect any failed resolves.

  3. The number of materials using core MDL modules in a composed USD stage can be large. With a cloud-based asset management system the number of requests can flood the server causing slow-down on the server itself.

Now that there is a better description of the problem between MDL Paths and Search Paths its a good time to look at how OmniUsdResolver handles it.

OmniUsdResolver MDL Path Strategy

The way that OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) must optimize for MDL Paths is much more involved than how OmniUsdResolver (Ar 2.0) needs to handle it. The reason for this is that the Look Here First strategy for Search Paths is codified in Sdf for Ar 1.0. In Ar 2.0, Sdf no longer makes that requirement and it’s up to the ArResolver implementation to enforce that or not. The focus will be on OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) to describe the solution then compare that with how it has been improved in Ar 2.0 with OmniUsdResolver (Ar 2.0).

To optimize MDL Paths in OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) we have the following requirements:

  1. Core MDL modules should not be resolved relative to the SdfLayer they are authored in.

    From the example, completely eliminate the resolve call for omniverse://server-a/scenes/vehicles/vehicle_a/nvidia/core_definitions.mdl

  2. Core MDL modules should resolve according to the configured list of paths to be “searched”.

  3. User-defined MDL modules authored as Search Paths (no ./ or ../ prefix) should still use the Look Here First strategy for backwards compatibility.

    This requirement may be dropped in the future as Asset Validation can update old Assets to correct these paths to normal file relative paths.

  4. MDL modules authored as normal file relative paths (prefixed with ./ or ../) should be anchored to the SdfLayer they are authored in.

  5. Avoid making changes to Sdf specific to MDL modules

To satisfy the first and third requirements, OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) needs to be bootstrapped with the core MDL modules that should not be resolved relative to SdfLayer they are authored in. There are two ways that this can be done:

Unfortunately, there is not a better way to do this as core MDL modules can be added, removed or even versioned as a whole from the package that hosts them. If the third requirement from above can be dropped this will no longer be necessary

  1. By explicitly setting the list of MDL modules paths in omniUsdResolverSetMdlBuiltins which is declared in OmniUsdResolver.h

  2. Through the environment variable OMNI_USD_RESOLVER_MDL_BUILTIN_PATHS which are the comma-separated MDL module paths.

    The explicit call to omniUsdResolverSetMdlBuiltins takes priority over the environment variable.

With the core MDL modules bootstrapped, OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) uses these paths in AnchorRelativePath, IsSearchPath and IsRelativePath to quickly determine if the incoming Asset Path matches one of these core MDL module paths. So when Sdf calls AnchorRelativePath with a core MDL module path it will return the path as-is, meaning that Sdf has no way to anchor a core MDL module path from the SdfLayer it is authored in. IsSearchPath will always return false when called with a core MDL module path but true when called with a user-defined MDL module path. This is to ensure that the third requirement from above works with the Look Here First strategy. Finally, IsRelativePath will also return false for core MDL modules paths to prevent any normalization in Sdf.

As convoluted as the logic is, the thing to remember is this: OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) needs to ensure that the core MDL module paths are returned as-is until ResolveWithAssetInfo is called. ResolveWithAssetInfo is the process that will compute the Search Path against the configured list of paths to be “searched”. At this point the absolute path to the MDL module, wherever it is, should be returned.

OmniUsdResolver (Ar 2.0) greatly simplifies this process. First, Sdf no longer applies the Look Here First strategy, that is completely handled in ArDefaultResolver. This means that we only need to check if something is a core MDL module path in CreateIdentifier. If it is a core MDL module path OmniUsdResolver (Ar 2.0) will just return it as-is. Sdf will then use that as the Asset Identifier and resolve it as needed.

For whatever reason, all this logic can be turned on, or off, by setting the environment variable OMNI_USD_RESOLVER_MDL_BUILTIN_BYPASS to a truth-like, or false-like, value. i.e







Troubleshooting MDL Paths

Due to all the complexity between Search Paths and MDL Paths problems do arise and it’s not always clear where the problem might be. It might be on the USD side when resolving the MDL Path or it might be on the MDL side where the Search Paths are configured. Either way, there are a couple easy things to do to at least see where the problem might be.

First would be to make sure the Search Paths are configured properly:

import omni.client

# get all the configured search paths from omni.client
search_paths = omni.client.get_default_search_paths()

# print out the list of paths that will be search when resolving a MDL Path
for search_path in search_paths:

The output list of paths gives a starting point to see if the MDL Path is somewhere in those directories. If the MDL Path is not in any of those paths, it’s pretty safe to assume that the problem is on the configuration side of MDL.

Now if the MDL Path is in one of those paths the problem is more than likely on the USD side. That is still a pretty large space which could be narrowed down further. The next step would be to see if the MDL Path is being resolved correctly from ArResolver:

from pxr import Ar

# assuming that we are running in a Omniverse Kit-based Application
# we get the UsdStage that the MDL Path is authored on
import omni.usd
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
anchor_path = stage.GetRootLayer().resolvedPath

# get the configured ArResolver instance
resolver = Ar.GetResolver()

# create the asset identifier for the MDL Path
# we'll use the OmniPBR.mdl module as an example
asset_path = "OmniPBR.mdl"
asset_id = resolver.CreateIdentifier(asset_path, anchor_path)

# check to see if the MDL Path has been anchored or not

# verify that the MDL Path can be resolved
resolved_path = resolver.Resolve(asset_id)

If everything looks to be behaving correctly, the asset_id is not anchored and resolved_path is correct, the problem is probably not with resolving the MDL Path. The problem could be related to a load-order issue where rendering code is resolving the MDL Path before all the Search Paths are configured. Regardless, it helps narrow down where the problem might be and possibly what teams to engage with.

Another way to observe what might be happening is to enable some TfDebug flags for OmniUsdResolver. Specifically, the OMNI_USD_RESOLVER flag that outputs a lot of general information when OmniUsdResolver is being invoked. The messages that it writes to the console easily show the input it receives along with the output they produce. Sometimes enabling this TfDebug flag will quickly point out the issue.

See Troubleshooting for more details about TfDebug flags.

Package-Relative Paths

Package-Relative Paths are a special form of Asset Paths that reference an Asset within another Asset. These paths are special in the fact that they only have meaning within an Asset whose underlying SdfFileFormat plugin supports packages. The most common SdfFileFormat plugin that supports packages is the UsdzFileFormat plugin.

In most cases, developers don’t need to deal with Package-Relative Paths. Sdf does the heavy-lifting when loading an Asset that is represented by a SdfFileFormat plugin which supports packages. Conversely, when saving the Asset utility functions are usually provided so the Asset is properly packaged. UsdZipFileWriter in UsdUtils is a perfect example of this.

There is no limit to the level of nesting that a Package-Relative Path can represent. But directly authoring and parsing of these paths should be avoided. It’s encouraged to use the utility functions in Ar to handle any sort of interaction with these paths. See ArIsPackageRelativePath, ArJoinPackageRelativePath, ArSplitPackageRelativePathOuter and ArSplitPackageRelativePathInner in <pxr/usd/ar/packageUtils.h>

Reading Assets

Reading Assets is a very important role for an ArResolver plugin. When a ArResolver plugin returns a Resolved Path that path may, or may not, point to a file on disk. Regardless, the Asset pointed to by Resolved Path needs to be read into memory in order for USD to load the Asset. ArResolver provides API for opening that Resolved Path via OpenAsset and returns a handle, so to speak, to an ArAsset. The ArAsset abstraction is the API that USD will use for reading that Asset into memory.

The API around reading Assets in ArResolver is mostly the same from Ar 1.0 to Ar 2.0, so no special distinction will be made between OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) and OmniUsdResolver (Ar 2.0).

OmniUsdResolver supports both file paths and URLs which can live on Nucleus or HTTP. How the Asset will be opened for reading will depend on what the Resolved Path points to. When Resolved Path points to a normal file path OmniUsdResolver will open the Asset for reading with ArFilesystemAsset. But when Resolved Path points to a URL, hosted on either Nucleus or HTTP, OmniUsdResolver will use OmniUsdAsset to read the Asset. Ultimately, the caller to OpenAsset will read the Asset in the same way since both ArFilesystemAsset and OmniUsdAsset are implemented via the ArAsset abstraction.

OmniUsdAsset provides efficient reading of Assets hosted on Nucleus or HTTP. To optimize performance with USD, OmniUsdAsset will download the content of the Asset to a file on disk and return a memory-mapped buffer for that file. The local file on disk serves multiple purposes:

  1. As a caching mechanism so reads to the same Asset are not re-downloaded

  2. OS level support for memory-mapped files

  3. Reduce traffic to Nucleus or HTTP with subsequent reads for the Asset

A trivial example for reading an Asset hosted on Nucleus would be:

The ArResolver API for reading (OpenAsset) and writing (OpenAssetForWrite) Assets are only available in C++.

ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();

const std::string assetId = "omniverse://server-a/scenes/vehicles/vehicle_a/asset_metadata.dat";
std::shared_ptr<ArAsset> asset = resolver.OpenAsset(resolver.Resolve(assetId));
if (asset) {
    // get the buffer to read data into
    std::shared_ptr<const char> buffer = asset->GetBuffer();
    if (!buffer) {
        TF_RUNTIME_ERROR("Failed to obtain buffer for reading asset");

    size_t numBytes = asset->Read(buffer.get(), asset->GetSize(), 0);
    if (numBytes == 0) {
        TF_RUNTIME_ERROR("Failed to read asset");

    // buffer should now contain numBytes chars read from resolvedPath

Opening UsdStage

Now that there is a better understanding of the concepts that apply to Asset Resolution in USD, its a good time to look at the various APIs that go into opening a UsdStage, eg. UsdStage::Open():

sequenceDiagram %%{init: { 'theme': 'forest' } }%% autonumber actor Alice Alice->>UsdStage: Open(assetPath) UsdStage->>SdfLayer: FindOrOpen(assetPath) SdfLayer->>ArResolver: ArGetResolver() ArResolver-->>SdfLayer: resolver SdfLayer->>ArResolver: CreateIdentifier(assetPath) ArResolver-->>SdfLayer: assetIdentifier SdfLayer->>ArResolver: Resolve(assetIdentifier) ArResolver-->>SdfLayer: resolvedPath SdfLayer->>SdfFileFormat: FindByExtension(resolvedPath) SdfFileFormat->>ArResolver: GetExtension(resolvedPath) ArResolver-->>SdfFileFormat: extension SdfFileFormat-->>SdfLayer: fileFormat loop TryToFindLayer SdfLayer->>SdfLayer: Check for Matching Layer end SdfLayer-->>UsdStage: layer UsdStage-->>Alice: stage SdfLayer->>SdfFileFormat: fileFormat->NewLayer(assetIdentifier, resolvedPath) SdfFileFormat-->>SdfLayer: layer SdfLayer->>SdfFileFormat: fileFormat->Read(layer, resolvedPath) SdfFileFormat->>ArResolver: resolver->OpenAsset(resolvedPath) ArResolver-->>SdfFileFormat: asset SdfFileFormat-->>SdfLayer: layer SdfLayer-->>UsdStage: layer UsdStage->>ArResolver: CreateDefaultContextForAsset(assetIdentifier) | CreateDefaultContext() ArResolver-->>UsdStage: resolverContext UsdStage->>ArResolver: BindContext(resolverContext) UsdStage-->>Alice: stage

The diagram above is not exhaustive in the sense of showing all the different edge cases and internal APIs called. But it shows the sequence of events and the main collaboration between the Usd, Sdf and Ar APIs

Writing Assets

Writing Assets is also a very important role for an ArResolver plugin but was not easily done in Ar 1.0. Ar 2.0 acknowledged this deficiency and added direct support to the ArResolver API. OpenAssetForWrite and ArWritableAsset are the equivalent APIs for writes as OpenAsset and ArAsset are for reads. OmniUsdResolver (Ar 2.0) provides the OmniUsdWritableAsset implementation of ArWritableAsset to write Assets to Nucleus (we don’t support writing to HTTP). Similar to OpenAsset, OpenAssetForWrite will use ArFilesystemWritableAsset for Resolved Paths that point to a normal file path.

To keeps things fast and efficient, OmniUsdWritableAsset does not write directly to the remote host. Instead, a temporary file will be opened for writing when OpenAssetForWrite is called. All subsequent writes through OmniUsdWritableAsset will write to this temporary file then it will be moved to the remote host when the Asset is closed via Close. The process and API is quite simple for writing Assets and is a welcomed addition to support content that is hosted remotely on services such as Nucleus.

OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) did support writing Assets to Nucleus but it was a very round-about way to do so. Writes were handled by redirecting most file formats through OmniUsdWrapperFileFormat. See OmniUsdWrapperFileFormat Overview for details on how OmniUsdWrapperFileFormat works.

An area where writing Assets deviates from reading Assets is with checking for write permission. It’s not uncommon to lock an Asset to prevent accidental writes. The ArResolver API exposes a method that an ArResolver plugin can implement to properly check write permissions on an Asset before any writes take place. CanWriteAssetToPath / CanWriteLayerToPath are implemented in OmniUsdResolver to check write permissions on an Asset and optionally report back any reason why an Asset can not be written to.

OmniUsdResolver tries to be as robust as possible for checking write permissions on an Asset, handling edge cases such as trying to write a file to a channel or writing a file underneath a directory that has been locked. The reason why a write can not occur for a given Asset can be obtained by the caller

A trivial example for writing an Asset to Nucleus would be:

The ArResolver API for reading (OpenAsset) and writing (OpenAssetForWrite) Assets are only available in C++.

ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();

const std::string assetId = "omniverse://server-a/scenes/vehicles/vehicle_a/asset_metadata.dat";

// assume we are writing to a new Asset
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().ResolveForNewAsset(assetPath);

// before writing any data check that we have permission to write the Asset
std::string reason;
if (!resolver.CanWriteAssetToPath(resolvedPath, &reason)) {
    TF_RUNTIME_ERROR("Unable to write asset %s, reason: %s", resolvedPath.c_str(), reason.c_str());

// create a buffer that contains the data we want to write
const size_t bufferSize = 4096;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[bufferSize]);

// put some data into the buffer
const std::string data = "some asset data";
memcpy(buffer.get(), data.c_str(), data.length());

// open the asset for writing
auto writableAsset = ArGetResolver().OpenAssetForWrite(resolvedPath, ArResolver::WriteMode::Replace);
if (writableAsset) {
    // write the data from our buffer to the Asset
    const size_t numBytes = writableAsset->Write(buffer.get(), data.length(), 0);
    if (numBytes == 0) {
        TF_RUNTIME_ERROR("Failed to write asset");

    // close out the asset to indicate that all data has been written
    bool success = asset->Close();
    if (!success) {
        TF_RUNTIME_ERROR("Failed to close asset");

Creating UsdStage

Similar to what was examined with Reading Assets it’s also a good point to look at the different APIs that come into play when dealing with writes. For example when calling UsdStage::CreateNew():

sequenceDiagram %%{init: { 'theme': 'forest' } }%% autonumber actor Bob Bob->>UsdStage: CreateNew(assetPath) UsdStage->>SdfLayer: CreateNew(assetPath) SdfLayer->>ArResolver: ArGetResolver() ArResolver-->>SdfLayer: resolver SdfLayer->>ArResolver: CreateIdentifierForNewAsset(assetPath) ArResolver-->>SdfLayer: assetIdentifier SdfLayer->>ArResolver: ResolveForNewAsset(assetIdentifier) ArResolver-->>SdfLayer: resolvedPath SdfLayer->>SdfFileFormat: FindByExtension(resolvedPath) SdfFileFormat->>ArResolver: GetExtension(resolvedPath) ArResolver-->>SdfFileFormat: extension SdfFileFormat-->>SdfLayer: fileFormat loop IsPackageOrPackagedLayer SdfLayer->>SdfLayer: Prevent Creating Package Layers end SdfLayer-->>UsdStage: Null Layer (IsPackage) UsdStage-->>Bob: Null Stage SdfLayer->>SdfFileFormat: NewLayer(assetIdentifier, resolvedPath) SdfFileFormat-->>SdfLayer: layer SdfLayer->>ArResolver: CanWriteAssetToPath(resolvedPath) SdfLayer->>SdfFileFormat: WriteToFile(layer, resolvedPath) SdfFileFormat->>ArResolver: OpenAssetForWrite(resolvedPath) ArResolver-->>SdfFileFormat: asset SdfFileFormat-->>SdfLayer: layer SdfLayer-->>UsdStage: layer UsdStage->>ArResolver: CreateDefaultContextForAsset(assetIdentifier) | CreateDefaultContext() ArResolver-->>UsdStage: resolverContext UsdStage->>ArResolver: BindContext(resolverContext) UsdStage-->>Bob: stage

If compared against opening a UsdStage the call sequence for creating a UsdStage isn’t that different. The main APIs are still `Usd, Sdf and Ar but there are a few differences. Specifically the calls to CreateIdentifierForNewAsset / ResolveForNewAsset and using OpenAssetForWrite / ArWritableAsset APIs.


The initialization for the ArResolver system is not overly involved but it is a common source of problems. If USD tries to load an Asset that requires a specific ArResolver plugin and that plugin can not be found USD has no way to load it. Most of the time it’s related to the underlying Plugin System in USD and the nature of how it loads plugins in PlugRegistry. But before getting into all that, it’s good to understand the different pieces that come into play for the ArResolver system.

Primary Resolvers

Primary resolvers are in charge of dealing with the bulk of asset resolution within Ar. There can be only one Primary resolver active for a given USD environment. If no suitable Primary resolver can be found, Ar will use it’s own ArDefaultResolver as the Primary resolver.

In the first iteration of ArResolver (Ar 1.0) any implementation would be considered a Primary resolver. If your ArResolver plugin supported multiple URI schemes, such as the case with OmniUsdResolver, there was nothing preventing that. But if your ArResolver was very specific and only supported a single URI scheme it would still need to be configured as a Primary resolver. This caused problems when multiple resolver implementations need to coexist in the same USD environment. Ar 2.0 added support for URI resolvers to address this problem.

URI Resolvers

Much as the name implies, URI Resolvers are ArResolver plugins that support specific URI schemes. These types of resolvers are configured in plugInfo.json to specify the URI scheme(s) that they support. Internally, Ar will inspect the asset path for a scheme and dispatch the calls to the corresponding URI resolver. If no matching URI Resolver can be found (e.g the asset path is a normal file path) the Primary resolver will be used. This change to Ar 2.0 made support for multiple resolvers much easier. An ArResolver plugin could just specify the URI schemes it supports, and it will work alongside any other ArResolver plugin. It’s important to point out that a lot of ArResolver plugins in Ar 1.0 supported multiple URI schemes but were developed as Primary Resolvers. For instance, OmniUsdResolver is a Primary Resolver but supports “omniverse://”, “omni://”, “https://”, “file://” URI schemes. This will be an important fact when configuring multiple resolvers in the same USD environment

URI Resolver Support in OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0)

As an intermediate step to transition to Ar 2.0, the OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) has limited support for URI Resolvers. The API for Ar 2.0 is quite different but the underlying Plugin System that Ar uses to load different ArResolver plugins is the same. From this, the OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) tries to inspect the PlugRegistry for other ArResolver plugins that have been defined in the environment. For all ArResolver plugins that declare a “uriSchemes” field in their plugInfo.json OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) will keep a mapping of the URI scheme to the actual loaded plugin. When the various parts of the OmniUsdResolver (Ar 1.0) API are invoked, the mapping of URI Resolvers will be checked first and if a matching URI Resolver is found that call will be dispatched to the corresponding URI Resolver.

To support URI Resolvers in Ar 1.0, OmniUsdResolver must be set as the Preferred Resolver in the environment. During the initialization of ArResolver, Ar 1.0 makes no distinction between Primary Resolvers and URI Resolvers

Package Resolvers

Package Resolvers are a less common form of Asset Resolution in USD but they are very important for certain SdfFileFormat plugins. The most well-know SdfFileFormat plugin that requires a Package Resolver is the UsdzFileFormat plugin. The UsdzFileFormat is an uncompressed archive of Assets laid out according to the Zip file specification. This allows multiple Assets to be packaged together into a single .usdz file that is easy to transport.

Unlike the public API to ArResolver, which can be easily obtained by calling ArGetResolver(), there is no public access to Package Resolvers. A Package Resolver only has meaning to the SdfFileFormat plugin that it is associated with. For this reason, ArResolver will handle the appropriate calls during Asset Resolution to the corresponding Package Resolver.

Package Resolvers are associated with their corresponding SdfFileFormat plugin via extension. The extensions are declared through their plugInfo.json

Preferred Resolver

Configuration for multiple ArResolver plugins can be done in a couple different ways. The important thing to remember is that one ArResolver will need to serve as the Primary Resolver. At a minimum, the ArDefaultResolver will be the Primary Resolver if no ArResolver plugin is suitable. In an environment with multiple ArResolver plugins there is not a direct way to set the Primary Resolver, one can only “hint” at what plugin should serve as the Primary Resolver. This “hint” can be set via ArSetPreferredResolver() with the type name of the ArResolver plugin that is declared in plugInfo.json. If ArSetPreferredResolver() is called multiple times, the Primary Resolver set last will be used.

The type name used in ArSetPreferredResolver() should match the name used for defining the ArResolver TfType. For example, with OmniUsdResolver we define the TfType with AR_DEFINE_RESOLVER(OmniUsdResolver, ArResolver). As such, the OmniUsdResolver must be hinted at with ArSetPreferredResolver(“OmniUsdResolver”)

In Ar 2.0, an ArResolver plugin will be determined as a Primary Resolver in the absence of a “uriSchemes” field in it’s plugInfo.json. In an environment with multiple ArResolver plugins that can be a Primary Resolver the one chosen will be determined in one of two ways:

  1. By the last ArResolver plugin specified through ArSetPreferredResolver() before the first call to ArGetResolver(). So it’s important that ArSetPreferredResolver() is called during application startup.:

    The ArSetPreferredResolver() can only be set with an ArResolver plugin that satisfies the Primary Resolver requirement. So any ArResolver plugin that declares a “uriSchemes” field in their plugInfo.json can not be set as the Primary Resolver.

  2. If no ArResolver plugin is specified through ArSetPreferredResolver(), it will be determined by the first one found from the alphabetically sorted list of ArGetAvailableResolvers().

Bootstrapping ArResolver

The call to ArGetResolver() is the entry point to any Asset Resolution in USD. Even libraries within USD that sit above the Ar library initialize ArResolver in this way. But as simple as it may seem, ArGetResolver() does perform a lot of work to initialize the ArResolver instance that it returns. It requires the following steps to initialize properly:

  1. Load all Primary Resolvers plugins and identify which plugin will serve as the Primary Resolver. See Preferred Resolver for how this is determined.

  2. Fallback to the ArDefaultResolver if no Primary Resolver satisfies the criteria.

  3. Set the identified Primary Resolver as the underlying resolver for the entire process.

  4. Load all URI Resolvers plugins uniquely mapping their declared “uriSchemes” to each loaded plugin

  5. Initialize all Package Resolvers indexed according to the supported extensions.

Once all these plugins have been loaded and identified a Primary Resolver ArResolver instance can be returned from ArGetResolver(). At this point, the Asset Resolution system has been initialized and USD can begin loading Assets.

Problems with Initialization

A common problem is that any ArResolver plugins registered with PlugRegistry after this first call to ArGetResolver will not be loaded. The reason that it needs to load all these plugins upon the first call to ArGetResolver() is due to the nature of how PlugRegistry loads plugins. The first time that a plugin type needs to be loaded PlugRegistry will load all plugins, and any dependencies those plugins may have, derived from that type. Once those plugins are loaded any plugins registered with PlugRegistry, deriving from the same plugin type, will not be recognized. This is a problem with all plugins not just ArResolver plugins! UsdSchemaRegistry and SdfFileFormatRegistry have the same issue. So, it’s really important to be very mindful of calling ArGetResolver() within application startup.


Identifying an initialization problem with ArResolver can be challenging. The problem can be as simple as some recently added startup code making a call to ArGetResolver() to inspect Assets. Any ArResolver plugins registered after this new startup code will just fail to load the Assets they support. When this happens it’s hard to identify the exact problem as it will seem that the ArResolver plugins themselves have an issue. The best way to identify a problem with initialization for ArResolver is to use TfDebug flags that are provided for both ArResolver and OmniUsdResolver.

Without going into too much detail, TfDebug flags are a great way to turn on additional diagnostics at run-time. Depending on their usage within a library, TfDebug flags can provide a lot of information without going through the, sometimes lengthy, process of setting up a debug environment and stepping through code. The can be turned on via environment variable or Python

ArResolver provides one TfDebug flag AR_RESOLVER_INIT which writes additional information to the console when ArGetResolver() is called. This will list information like the Primary Resolvers, URI Resolvers and Package Resolvers discovered. The Preferred Resolver set and if a Primary Resolver was found that matches it. The information that the TfDebug flag AR_RESOLVER_INIT outputs is extremely helpful to help understand how the returned ArResolver instance from ArGetResolver() was initialized. For a lot of initialization problems it becomes clear that an expected ArResolver plugin wasn’t discovered or that there was a problem loading the plugin. If an ArResolver plugin wasn’t discovered it means that it needs to be registered earlier in the startup process or any startup code calling ArGetResolver() might need to be deferred.

In a similar manner, OmniUsdResolver also provides multiple TfDebug flags to troubleshooting resolves. These aren’t as useful for initialization problems but can really help identify problems with resolving Assets. The following TfDebug flags are available for OmniUsdResolver:

TfDebug Flag



OmniUsdResolver general resolve information


OmniUsdResolver Context information


OmniUsdResolver MDL specific resolve information


OmniUsdResolver asset read / write information