- class omni.kit.window.filepicker.DetailView(**kwargs)
Detail view that contains all detail frames
(name, glyph, build_fn[, ...])Adds sub-frame to the detail view, and populates it with a custom built widget.
(name[, ...])Adds sub-frame to the detail view, and populates it with a custom built widget.
(name)Deletes the specified detail frame.
(name)Get the detail frame by given name.
([filename])When the user edits the filename, invokes the callbacks for the detail frames.
([selected])When the user changes their filebrowser selection(s), invokes the callbacks for the detail frames.
- __init__(**kwargs)
- add_detail_frame(name: str, glyph: str, build_fn: Callable[[], Widget], selection_changed_fn: Optional[Callable[[List[str]], None]] = None, filename_changed_fn: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, destroy_fn: Optional[Callable[[Widget], None]] = None)
Adds sub-frame to the detail view, and populates it with a custom built widget.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the widget sub-section, this name must be unique over all detail sub-sections.
glyph (str) – Associated glyph to display for this subj-section
build_fn (Callable) – This callback function builds the widget.
- Keyword Arguments
selection_changed_fn (Callable) – This callback is invoked to handle selection changes.
filename_changed_fn (Callable) – This callback is invoked when filename is changed.
destroy_fn (Callable) – Cleanup function called when destroyed.
- add_detail_frame_from_controller(name: str, detail_frame: Optional[DetailFrameController] = None)
Adds sub-frame to the detail view, and populates it with a custom built widget.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the widget sub-section, this name must be unique over all detail sub-sections.
controller (
) – Controller object that encapsulates all aspects of creating, updating, and deleting a detail frame widget.
- delete_detail_frame(name: str)
Deletes the specified detail frame.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the detail frame.
- destroy()
- get_detail_frame(name: str) DetailFrameController
Get the detail frame by given name. This method is thread safe. Use with caution
- Parameters
name – Name of the detail frame
- Returns
obj:’DetailFrameController’ with given name or None if not found
- on_filename_changed(filename: str = '')
When the user edits the filename, invokes the callbacks for the detail frames.
- Parameters
filename (str) – Current filename.
- on_selection_changed(selected: List[FileBrowserItem] = [])
When the user changes their filebrowser selection(s), invokes the callbacks for the detail frames.
- Parameters
selected (
) – List of new selections.