
class omni.graph.core.Settings(
VERSION: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/settingsVersion',
UPDATE_MESH_TO_HYDRA: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/updateMeshPointsToHydra',
PLAY_COMPUTE_GRAPH: str = '/app/player/playComputegraph',
OPTIMIZE_GENERATED_PYTHON: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/generator/pyOptimize',
ENABLE_PATH_CHANGED_CALLBACK: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/enablePathChangedCallback',
DEPRECATIONS_ARE_ERRORS: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/deprecationsAreErrors',

Bases: object

Class that packages up all of the OmniGraph settings handling into a common location. The settings themselves are handled through the Carbonite settings ABI, this just provides a nicer and more focused interface. Values here should also be reflected in the C++ OmniGraphSettings class.




Return the generator settings object corresponding to the current carb settings

temporary(setting_name[, setting_value])

Generator to temporarily use a new setting value



Control whether or not similar graph should be merged together as instances in order to allow vectorized compute


Modify deprecation paths to raise errors or exceptions instead of logging warnings.


Disable all processing of info-only notices by OG.


Enable the deprecated Node.pathChangedCallback.


Optimize the Python code being output by the node generator


Evaluate OmniGraph when the Kit 'Play' button is pressed


Update mesh points directly to Hydra


Version number of these settings

VERSION: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/settingsVersion',
UPDATE_MESH_TO_HYDRA: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/updateMeshPointsToHydra',
PLAY_COMPUTE_GRAPH: str = '/app/player/playComputegraph',
OPTIMIZE_GENERATED_PYTHON: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/generator/pyOptimize',
ENABLE_PATH_CHANGED_CALLBACK: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/enablePathChangedCallback',
DEPRECATIONS_ARE_ERRORS: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/deprecationsAreErrors',
) None#
static generator_settings() Settings#

Return the generator settings object corresponding to the current carb settings


Current settings object used by the code generator

Return type:

static temporary(
setting_name: str | List[Tuple[str, Any]] | Dict[str, Any],
setting_value: Any = None,

Generator to temporarily use a new setting value

  • setting_name – A string containing the path to the setting (e.g. “/persistent/omnigraph/deprecationsAreErrors”) or a list of tuples containing setting name and value pairs.

  • setting_value – New value for the setting. ‘None’ is not a valid setting value and will generate a warning. Ignored if ‘setting_name’ is a list.

If a setting does not yet exist it will be created at context entry and removed at context exit.


with og.Settings.temporary(og.Settings.AUTO_INSTANCING_ENABLED, True):

with og.Settings.temporary([("/MySettings/debug", True), (og.Settings.DEPRECATIONS_ARE_ERRORS, False)]):
AUTO_INSTANCING_ENABLED = '/persistent/omnigraph/autoInstancingEnabled'#

Control whether or not similar graph should be merged together as instances in order to allow vectorized compute

DEPRECATIONS_ARE_ERRORS: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/deprecationsAreErrors'#

Modify deprecation paths to raise errors or exceptions instead of logging warnings.

DISABLE_INFO_NOTICE_HANDLING_IN_PLAYBACK = '/persistent/omnigraph/disableInfoNoticeHandlingInPlayback'#

Disable all processing of info-only notices by OG. This is an optimization for applications which do not require any triggering of OG via USD (value_changed and path_changed callbacks, lazy-graph etc

ENABLE_PATH_CHANGED_CALLBACK: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/enablePathChangedCallback'#

Enable the deprecated Node.pathChangedCallback. This will affect performance.

OPTIMIZE_GENERATED_PYTHON: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/generator/pyOptimize'#

Optimize the Python code being output by the node generator

PLAY_COMPUTE_GRAPH: str = '/app/player/playComputegraph'#

Evaluate OmniGraph when the Kit ‘Play’ button is pressed

UPDATE_MESH_TO_HYDRA: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/updateMeshPointsToHydra'#

Update mesh points directly to Hydra

VERSION: str = '/persistent/omnigraph/settingsVersion'#

Version number of these settings