- class omni.kit.window.filepicker.FilePickerAPI(model: Optional[FilePickerModel] = None, view: Optional[FilePickerView] = None)
This class defines the API methods for
([model, view])Initialize the FilePickerAPI.
(collection_data)Add custom collection to current content view.
(connections)Adds specified server connections to the tree browser.
(name, glyph, click_fn, show_fn)Adds menu item, with corresponding callbacks, to the context menu.
(name, glyph, build_fn[, ...])Adds sub-frame to the detail view, and populates it with a custom built widget.
(name, ...)Adds sub-frame to the detail view, and populates it with a custom built widget.
(name, glyph, click_fn, show_fn)Adds menu item, with corresponding callbacks, to the list view menu.
(collection_id)Add a filter to show collections.
(url[, callback])Connects the server for given url.
(name)Deletes the menu item, with the given name, from the context menu.
(name)Deletes the specified detail subsection.
(name)Deletes the menu item, with the given name, from the list view menu.
(url, callback)Asynchronously executes callback on list of subdirectories at given url.
(url, callback)Executes callback on list of subdirectories at given url.
Returns the current directory fom the browser bar.
([pane])Returns current selected as list of system path names.
- returns
Currently selected filename.
Hide the loading icon if it exist.
(url[, callback])Navigates to the given url, expanding all parent directories in the path.
(url[, callback])Asynchronously navigates to the given url, expanding the all parent directories in the path.
Refreshes the current directory set in the browser bar.
(collection_id)Remove custom collection from current content view.
(collection_id)Remove the collection filter
(url[, filenames])Asynchronously select one or more items in the content view.
(path)Procedurally sets the current directory.
(filename)Sets the filename in the file bar, at bottom of the dialog.
(delegate)Sets a custom search delegate for the tool bar.
(model)Displays the given model in the list view, overriding the default model.
Subscribe to omni.client bookmark changes.
(name, path, ...[, ...])Adds/deletes the given bookmark with the specified path.
- __init__(model: Optional[FilePickerModel] = None, view: Optional[FilePickerView] = None)
Initialize the FilePickerAPI.
- Parameters
( (view) – obj:’FilePickerModel’): The model background, default None.
( – obj:’FilePickerView’): the content view object. Default None.
- add_collection(collection_data: CollectionData)
Add custom collection to current content view. samples of collection: “My Computer”, “Omniverse Bookmark”, …
- Parameters
collection_data (CollectionData) – Data to add.
- add_connections(connections: dict)
Adds specified server connections to the tree browser. To facilitate quick startup time, doesn’t check whether the connection is actually valid.
- Parameters
connections (dict) – A dictionary of name, path pairs. For example: {“C:”: “C:”, “ov-content”: “omniverse://ov-content”}. Paths to Omniverse servers should be prefixed with “omniverse://”.
Adds menu item, with corresponding callbacks, to the context menu.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the menu item (e.g. ‘Open’), this name must be unique across the context menu.
glyph (str) – Associated glyph to display for this menu item.
click_fn (Callable) – This callback function is executed when the menu item is clicked. Function signature: void fn(name: str, path: str), where name is menu name and path is absolute path to clicked item.
show_fn (Callable) – Returns True to display this menu item. Function signature: bool fn(path: str). For example, test filename extension to decide whether to display a ‘Play Sound’ action.
index (int) – The postion that this menu item will be inserted to.
separator_name (str) – The separator name of the separator menu item. Default to ‘_placeholder_’. When the index is not explicitly set, or if the index is out of range, this will be used to locate where to add the menu item; if specified, the index passed in will be counted from the saparator with the provided name. This is for OM-86768 as part of the effort to match Navigator and Kit UX for Filepicker/Content Browser for context menus.
- Returns
Name of menu item if successful, None otherwise.
- Return type
- add_detail_frame(name: str, glyph: str, build_fn: Callable[[], None], selection_changed_fn: Optional[Callable[[List[str]], None]] = None, filename_changed_fn: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, destroy_fn: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None)
Adds sub-frame to the detail view, and populates it with a custom built widget.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the widget sub-section, this name must be unique over all detail sub-sections.
glyph (str) – Associated glyph to display for this subj-section
build_fn (Callable) – This callback function builds the widget.
- Keyword Arguments
selection_changed_fn (Callable) – This callback is invoked to handle selection changes.
filename_changed_fn (Callable) – This callback is invoked when filename is changed.
destroy_fn (Callable) – Cleanup function called when destroyed.
- add_detail_frame_from_controller(name: str, controller: DetailFrameController)
Adds sub-frame to the detail view, and populates it with a custom built widget.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the widget sub-section, this name must be unique over all detail sub-sections.
controller (
) – Controller object that encapsulates all aspects of creating, updating, and deleting a detail frame widget.
Adds menu item, with corresponding callbacks, to the list view menu.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the menu item (e.g. ‘Open’), this name must be unique across the list view menu.
glyph (str) – Associated glyph to display for this menu item.
click_fn (Callable) – This callback function is executed when the menu item is clicked. Function signature: void fn(name: str, path: str), where name is menu name and path is absolute path to clicked item.
show_fn (Callable) – Returns True to display this menu item. Function signature: bool fn(path: str). For example, test filename extension to decide whether to display a ‘Play Sound’ action.
index (int) – The postion that this menu item will be inserted to.
- Returns
Name of menu item if successful, None otherwise.
- Return type
- add_show_only_collection(collection_id: str)
Add a filter to show collections. If this collection filter is provided, only those that match the filter will be shown, other collections will be hidden. Otherwise all collections are shown.
- Parameters
collection_id (str) – the filter.
- connect_server(url: str, callback: Optional[Callable] = None)
Connects the server for given url.
- Parameters
url (str) – Given url.
callback (Callable) – On successfully connecting the server, executes this callback. Function signature: void callback(name: str, server_url: str)
Deletes the menu item, with the given name, from the context menu.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the menu item (e.g. ‘Open’).
- delete_detail_frame(name: str)
Deletes the specified detail subsection.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name previously assigned to the detail frame.
Deletes the menu item, with the given name, from the list view menu.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the menu item (e.g. ‘Open’).
- destroy()
- async find_subdirs_async(url: str, callback: Callable) List[str]
Asynchronously executes callback on list of subdirectories at given url.
- Parameters
url (str) – Url.
callback (Callable) – On success executes this callback with the list of subdir names. Function signature: void callback(subdirs: List[str])
- find_subdirs_with_callback(url: str, callback: Callable)
Executes callback on list of subdirectories at given url.
- Parameters
url (str) – Url.
callback (Callable) – On success executes this callback with the list of subdir names. Function signature: void callback(subdirs: List[str])
- get_current_directory() str
Returns the current directory fom the browser bar.
- Returns
The system path, which may be different from the displayed path.
- Return type
- get_current_selections(pane: int = 2) List[str]
Returns current selected as list of system path names.
- Parameters
pane (int) – Specifies pane to retrieve selections from, one of {TREEVIEW_PANE = 1, LISTVIEW_PANE = 2, BOTH = None}. Default LISTVIEW_PANE.
- Returns
List of system paths (which may be different from displayed paths, e.g. bookmarks)
- Return type
- get_filename() str
- Returns
Currently selected filename.
- Return type
- hide_loading_pane()
Hide the loading icon if it exist.
Navigates to the given url, expanding all parent directories in the path.
- Parameters
url (str) – The url to navigate to.
callback (Callable) – On successfully finding the item, executes this callback. Function signature: void callback(item: FileBrowserItem)
Asynchronously navigates to the given url, expanding the all parent directories in the path.
- Parameters
url (str) – The url to navigate to.
callback (Callable) – On successfully finding the item, executes this callback. Function signature: void callback(item: FileBrowserItem)
- refresh_current_directory()
Refreshes the current directory set in the browser bar.
- remove_collection(collection_id: str)
Remove custom collection from current content view. samples of collection: “My Computer”, “Omniverse Bookmark”, …
- Parameters
collection_id (str) – Data id to remove.
- remove_show_only_collection(collection_id: str)
Remove the collection filter
- Parameters
collection_id (str) – The filter that previously added.
- async select_items_async(url: str, filenames: List[str] = []) List[FileBrowserItem]
Asynchronously select one or more items in the content view.
- Parameters
url (str) – Url.
- Keyword Arguments
filenames (List[str]) – A list of file names that to be selected
- set_current_directory(path: str)
Procedurally sets the current directory. Use this method to set the path in the browser bar.
- Parameters
path (str) – The full path name of the folder, e.g. “omniverse://ov-content/Users/me.
- set_filename(filename: str)
Sets the filename in the file bar, at bottom of the dialog. The file is not required to already exist.
- Parameters
filename (str) – The filename only (and not the fullpath), e.g. “myfile.usd”.
- set_search_delegate(delegate)
Sets a custom search delegate for the tool bar.
- Parameters
delegate (
) – Object that creates the search widget.
- show_model(model: FileBrowserModel)
Displays the given model in the list view, overriding the default model. For example, this model might be the result of a search.
- Parameters
model (
) – Model to display.
- subscribe_client_bookmarks_changed()
Subscribe to omni.client bookmark changes.
- toggle_bookmark_from_path(name: str, path: str, is_bookmark: bool, is_folder: bool = True)
Adds/deletes the given bookmark with the specified path. If deleting, then the path argument is optional.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name to call the bookmark or existing name if delete.
path (str) – Path to the bookmark.
is_bookmark (bool) – True to add, False to delete.
is_folder (bool) – Whether the item to be bookmarked is a folder.