Graph Core

Graph View

Following the model-view-delegate pattern, we’ve introduced the model and delegate. Now we are looking at the GraphView. It’s the visualisation layer of omni.kit.widget.graph. It behaves like a regular widget and displays nodes and their connections.

Since we mostly just want to use the defined GraphView for all the graphs, we define a core graph widget where you can just focus on building the model and delegate for your customized graph, while reusing the common graph stuff as much as possible.


We design Omni.kit.graph.editor.core to be the common framework for graph editor in Kit. It is a generic graph widget platform with a standard tree-view panel on the left to show all the available nodes in a list view, with a search bar on the top left. There is the graph editor on the right where we can view and edit the graph. There is also a breadcrumb in the graph view as the navigation of the graph.

We use it as the kit graph core to ensure all standard UI/UX widgets and windows for all our graph nodes are standardized with a common framework.

An example of material graph using omni.kit.graph.editor.core

Create a graph widget

When you want to create your own graph widget, you can build your GraphWidget (MyGraphWidget) based on GraphEditorCoreWidget, define your graph (self.__graph_model) and catalog model (self.__catalog_model) to manage the graph data, customize graph (self.__graph_delegate) and catalog delegate (self.__catalog_delegate) look to suit your application.

![Code Result](Graph Core_0.png)

class MyGraphWidget(GraphEditorCoreWidget):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.__graph_model = None
        self.__graph_delegate = None
        self.__catalog_model = None
        self.__catalog_delegate = None

        toolbar_items = []

            catalog_model= self.__catalog_model,
            catalog_delegate= self.__catalog_delegate,
            has_catalog = True,

my_widget = MyGraphWidget()

Add right click menu on canvas

To add a right click context menu on the graph canvas, we should call on_right_mouse_button_pressed to override the function in the base class.

Use ui.Menu to create the menu and ui.MenuItem to add menu items. ui.Separator() is useful to create a separator between categories of menus.

An example of on_right_mouse_button_pressed is as below:

![Code Result](Graph Core_1.png)

def on_right_mouse_button_pressed(self, items):
    self.__context_menu = ui.Menu("Context menu")
    with self.__context_menu:
        ui.MenuItem("Delete Selection", triggered_fn=lambda: self._graph_model.delete_selection())
        ui.MenuItem("Open All", triggered_fn=lambda: self._graph_view.set_expansion(GraphModel.ExpansionState.OPEN))
            "Minimize All", triggered_fn=lambda: self._graph_view.set_expansion(GraphModel.ExpansionState.MINIMIZED)

Add button to the ToolBar

To add a toolbar on the top of the graph, one way is to define the toolbar_items as the code above before calling GraphEditorCoreWidget’s constructor. toolbar_items is a list of dictionaries containing the button name, icon and on_clicked callback.

An example of toolbar_items is as below:

toolbar_items = [
    { "name": "open", "icon": "open.svg", "on_clicked": open, "tooltip": "Open a graph"},
    {"name": "-"},
    { "name": "save", "icon": "save.svg", "on_clicked": save},
    { "name": "new", "icon": "new.svg", "on_clicked": new},

{ "name": "open", "icon": "open.svg", "on_clicked": open(), "tooltip": "Open a graph"}, create a button named open with the icon as “open.svg”. When you hover over the button, it will show the tooltip of “Open a graph”, and when you click on the button, it will call the callable open function. {"name": "-"} is to create a seperator.

Another way to define the toolbar, is to call set_toolbar_items to override the function from GraphEditorCoreWidget. This is useful if you want to change the toolbar items when you have already created your GraphEditorCoreWidget. The input attribute is the same type as the above example.