omni.graph.core Functions#
Functions Summary:
Returns the value, converted into a type suitable for setting through the USD API compatible with |
Decorator to transform a Python function into an OmniGraph node type definition. |
Return the dtype,shape information that corresponds to the given attribute type. |
Check to see if AutoNode developer mode is active on the given extension: |
Return the current settings for the graph. This is just a copy of the settings. Changing it will not |
Returns the currently running version of Kit as a tuple of (major, minor) numbers. |
Returns a string representing the namespace attributes of the named port type reside in |
Mark block of code executed at runtime. Optimizations can apply like setting values without undo support. |
Is the given attribute numeric or string data? |
Mark entry of OmniGraph runtime computation. |
Converts the given python value to the equivalent USD value |
Resolves attribute types given a set of attributes, that can have differing tuple counts and/or array depth, |
Resolves attribute types given a set of attributes which are fully type coupled. |
Traverses the nodes downstream from the input nodes and apply the predicate on visited nodes. |
Traverses the nodes upstream from the input nodes and apply the predicate on visited nodes. |
acquire_interface(plugin_name: str = None, library_path: str = None) -> omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.ComputeGraph |
attach(stage_id: int, mps: float) -> None |
create_prim_view_from_prims(prims: list) -> omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.IPrimView |
create_prim_view_from_query(include: list, exclude: list = []) -> omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.IPrimView |
deregister_node_type(name: str) -> bool |
deregister_post_load_file_format_upgrade_callback(postload_handle: int) -> None |
deregister_pre_load_file_format_upgrade_callback(preload_handle: int) -> None |
detach() -> None |
get_all_graphs() -> List[omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.Graph] |
get_all_graphs_and_subgraphs() -> List[omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.Graph] |
get_bundle_tree_factory_interface() -> omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.IBundleFactory |
get_compute_cuda_device() -> int |
get_compute_graph_contexts() -> List[omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.GraphContext] |
get_global_orchestration_graphs() -> List[omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.Graph] |
get_global_orchestration_graphs_in_pipeline_stage(pipeline_stage: omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.GraphPipelineStage) -> List[omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.Graph] |
get_graph_by_path(path: str) -> object |
get_graphs_in_pipeline_stage(pipeline_stage: omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.GraphPipelineStage) -> List[omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.Graph] |
get_node_by_path(path: str) -> object |
get_node_categories_interface() -> omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.INodeCategories |
get_node_type(node_type_name: str) -> omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.NodeType |
get_node_type_forwarding_interface() -> omni::core::Api<omni::graph::core::unstable::INodeTypeForwarding_abi> |
get_node_type_forwarding_interface2() -> omni::core::Api<omni::graph::core::INodeTypeForwarding2_abi> |
get_registered_nodes() -> List[str] |
is_global_graph_prim(prim_path: str) -> bool |
on_shutdown() -> None |
register_node_type(name: object, version: int) -> None |
register_post_load_file_format_upgrade_callback(callback: object) -> int |
register_pre_load_file_format_upgrade_callback(callback: object) -> int |
register_python_node() -> None |
release_interface(arg0: omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.ComputeGraph) -> None |
set_test_failure(has_failure: bool) -> None |
shutdown_compute_graph() -> None |
test_failure_count() -> int |
update(current_time: float, elapsed_time: float) -> None |