
class IO)

Bases: object

Helper class that provides output capabilities to messages with preserved indentation levels


output: File type that receives the output indent_level: Number of indentation levels for the current output indent_string: String representing the current indentation level



Initialize the indentation level and prepare for output


Close the output stream


Decrease the indentation level for emitted code


Increase the indentation level for emitted code


Write the message line at the beginning of the output.


Output a single message line to the file.


Output a string to the output file without indentation or added newline Passing in a list will write each list member on its own line.

__init__(output: IO)

Initialize the indentation level and prepare for output


output – IO object to which this object will be sending its output Both io.TextIOWrapper (output from “open()”) and io.StringIO can be used


Close the output stream

exdent(message: Optional[str] = None)

Decrease the indentation level for emitted code

If a message is specified then emit that message immediately after exdenting, allowing you to easily close sections like: out.exdent(“}”)

indent(message: Optional[str] = None) bool

Increase the indentation level for emitted code

If a message is specified then emit that message immediately before indenting, allowing you to easily open sections like: out.indent(“{“)

Returns True so that indented sections can be indented in the code:
if output.indent(“begin {“):


prepend(message: str)

Write the message line at the beginning of the output.

This rewrites the entire output so it is best to minimize its use, and stick with string implementations. The message is written as-is with no newlines or indenting

write(message: Union[List, str] = '')

Output a single message line to the file. This assumes indentation will be used and a newline will be appended. Passing in a list will write each list member on its own line.


message – Line of text being emitted

write_as_is(message: Union[List, str])

Output a string to the output file without indentation or added newline Passing in a list will write each list member on its own line.


message – Line of text being emitted