[202.3.0] 2025-02-15
[OMPE-36906] - [DGN Converter] Remove unused libraries with vulnerabilities
[OMPE-35992] - [DGN Converter] Remove libxl library
[OMPE-13600] - [DGN Converter] Update to ODA Drawings SDK 25.12
[202.2.1] 2024-01-17
[OMPE-31988] Skip converting DGN element with invalid mesh vertices
[OMPE-32051] Launch hoops_core in subprocess and disable import to stage feature
[OMPE-31993] Optimize JT converter for large face sets
[OMPE-33364] Update Kit-Kernel to 106.5.0
[202.1.0] 2024-11-26
[OMPE-28637] Merge release 202.0.0 updates into master
[OMPE-29231] Update to Hoops Exchange SDK 2024.8
[OMPE-25626] Update DGN Converter to ODA SDK 25.8
[OMPE-29443] Fixed incorrect value for double type metadata conversion.
[OMPE-29463] Fixed crash caused by invalid attributes.
[OMPE-27399] Update dependencies for security
[202.0.0] 2024-10-22
[OMPE-21450] - Add option to override up-axis and meters per unit USD stage metrics with Scene Optimizer with helpful quick links.
[OMPE-22793] - Add Scene Optimizer string config option
[OMPE-13942] - Merge release 201.1.0 updates into master
[OMPE-19554] - [HOOPS Converter] add bConvertMetadata option
[OMPE-18965] - Update documentation
[OMPE-20858] - Update extension versions in toml and documentation
[OMPE-XXXXX] - Add version constraints in toml and bump hoops/hoops_core major semver
[OMPE-21939] - Update kit-kernel to 106.2
[OMPE-9342] - Updated HECC dependency containg 2024.6.0 Hoops SDK to address security vulnerability
[OMPE-12734] - Link hoops extension import options to the backend converter’s settings for metadata and hidden object handling.
[OMPE-18796] - Add option to specify USD output file format.
[OMPE-18797] - Add option to specify USD output file name.
[OMPE-20350] - [Asset Converter Service] Add new entrypoint to handle asset management on NVCF.
[OMPE-23119] - Migrate Hoops converter from CSDK to USD Exchange.
[OMPE-24690] - Migrate JT Converter from CSDK to USD Exchange.
[OMPE-25626] - Revert DGN Converter ODA library to version 25.4 to avoid version mismatch with HOOPS Converter
[OMPE-25719] - Update documentation for 202.0 release.
[OMPE-25961] - Update dependencies from release branch
[201.2.1] 2024-09-19
OMPE-XXXXX - Remove omni.usd as the extensions do not have a GPU dependency
OMPE-18926 - Update kit-kernel to 106.1.0; Update Scene Optimizer; Remove Asset Validator as it is unused
OMPE-19067 - Remove test data from build package
OMPE-20812 - Update Scene Optimizer version dependency to maintain compatibility across Kit Kernel 106.0.x and 106.1.x
OMPE-19266 - Create release branch with 201.2.0 hot fix updates
OMPE-21020 - Resolve ETM issues by setting range on extension version dependencies
OMPE-19269 - Republish without pre-release tags with kit-kernel 106.1
[201.1.0] 2024-07-22
OMPE-7735 - Audited documentation and updated based on changes for release 201.1.
OMPE-12270 - Update pre-release tag to release candidate
OMPE-7733 - Consolidate changelog pre-release entries
OMPE-8405/OMPE-10576 - Bump semantic version for resolving versions in ETM tests.
OMPE-8521 - Use converters’ packages built against Ubuntu 20.04
OMPE-8652 - Use semantic versioning for extensions. Use external/marketing version in
OM-122942 - Add test waiver to extension to avoid OV Apps from failing test pipeline
OM-122942 - Skip test for codeless omni.kit.converter.cad extension
OM-122942 - Moved ui delegates and registration to separate extensions: .hoops, .dgn, .jt. Moved service registration to .hoops_core, .dgn_core, .jt_core. Moved more common functionality to .common. Renamed .cad_core to .hoops_core, removed .cad since all delegates / registration are in the new separate extensions.
OM-124420 - Renamed cad_core to hoops_core
OM-116478 - Updated set_app_data to include client name / version
OM-123014 - Run scene optimizer as post-conversion task
OM-123573 - Update extension.toml to lock extension to Kit SDK version being used
OM-121673 - Update to 201.1.0, move connect-sdk and scene optimizer to omni.kit.converter.common
OM-12400/OMPE-15070 - Update to Kit 106.0.1
OMPE-12622 - Update converter_options payload from str to dict
OMPE-15484 - Remove pre-release tag from public-facing release version
[201.0.0] - 2024-03-04
OMFP-4003 - Remove Nucleus test case from unreliable test cases
OM-121276 - Update to kit-kernel 106.0
OM-117998 - Add tessellation options subsection to UI.
OM-121451 - Update metadata tests.
OM-120577 - Update CATIA filters
OM-118819, OM-117998 - Surface tolerance fix to have surface tolerance field present and hide LOD drop down when selecting a DGN file and vice versa when selecting other files for import.
OM-114297 - JT Connect SDK branch integration.
OM-118819, OM-117998 - Support for Surface Tolerance setting and UI field
OM-119469 - [DGN Converter] add bConvertHidden option
OM-109219 - Fix USD output path of DGN converter
OM-118646 - Use same kit-kernel version as Connect SDK
OM-118567 - Updated keywords for improving searchability for CAD Converters
OM-118646 - Update to DGN converter that uses Connect SDK
OMFP-119166 - Update passing of arguments to DGN subprocess
OMFP-118316 - Update Connect SDK to release 0.6.0
OMFP-116513 - fix etm - use explicit pre-release
OM-115742 - etm-failure-fix and merge release to master
OMFP-3934 - Update documentation
[200.1.1] - 2023-11-28
OMFP-3934 - Fix doc for NX related files
OMFP-3934 - Update doc for NX related files
OMFP-3334 - Handle scenario when get_local_file_async() is not able to pull down nucleus file to local OV cached folder
OMFP-3960 - Update dependency version in extension.toml
OMFP-3756 - Update to OMFP-3756. Supports CAD file with a version suffix greater than 9. (i.e., car_bumper.prt.42)
OMFP-3756 - Resolves issue saving files with valid characters in filename (i.e., periods)
OM-114367 - Updated CAD Converter deps. Bump all extension versions
[200.1.0] - 2023-10-26
OMFP-3274 - Fix typos in UI
OMFP-2903 - Error handling when failing to write to Nucleus.
Change version lock on all exact deps.
OMFP-2801 - Remove .CATDrawing, .CATShape, NEU, XAS, and XPR supports
OMFP-2815 - Fix empty tessellation box
OMFP-2772 - Show all conversion options when using multi-select
OMFP-2368 - Fix overwrite confirmation dialog text
OMFP-2139 - Progress Window Cut Off
Spelling corrections; cutoff handled with OMFP-2051 fixes
OMFP-2051 - [CAD Converter][DGN] DGN progress needs better info
Added callback functions for dgn_core call through omni.kit.cad.converter UI
Added CAD Converter options to UI.
OM-86344 - [CAD Converter] Add import to current stage option
OM-99536 - [CAD Converter] Cannot overwrite existing files.
Fix missing .STP/.IGS file extension support.
[200.0.0] - 2023-05-11
Split UI and Core CAD Converter
[104.1.5] - 2022-12-19
add new endpoint for services
[104.1.4] - 2022-12-01
Official HOOPS Exchnge update to HE2022SP2U2
This include support for SolidWorks 2022
[104.1.3] - 2022-12-01
[104.1.2] - 2022-12-01
testing HOOPS update HE2022SP2U2
[104.1.1] - 2022-11-10
preparing for kit 104.1
fixes for model visibility issues while instancing
converting hidden items as hidden
[104.0.2] - 2022-10-13
fixes to sub-part representation item transform stack
[104.0.1] - 2022-10-06
initial 104 build
initial 2022.3 with instancing
[103.5.5] - 2022-08-02
hoops license update permanent
[103.5.4] - 2022-08-01
rfind fix for converted asset path basename
that is where the converter writes the USD file during import
[103.5.3] - 2022-07-26
wait lock fix for python binding
[103.5.1] - 2022-07-22
bringing 103.1 hotfix items to 103.5 for View 2022.2
[1.0.14] - 2022-07-18
update license key for hoops sdk with permanent key
picking up hoops sdk direct from packman
additional CAD file format suffixes
[1.0.13] - 2022-07-07
update license key for hoops sdk with permanent key
[1.0.12] - 2022-07-07
added more file suffixes for Parasolid files
[1.0.11] - 2022-07-04
update license key for hoops sdk thru 20220731
[1.0.9] - 2022-06-23
Migration to HOOPS Viewer Sample
[1.0.8] - 2022-05-17
Representation Item Sets
[1.0.7] - 2022-05-03
update license key for hoops sdk up thru 20220630
[1.0.6] - 2022-05-03
full coverage of HOOPS triangle mesh formats including textures, and model structure info command line output
[1.0.5] - 2022-04-28
updated texture normals and format handling
[1.0.4] - 2022-04-25
fix for non USD safe names
update hoops version
[1.0.3] - 2022-04-20
[1.0.2] - 2022-04-19
add support for unsaved stage
[1.0.1] - 2022-04-04
disabled output file picker until filepicker bugfix: OM-47383
[1.0.0] - 2022-03-24
Initial extension from original omni.kit.converter.cad.