Tutorial 19 - Extended Attribute Types

Extended attribute types are so-named because they extend the types of data an attribute can accept from one type to several types. Extended attributes come in two flavours. The _any_ type is the most flexible. It allows a connection with any other attribute type:

"inputs": {
    "myAnyAttribute": {
        "description": "Accepts an incoming connection from any type of attribute",
        "type": "any",

The union type, represented as an array of type names, allows a connection from a limited subset of attribute types. Here’s one that can connect to attributes of type _float[3]_ and _double[3]_:

"inputs": {
    "myUnionAttribute": {
        "description": "Accepts an incoming connection from attributes with a vector of a 3-tuple of numbers",
        "type": ["float[3]", "double[3]"],


“union” is not an actual type name, as the type names are specified by a list. It is just the nomenclature used for the set of all attributes that can be specified in this way. More details about union types can be found in omni.graph.docs.ogn_attribute_types.

As you will see in the code examples, the value extracted from the database for such attributes has to be checked for the actual resolved data type. Until an extended attribute is connected its data type will be unresolved and it will not have a value. For this reason _”default”_ values are not allowed on extended attributes.


The ogn file shows the implementation of a node named “omni.graph.tutorials.ExtendedTypes”, which has inputs and outputs with the extended attribute types.

 2    "ExtendedTypes": {
 3        "version": 1,
 4        "categories": "tutorials",
 5        "scheduling": ["threadsafe"],
 6        "description": ["This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for the manipulation of the extended",
 7                        "attribute types."
 8        ],
 9        "uiName": "Tutorial Node: Extended Attribute Types",
10        "inputs": {
11            "floatOrToken": {
12                "$comment": [
13                    "Support for a union of types is noted by putting a list into the attribute type.",
14                    "Each element of the list must be a legal attribute type from the supported type list."
15                ],
16                "type": ["float", "token"],
17                "description": "Attribute that can either be a float value or a token value",
18                "uiName": "Float Or Token",
19                "unvalidated": true
20            },
21            "toNegate": {
22                "$comment": "An example showing that array and tuple types are also legal members of a union.",
23                "type": ["bool[]", "float[]"],
24                "description": "Attribute that can either be an array of booleans or an array of floats",
25                "uiName": "To Negate",
26                "unvalidated": true
27            },
28            "tuple": {
29                "$comment": "Tuple types are also allowed, implemented as 'any' to show similarities",
30                "type": "any",
31                "description": "Variable size/type tuple values",
32                "uiName": "Tuple Values",
33                "unvalidated": true
34            },
35            "flexible": {
36                "$comment": "You don't even have to have the same shape of data in a union",
37                "type": ["float[3][]", "token"],
38                "description": "Flexible data type input",
39                "uiName": "Flexible Values",
40                "unvalidated": true
41            }
42        },
43        "outputs": {
44            "doubledResult": {
45                "type": "any",
46                "description": ["If the input 'simpleInput' is a float this is 2x the value.",
47                                "If it is a token this contains the input token repeated twice."
48                ],
49                "uiName": "Doubled Input Value",
50                "unvalidated": true
51            },
52            "negatedResult": {
53                "type": ["bool[]", "float[]"],
54                "description": "Result of negating the data from the 'toNegate' input",
55                "uiName": "Negated Array Values",
56                "unvalidated": true
57            },
58            "tuple": {
59                "type": "any",
60                "description": "Negated values of the tuple input",
61                "uiName": "Negative Tuple Values",
62                "unvalidated": true
63            },
64            "flexible": {
65                "type": ["float[3][]", "token"],
66                "description": "Flexible data type output",
67                "uiName": "Inverted Flexible Values",
68                "unvalidated": true
69           }
70        }
71    }


The cpp file contains the implementation of the compute method. It illustrates how to determine and set the data types on extended attribute types.

  1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
  2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-NvidiaProprietary
  4// NVIDIA CORPORATION, its affiliates and licensors retain all intellectual
  5// property and proprietary rights in and to this material, related
  6// documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction,
  7// disclosure or distribution of this material and related documentation
  8// without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION or
  9// its affiliates is strictly prohibited.
 10#include <OgnTutorialExtendedTypesDatabase.h>
 11#include <algorithm>
 14// Attributes whose data types resolve at runtime ("any" or "union" types) are resolved by having connections made
 15// to them of a resolved type. Say you have a chain of A->B->C where B has inputs and outputs of these types. The
 16// connection from A->B will determine the type of data at B's input and the connection B->C will determine the type
 17// of data at B's output (assuming A's outputs and C's inputs are well-defined types).
 19// For this reason it is the node's responsibility to verify the type resolution of the attributes as part of the
 20// compute method. Any unresolved types (db.Xputs.attrName().resolved() == false) that are required by the compute
 21// should result in a warning and compute failure. Any attributes resolved to incompatible types, for example an input
 22// that resolves to a string where a number is needed, should also result in a warning and compute failure.
 24// It is up to the node to decide how flexible the resolution requirements are to be. In the string/number case above
 25// the node may choose to parse the string as a number instead of failing, or using the length of the string as the
 26// input number. The only requirement from OmniGraph is that the node handle all of the resolution types it has
 27// claimed it will handle in the .ogn file. "any" attributes must handle all data types, even if some types result in
 28// warnings or errors. "union" attributes must handle all types specified in the union.
 31class OgnTutorialExtendedTypes
 34    static bool compute(OgnTutorialExtendedTypesDatabase& db)
 35    {
 36        bool computedOne = false;
 38        auto typeWarning = [&](const char* message, const Type& type1, const Type& type2)
 39        { db.logWarning("%s (%s -> %s)", message, getOgnTypeName(type1).c_str(), getOgnTypeName(type2).c_str()); };
 40        auto typeError = [&](const char* message, const Type& type1, const Type& type2)
 41        { db.logError("%s (%s -> %s)", message, getOgnTypeName(type1).c_str(), getOgnTypeName(type2).c_str()); };
 43        auto computeSimpleValues = [&]()
 44        {
 45            // ====================================================================================================
 46            // Compute for the union types that resolve to simple values.
 47            // Accepted value types are floats and tokens. As these were the only types specified in the union
 48            // definition the node does not have to worry about other numeric types, such as int or double.
 50            // The node can decide what the meaning of an attempt to compute with unresolved types is.
 51            // For this particular node they are treated as silent success.
 52            const auto& floatOrToken = db.inputs.floatOrToken();
 53            auto& doubledResult = db.outputs.doubledResult();
 55            if (floatOrToken.resolved() && doubledResult.resolved())
 56            {
 57                // Check for an exact type match for the input and output
 58                if (floatOrToken.type() != doubledResult.type())
 59                {
 60                    // Mismatched types are possible, and result in no compute
 61                    typeWarning("Simple resolved types do not match", floatOrToken.type(), doubledResult.type());
 62                    return false;
 63                }
 65                // When extracting extended types the templated get<> method returns an object that contains the cast
 66                // data. It can be cast to a boolean for quick checks for matching types.
 67                //
 68                // Note: The single "=" in these if statements is intentional. It facilitates one-line set-and-test of
 69                // the
 70                //       typed values.
 71                //
 72                if (auto floatValue = floatOrToken.get<float>())
 73                {
 74                    // Once the existence of the cast type is verified it can be dereferenced to get at the raw data,
 75                    // whose types are described in the tutorial on bundled data.
 76                    if (auto doubledValue = doubledResult.get<float>())
 77                    {
 78                        *doubledValue = *floatValue * 2.0f;
 79                    }
 80                    else
 81                    {
 82                        // This could be an assert because it should never happen. The types were confirmed above to
 83                        // match, so they should have cast to the same types without incident.
 84                        typeError("Simple types were matched as bool then failed to cast properly", floatOrToken.type(),
 85                                  doubledResult.type());
 86                        return false;
 87                    }
 88                }
 89                else if (auto tokenValue = floatOrToken.get<OgnToken>())
 90                {
 91                    if (auto doubledValue = doubledResult.get<OgnToken>())
 92                    {
 93                        std::string inputString{ db.tokenToString(*tokenValue) };
 94                        inputString += inputString;
 95                        *doubledValue = db.stringToToken(inputString.c_str());
 96                    }
 97                    else
 98                    {
 99                        // This could be an assert because it should never happen. The types were confirmed above to
100                        // match, so they should have cast to the same types without incident.
101                        typeError("Simple types were matched as token then failed to cast properly",
102                                  floatOrToken.type(), doubledResult.type());
103                        return false;
104                    }
105                }
106                else
107                {
108                    // As Union types are supposed to restrict the data types being passed in to the declared types
109                    // any unrecognized types are an error, not a warning.
110                    typeError("Simple types resolved to unknown types", floatOrToken.type(), doubledResult.type());
111                    return false;
112                }
113            }
114            else
115            {
116                // Unresolved types are reasonable, resulting in no compute
117                return true;
118            }
119            return true;
120        };
122        auto computeArrayValues = [&]()
123        {
124            // ====================================================================================================
125            // Compute for the union types that resolve to arrays.
126            // Accepted value types are arrays of bool or arrays of float, which are extracted as interfaces to
127            // those values so that resizing can happen transparently through the fabric.
128            //
129            // These interfaces are similar to what you've seen in regular array attributes - they support resize(),
130            // operator[], and range-based for loops.
131            //
132            const auto& toNegate = db.inputs.toNegate();
133            auto& negatedResult = db.outputs.negatedResult();
135            if (toNegate.resolved() && negatedResult.resolved())
136            {
137                // Check for an exact type match for the input and output
138                if (toNegate.type() != negatedResult.type())
139                {
140                    // Mismatched types are possible, and result in no compute
141                    typeWarning("Array resolved types do not match", toNegate.type(), negatedResult.type());
142                    return false;
143                }
145                // Extended types can be any legal attribute type. Here the types in the extended attribute can be
146                // either an array of booleans or an array of integers.
147                if (auto boolArray = toNegate.get<bool[]>())
148                {
149                    auto valueAsBoolArray = negatedResult.get<bool[]>();
150                    if (valueAsBoolArray)
151                    {
152                        valueAsBoolArray.resize(boolArray->size());
153                        size_t index{ 0 };
154                        for (auto& value : *boolArray)
155                        {
156                            (*valueAsBoolArray)[index++] = !value;
157                        }
158                    }
159                    else
160                    {
161                        // This could be an assert because it should never happen. The types were confirmed above to
162                        // match, so they should have cast to the same types without incident.
163                        typeError("Array types were matched as bool[] then failed to cast properly", toNegate.type(),
164                                  negatedResult.type());
165                        return false;
166                    }
167                }
168                else if (auto floatArray = toNegate.get<float[]>())
169                {
170                    auto valueAsFloatArray = negatedResult.get<float[]>();
171                    if (valueAsFloatArray)
172                    {
173                        valueAsFloatArray.resize(floatArray->size());
174                        size_t index{ 0 };
175                        for (auto& value : *floatArray)
176                        {
177                            (*valueAsFloatArray)[index++] = -value;
178                        }
179                    }
180                    else
181                    {
182                        // This could be an assert because it should never happen. The types were confirmed above to
183                        // match, so they should have cast to the same types without incident.
184                        typeError("Array types were matched as float[] then failed to cast properly", toNegate.type(),
185                                  negatedResult.type());
186                        return false;
187                    }
188                }
189                else
190                {
191                    // As Union types are supposed to restrict the data types being passed in to the declared types
192                    // any unrecognized types are an error, not a warning.
193                    typeError("Array type not recognized", toNegate.type(), negatedResult.type());
194                    return false;
195                }
196            }
197            else
198            {
199                // Unresolved types are reasonable, resulting in no compute
200                return true;
201            }
202            return true;
203        };
205        auto computeTupleValues = [&]()
206        {
207            // ====================================================================================================
208            // Compute for the "any" types that only handle tuple values.  In practice you'd only use "any" when the
209            // type of data you handle is unrestricted. This is more an illustration to show how in practical use the
210            // two types of attribute are accessed exactly the same way, the only difference is restrictions that the
211            // OmniGraph system will put on potential connections.
212            //
213            // For simplicity this node will treat unrecognized type as a warning with success.
214            // Full commentary and error checking is elided as it will be the same as for the above examples.
215            // The algorithm for tuple values is a component-wise negation.
216            const auto& tupleInput = db.inputs.tuple();
217            auto& tupleOutput = db.outputs.tuple();
219            if (tupleInput.resolved() && tupleOutput.resolved())
220            {
221                if (tupleInput.type() != tupleOutput.type())
222                {
223                    typeWarning("Tuple resolved types do not match", tupleInput.type(), tupleOutput.type());
224                    return false;
225                }
227                // This node will only recognize the float[3] and int[2] cases, to illustrate that tuple count and
228                // base type are both flexible.
229                if (auto float3Input = tupleInput.get<float[3]>())
230                {
231                    if (auto float3Output = tupleOutput.get<float[3]>())
232                    {
233                        (*float3Output)[0] = -(*float3Input)[0];
234                        (*float3Output)[1] = -(*float3Input)[1];
235                        (*float3Output)[2] = -(*float3Input)[2];
236                    }
237                }
238                else if (auto int2Input = tupleInput.get<int[2]>())
239                {
240                    if (auto int2Output = tupleOutput.get<int[2]>())
241                    {
242                        (*int2Output)[0] = -(*int2Input)[0];
243                        (*int2Output)[1] = -(*int2Input)[1];
244                    }
245                }
246                else
247                {
248                    // As "any" types are not restricted in their data types but this node is only handling two of
249                    // them an unrecognized type is just unimplemented code.
250                    typeWarning("Unimplemented type combination", tupleInput.type(), tupleOutput.type());
251                    return true;
252                }
253            }
254            else
255            {
256                // Unresolved types are reasonable, resulting in no compute
257                return true;
258            }
259            return true;
260        };
262        auto computeFlexibleValues = [&]()
263        {
264            // ====================================================================================================
265            // Complex union type that handles both simple values and an array of tuples. It illustrates how the
266            // data types in a union do not have to be related in any way.
267            //
268            // Full commentary and error checking is elided as it will be the same as for the above examples.
269            // The algorithm for tuple array values is to negate everything in the float3 array values, and to reverse
270            // the string for string values.
271            const auto& flexibleInput = db.inputs.flexible();
272            auto& flexibleOutput = db.outputs.flexible();
274            if (flexibleInput.resolved() && flexibleOutput.resolved())
275            {
276                if (flexibleInput.type() != flexibleOutput.type())
277                {
278                    typeWarning("Flexible resolved types do not match", flexibleInput.type(), flexibleOutput.type());
279                    return false;
280                }
282                // Arrays of tuples are handled with the same interface as with normal attributes.
283                if (auto float3ArrayInput = flexibleInput.get<float[][3]>())
284                {
285                    if (auto float3ArrayOutput = flexibleOutput.get<float[][3]>())
286                    {
287                        size_t itemCount = float3ArrayInput.size();
288                        float3ArrayOutput.resize(itemCount);
289                        for (size_t index = 0; index < itemCount; index++)
290                        {
291                            (*float3ArrayOutput)[index][0] = -(*float3ArrayInput)[index][0];
292                            (*float3ArrayOutput)[index][1] = -(*float3ArrayInput)[index][1];
293                            (*float3ArrayOutput)[index][2] = -(*float3ArrayInput)[index][2];
294                        }
295                    }
296                }
297                else if (auto tokenInput = flexibleInput.get<OgnToken>())
298                {
299                    if (auto tokenOutput = flexibleOutput.get<OgnToken>())
300                    {
301                        std::string toReverse{ db.tokenToString(*tokenInput) };
302                        std::reverse(toReverse.begin(), toReverse.end());
303                        *tokenOutput = db.stringToToken(toReverse.c_str());
304                    }
305                }
306                else
307                {
308                    typeError("Unrecognized type combination", flexibleInput.type(), flexibleOutput.type());
309                    return false;
310                }
311            }
312            else
313            {
314                // Unresolved types are reasonable, resulting in no compute
315                return true;
316            }
318            return true;
319        };
321        // This approach lets either section fail while still computing the other.
322        computedOne = computeSimpleValues();
323        computedOne = computeArrayValues() || computedOne;
324        computedOne = computeTupleValues() || computedOne;
325        computedOne = computeFlexibleValues() || computedOne;
327        if (!computedOne)
328        {
329            db.logWarning("None of the inputs had resolved type, resulting in no compute");
330        }
331        return !computedOne;
332    }
334    static void onConnectionTypeResolve(const NodeObj& nodeObj)
335    {
336        // The attribute types resolve in pairs
337        AttributeObj pairs[][2]{ { nodeObj.iNode->getAttributeByToken(nodeObj, inputs::floatOrToken.token()),
338                                   nodeObj.iNode->getAttributeByToken(nodeObj, outputs::doubledResult.token()) },
339                                 { nodeObj.iNode->getAttributeByToken(nodeObj, inputs::toNegate.token()),
340                                   nodeObj.iNode->getAttributeByToken(nodeObj, outputs::negatedResult.token()) },
341                                 { nodeObj.iNode->getAttributeByToken(nodeObj, inputs::tuple.token()),
342                                   nodeObj.iNode->getAttributeByToken(nodeObj, outputs::tuple.token()) },
343                                 { nodeObj.iNode->getAttributeByToken(nodeObj, inputs::flexible.token()),
344                                   nodeObj.iNode->getAttributeByToken(nodeObj, outputs::flexible.token()) } };
345        for (auto& pair : pairs)
346        {
347            nodeObj.iNode->resolveCoupledAttributes(nodeObj, &pair[0], 2);
348        }
349    }

Information on the raw types extracted from the extended type values can be seen in Tutorial 16 - Bundle Data.


This is a Python version of the above C++ node with exactly the same set of attributes and the same algorithm. It shows the parallels between manipulating extended attribute types in both languages. (The .ogn file is omitted for brevity, being identical to the previous one save for the addition of a "language": "python" property.

  2Implementation of the Python node accessing attributes whose type is determined at runtime.
  3This class exercises access to the DataModel through the generated database class for all simple data types.
  6import omni.graph.core as og
  8# Hardcode each of the expected types for easy comparison
  9FLOAT_TYPE = og.Type(og.BaseDataType.FLOAT)
 10TOKEN_TYPE = og.Type(og.BaseDataType.TOKEN)
 11BOOL_ARRAY_TYPE = og.Type(og.BaseDataType.BOOL, array_depth=1)
 12FLOAT_ARRAY_TYPE = og.Type(og.BaseDataType.FLOAT, array_depth=1)
 13FLOAT3_TYPE = og.Type(og.BaseDataType.FLOAT, tuple_count=3)
 14INT2_TYPE = og.Type(og.BaseDataType.INT, tuple_count=2)
 15FLOAT3_ARRAY_TYPE = og.Type(og.BaseDataType.FLOAT, tuple_count=3, array_depth=1)
 18class OgnTutorialExtendedTypesPy:
 19    """Exercise the runtime data types through a Python OmniGraph node"""
 21    @staticmethod
 22    def compute(db) -> bool:
 23        """Implements the same algorithm as the C++ node OgnTutorialExtendedTypes.cpp.
 25        It follows the same code pattern for easier comparison, though in practice you would probably code Python
 26        nodes differently from C++ nodes to take advantage of the strengths of each language.
 27        """
 29        def __compare_resolved_types(input_attribute, output_attribute) -> og.Type:
 30            """Returns the resolved type if they are the same, outputs a warning and returns None otherwise"""
 31            resolved_input_type = input_attribute.type
 32            resolved_output_type = output_attribute.type
 33            if resolved_input_type != resolved_output_type:
 34                db.log_warn(f"Resolved types do not match {resolved_input_type} -> {resolved_output_type}")
 35                return None
 36            return resolved_input_type if resolved_input_type.base_type != og.BaseDataType.UNKNOWN else None
 38        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 39        def _compute_simple_values():
 40            """Perform the first algorithm on the simple input data types"""
 42            # Unlike C++ code the Python types are flexible so you must check the data types to do the right thing.
 43            # This works out better when the operation is the same as you don't even have to check the data type. In
 44            # this case the "doubling" operation is slightly different for floats and tokens.
 45            resolved_type = __compare_resolved_types(db.inputs.floatOrToken, db.outputs.doubledResult)
 46            if resolved_type == FLOAT_TYPE:
 47                db.outputs.doubledResult.value = db.inputs.floatOrToken.value * 2.0
 48            elif resolved_type == TOKEN_TYPE:
 49                db.outputs.doubledResult.value = db.inputs.floatOrToken.value + db.inputs.floatOrToken.value
 51            # A Pythonic way to do the same thing by just applying an operation and checking for compatibility is:
 52            #    try:
 53            #        db.outputs.doubledResult = db.inputs.floatOrToken * 2.0
 54            #    except TypeError:
 55            #        # Gets in here for token types since multiplying string by float is not legal
 56            #        db.outputs.doubledResult = db.inputs.floatOrToken + db.inputs.floatOrToken
 58            return True
 60        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 61        def _compute_array_values():
 62            """Perform the second algorithm on the array input data types"""
 64            resolved_type = __compare_resolved_types(db.inputs.toNegate, db.outputs.negatedResult)
 65            if resolved_type == BOOL_ARRAY_TYPE:
 66                db.outputs.negatedResult.value = [not value for value in db.inputs.toNegate.value]
 67            elif resolved_type == FLOAT_ARRAY_TYPE:
 68                db.outputs.negatedResult.value = [-value for value in db.inputs.toNegate.value]
 70            return True
 72        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 73        def _compute_tuple_values():
 74            """Perform the third algorithm on the 'any' data types"""
 76            resolved_type = __compare_resolved_types(db.inputs.tuple, db.outputs.tuple)
 77            # Notice how, since the operation is applied the same for both recognized types, the
 78            # same code can handle both of them.
 79            if resolved_type in (FLOAT3_TYPE, INT2_TYPE):
 80                db.outputs.tuple.value = tuple(-x for x in db.inputs.tuple.value)
 81            # An unresolved type is a temporary state and okay, resolving to unsupported types means the graph is in
 82            # an unsupported configuration that needs to be corrected.
 83            elif resolved_type is not None:
 84                type_name = resolved_type.get_type_name()
 85                db.log_error(f"Only float[3] and int[2] types are supported by this node, not {type_name}")
 86                return False
 88            return True
 90        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 91        def _compute_flexible_values():
 92            """Perform the fourth algorithm on the multi-shape data types"""
 94            resolved_type = __compare_resolved_types(db.inputs.flexible, db.outputs.flexible)
 95            if resolved_type == FLOAT3_ARRAY_TYPE:
 96                db.outputs.flexible.value = [(-x, -y, -z) for (x, y, z) in db.inputs.flexible.value]
 97            elif resolved_type == TOKEN_TYPE:
 98                db.outputs.flexible.value = db.inputs.flexible.value[::-1]
100            return True
102        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103        compute_success = _compute_simple_values()
104        compute_success = _compute_array_values() and compute_success
105        compute_success = _compute_tuple_values() and compute_success
106        compute_success = _compute_flexible_values() and compute_success
108        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109        # As Python has a much more flexible typing system it can do things in a few lines that require a lot
110        # more in C++. One such example is the ability to add two arbitrary data types. Here is an example of
111        # how, using "any" type inputs "a", and "b", with an "any" type output "result" you can generically
112        # add two elements without explicitly checking the type, failing only when Python cannot support
113        # the operation.
114        #
115        #    try:
116        #        db.outputs.result = db.inputs.a + db.inputs.b
117        #        return True
118        #    except TypeError:
119        #        a_type = inputs.a.type().get_type_name()
120        #        b_type = inputs.b.type().get_type_name()
121        #        db.log_error(f"Cannot add attributes of type {a_type} and {b_type}")
122        #    return False
124        return True
126    @staticmethod
127    def on_connection_type_resolve(node) -> None:
128        # There are 4 sets of type-coupled attributes in this node, meaning that the base_type of the attributes
129        # must be the same for the node to function as designed.
130        # 1. floatOrToken <-> doubledResult
131        # 2. toNegate <-> negatedResult
132        # 3. tuple <-> tuple
133        # 4. flexible <-> flexible
134        #
135        # The following code uses a helper function to resolve the attribute types of the coupled pairs.  Note that
136        # without this logic a chain of extended-attribute connections may result in a non-functional graph, due to
137        # the requirement that types be resolved before graph evaluation, and the ambiguity of the graph without knowing
138        # how the types are related.
139        og.resolve_fully_coupled(
140            [node.get_attribute("inputs:floatOrToken"), node.get_attribute("outputs:doubledResult")]
141        )
142        og.resolve_fully_coupled([node.get_attribute("inputs:toNegate"), node.get_attribute("outputs:negatedResult")])
143        og.resolve_fully_coupled([node.get_attribute("inputs:tuple"), node.get_attribute("outputs:tuple")])
144        og.resolve_fully_coupled([node.get_attribute("inputs:flexible"), node.get_attribute("outputs:flexible")])