omni.ui Classes#
Classes Summary:
The abstract widget that is base for any field, which is a one-line text editor. |
The object that is associated with the data entity of the AbstractItemModel. |
AbstractItemDelegate is used to generate widgets that display and edit data items from a model. |
The central component of the item widget. It is the application’s dynamic data structure, independent of the user interface, and it directly manages the nested data. It follows closely model-view pattern. It’s abstract, and it defines the standard interface to be able to interoperate with the components of the model-view architecture. It is not supposed to be instantiated directly. Instead, the user should subclass it to create a new model. |
AbstractMultiField is the abstract class that has everything to create a custom widget per model item. |
The abstract widget that is base for drags and sliders. |
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The ArrowHelper widget provides a colored rectangle to display. |
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Smooth curve that can be scaled infinitely. |
The Button widget provides a command button. |
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CanvasFrame is the widget that allows the user to pan and zoom its children with a mouse. It has the layout that can be infinitely moved in any direction. |
A CheckBox is an option button that can be switched on (checked) or off (unchecked). Checkboxes are typically used to represent features in an application that can be enabled or disabled without affecting others. |
The Circle widget provides a colored circle to display. |
Define what happens when the source image has a different size than the item. |
CollapsableFrame is a frame widget that can hide or show its content. It has two states expanded and collapsed. When it’s collapsed, it looks like a button. If it’s expanded, it looks like a button and a frame with the content. It’s handy to group properties, and temporarily hide them to get more space for something else. |
A singleton that stores all the UI Style color properties of omni.ui. |
The ColorWidget widget is a button that displays the color from the item model and can open a picker window to change the color. |
The ComboBox widget is a combined button and a drop-down list. |
Base class for all UI containers. Container can hold one or many other :class:`omni.ui.Widget` s |
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The DockSpace class represents Dock Space for the OS Window. |
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Constructs Ellipse. |
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The drag widget that looks like a field but it’s possible to change the value with dragging. |
The FloatField widget is a one-line text editor with a string model. |
The slider is the classic widget for controlling a bounded value. It lets the user move a slider handle along a horizontal groove and translates the handle’s position into a float value within the legal range. |
A singleton that stores all the UI Style float properties of omni.ui. |
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Supported font styles. |
Fraction length is made to take the space of the parent widget, divides it up into a row of boxes, and makes each child widget fill one box. |
The Frame is a widget that can hold one child widget. |
Smooth curve that can be scaled infinitely. |
The Circle widget provides a colored circle to display. |
The Ellipse widget provides a colored ellipse to display. |
The Line widget provides a colored line to display. |
The Rectangle widget provides a colored rectangle to display. |
The Triangle widget provides a colored triangle to display. |
Grid is a container that arranges its child views in a grid. The grid vertical/horizontal direction is the direction the grid size growing with creating more children. |
Shortcut for Grid{eLeftToRight}. The grid grows from left to right with the widgets placed. |
Shortcut for Stack{eLeftToRight}. The widgets are placed in a row, with suitable sizes. |
The Image widget displays an image. |
ImageProvider class, the goal of this class is to provide ImGui reference for the image to be rendered. |
The Image widget displays an image. |
Inspector is the helper to check the internal state of the widget. It’s not recommended to use it for the routine UI. |
The drag widget that looks like a field but it’s possible to change the value with dragging. |
The IntField widget is a one-line text editor with a string model. |
The slider is the classic widget for controlling a bounded value. It lets the user move a slider handle along a horizontal groove and translates the handle’s position into an integer value within the legal range. |
The InvisibleButton widget provides a transparent command button. |
The ItemModelHelper class provides the basic functionality for item widget classes. |
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The Label widget provides a text to display. |
OMNI.UI has several different units for expressing a length. |
The Line widget provides a colored line to display. |
The MainWindow class represents Main Window for the Application, draw optional MainMenuBar and StatusBar. |
The Menu class provides a menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus. |
The MenuBar class provides a MenuBar at the top of the Window, could also be the MainMenuBar of the MainWindow. |
MenuDelegate is used to generate widgets that represent the menu item. |
The helper class for the menu that draws the menu line. |
A MenuItem represents the items the Menu consists of. |
The MenuItemCollection is the menu that unchecks children when one of them is checked. |
MultiFloatDragField is the widget that has a sub widget (FloatDrag) per model item. |
MultiFloatField is the widget that has a sub widget (FloatField) per model item. |
MultiIntDragField is the widget that has a sub widget (IntDrag) per model item. |
MultiIntField is the widget that has a sub widget (IntField) per model item. |
MultiStringField is the widget that has a sub widget (StringField) per model item. |
The free widget is the widget that is independent of the layout. It draws the line stuck to the bounds of other widgets. |
Percent is the length in percents from the parent widget. |
Pixel length is exact length in pixels. |
The Placer class place a single widget to a particular position based on the offet. |
The Plot widget provides a line/histogram to display. |
A progressbar is a classic widget for showing the progress of an operation. |
RadioButton is the widget that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options. |
Radio Collection is a class that groups RadioButtons and coordinates their state. |
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Used to set the rasterization behaviour. |
The Rectangle widget provides a colored rectangle to display. |
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The ScrollingFrame class provides the ability to scroll onto another widget. |
The Separator class provides blank space. |
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The Shape widget provides a base class for all the Shape Widget. Currently implemented are Rectangle, Circle, Triangle, Line, Ellipse and BezierCurve. |
The ShapeAnchorHelper provides common functionality for Shape Anchors. |
A very simple bool model. |
A very simple double model. |
A very simple Int model. |
A very simple value model that holds a single string. |
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The Spacer class provides blank space. |
The Stack class lines up child widgets horizontally, vertically or sorted in a Z-order. |
The StringField widget is a one-line text editor with a string model. |
A singleton that stores all the UI Style string properties of omni.ui. |
A singleton that controls the global style of the session. |
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The ToolBar class represents a window in the underlying windowing system that as some fixed size property. |
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ToolButton is functionally similar to Button, but provides a model that determines if the button is checked. This button toggles between checked (on) and unchecked (off) when the user clicks it. |
TreeView is a widget that presents a hierarchical view of information. Each item can have a number of subitems. An indentation often visualizes this in a list. An item can be expanded to reveal subitems, if any exist, and collapsed to hide subitems. |
The Triangle widget provides a colored triangle to display. |
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The slider is the classic widget for controlling a bounded value. It lets the user move a slider handle along a horizontal groove and translates the handle’s position into an integer value within the legal range. |
Unit types. |
Shortcut for Grid{eTopToBottom}. The grid grows from top to bottom with the widgets placed. |
Shortcut for Stack{eTopToBottom}. The widgets are placed in a column, with suitable sizes. |
The ValueModelHelper class provides the basic functionality for value widget classes. ValueModelHelper class is the base class for every standard widget that uses a AbstractValueModel. ValueModelHelper is an abstract class and itself cannot be instantiated. It provides a standard interface for interoperating with models. |
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The Widget class is the base class of all user interface objects. |
Holds the data which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed. |
The Window class represents a window in the underlying windowing system. |
WindowHandle is a handle object to control any of the windows in Kit. It can be created any time, and if it’s destroyed, the source window doesn’t disappear. |
Workspace object provides access to the windows in Kit. |
Shortcut for Stack{eBackToFront}. The widgets are placed sorted in a Z-order in top right corner with suitable sizes. |