
Defined in omni/graph/exec/unstable/ElementAt.h


template<typename OwnerType, typename ValueType, typename GetterType>
struct ElementAt

Provides iterator access to an interface that defines per-element access.

Use this object to wrap an interface that defines random element access. The resulting wrapper object can be passed to any algorithm that can iterate over an iterable object (e.g. C++’s built-in range-based for).

Template Parameters
  • OwnerType – The interface type (e.g. IMyArray).

  • ValueType – The type of the value returned from the getter.

  • GetterType – A struct that defines a static getAt(OwnerType* owner, uint64_t index, ValueType* out) method. This method is used to access the element at the given index. The struct must also define a static getCount(OwnerType*) method which returns the number of items to iterate over.

Public Functions

inline ElementAt(OwnerType *owner) noexcept


inline Iterator begin() const noexcept

Returns an iterator to the first element.

inline Iterator end() const noexcept

Returns an invalid iterator past the last element.

inline uint64_t getCount() const noexcept

Returns element count.

struct Iterator

Iterator pointing to an element in the iterable range.

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag

Type of the iterator.

using value_type = ValueType

Type of the value to which the iterator points.

using pointer = value_type*

Pointer to the type of the value to which the iterator points.

using reference = value_type&

Reference to the type of the value to which the iterator points.

Public Functions

inline Iterator(OwnerType *owner_, uint64_t index_, uint64_t count_) noexcept


inline reference operator*() noexcept

Dereference operator.

inline pointer operator->() noexcept

Dereference operator.

inline Iterator &operator++() noexcept

Move to the next item in the container.

inline Iterator operator++(int) noexcept

Move to the next item in the container.


inline friend bool operator==(const Iterator &a, const Iterator &b) noexcept

Check if the iterators are equal.

inline friend bool operator!=(const Iterator &a, const Iterator &b) noexcept

Check if the iterators are not equal.