OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_ASSERT: Debug build assertion.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_CAST_OR_FATAL: Casts an object to the specified interface, terminating the application if the cast fails.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_FATAL: Terminates the application due to an unexpected condition.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_FATAL_UNLESS: Check if the given expression evaluates to
, and if not, terminates the application.OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_FATAL_UNLESS_ARG: Check if the given argument is
, and if so terminates the application.OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_GET_NODE_DATA_AS: Calls either omni::graph::exec::unstable::IExecutionContext::getNodeDataAs() or omni::graph::exec::unstable::IExecutionStateInfo::getNodeDataAs() (dependent on the type of the first argument).
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_ON_MODULE_STARTED: Helper macro to ensure EF features are enabled in the current module/plugin.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_ON_MODULE_UNLOAD: Helper macro to ensure EF features are safely disabled when the current module/plugin unloads.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_REGISTER_GLOBAL_PASS: Adds an omni::graph::exec::unstable::IGlobalPass to a list to be registered as type omni::graph::exec::unstable::PassType::eGlobal at the module's (i.e.g DLL) startup.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_REGISTER_PARTITION_PASS: Adds an omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPartitionPass to a list to be registered as type omni::graph::exec::unstable::PassType::ePartitioning at the module's (i.e.g DLL) startup.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_REGISTER_PASS: Adds an omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPass to a list to be registered at the module's (i.e.g DLL) startup.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_REGISTER_POPULATE_PASS: Adds an omni::graph::exec::unstable::IPopulatePass to a list to be registered as type omni::graph::exec::unstable::PassType::ePopulate at the module's (i.e.g DLL) startup.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_RETURN_EXPECTED: Returns an omni::expected with the proper expected or unexpected value.
OMNI_GRAPH_EXEC_SET_NODE_DATA: Calls either omni::graph::exec::unstable::IExecutionContext::setNodeData() or omni::graph::exec::unstable::IExecutionStateInfo::setNodeData() (dependent on the type of the first argument).
OMNI_STATIC_ASSERT_CAN_BE_PASSED_BY_VALUE_IN_ABI: At compile-time, check if the given type can safely be copied by value across the ABI.
OMNI_STATIC_ASSERT_MUST_BE_PASSED_BY_POINTER_IN_ABI: At compile-time, check if the given type must be passed by pointer in the ABI.