
Defined in omni/graph/core/bundle/IBundle1.h

struct IBundle

Interface for bundle attribute data.

Public Members

size_t (*getAttributesCount)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, ConstBundleHandle bundle)

Counts the number of attributes contained in the bundle.

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param bundle

[in] The handle to the bundle data


the number of attributes in the bundle

void (*getAttributesR)(ConstAttributeDataHandle *attrsOut, const GraphContextObj &contextObj, ConstBundleHandle bundle, size_t count)

Get all of the attributes on the bundle in read-only form.

Param attrsOut

[out] Handles to the attributes on the bundle (preallocated to hold “count” members)

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param bundle

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param count

[in] The number of attribute slots allocated in attrsOut (should be >= getAttributesCount())

void (*getAttributesW)(AttributeDataHandle *attrsOut, const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle bundle, size_t count)

Get all of the attributes on the bundle in writable form.

Param attrsOut

[out] Handles to the attributes on the bundle (preallocated to hold “count” members)

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param bundle

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param count

[in] The number of attribute slots allocated in attrsOut (should be >= getAttributesCount())

void (*getAttributesByNameR)(ConstAttributeDataHandle *attrsOut, const GraphContextObj &contextObj, ConstBundleHandle bundle, const NameToken *attrNames, size_t count)

Get attributes on the bundle whose names appear in “attrNames” in read-only form.

Param attrsOut

[out] Handles to the attributes on the bundle (preallocated to hold “count” members)

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param bundle

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param attrNames

[in] The list of attribute names to be looked up

Param count

[in] The number of attribute slots allocated in attrsOut (should be >= getAttributesCount())

void (*getAttributesByNameW)(AttributeDataHandle *attrsOut, const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle bundle, const NameToken *attrNames, size_t count)

Get attributes on the bundle whose names appear in “attrNames” in writable form.

Param attrsOut

[out] Handles to the attributes on the bundle (preallocated to hold “count” members)

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param bundle

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param attrNames

[in] The list of attribute names to be looked up

Param count

[in] The number of attribute slots allocated in attrsOut (should be >= getAttributesCount())

void (*getAttributeNamesAndTypes)(NameToken *namesOut, Type *typesOut, const GraphContextObj &contextObj, ConstBundleHandle bundle, size_t count)

Get the names and types of all attributes on the bundle.

Param namesOut

[out] Handles to the names of attributes on the bundle (preallocated to hold “count” members)

Param typesOut

[out] Handles to the types of attributes on the bundle (preallocated to hold “count” members)

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param bundle

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param count

[in] The number of attribute slots allocated in attrsOut (should be >= getAttributesCount())

AttributeDataHandle (*addAttribute)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle destination, NameToken attrName, Type attrType)

Create a new attribute and add it to the bundle.

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param destination

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param attrName

[in] Name for the new attribute

Param attrType

[in] Type for the new attribute


Handle to the newly created attribute

AttributeDataHandle (*addAttributeLike)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle destination, ConstAttributeDataHandle pattern)

Create a new attribute and add it to the bundle.

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param destination

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param pattern

[in] Attribute whose name and type is to be copied for the new attribute


Handle to the newly created attribute

AttributeDataHandle (*addArrayAttribute)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle destination, NameToken attrName, Type attrType, size_t elementCount)

Create a new array attribute and add it to the bundle.

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param destination

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param attrName

[in] Name for the new attribute

Param attrType

[in] Type for the new attribute

Param elementCount

[in] Starting element count for the array attribute


Handle to the newly created attribute

AttributeDataHandle (*addArrayOfArraysAttribute)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle destination, NameToken attrName, BaseDataType baseType, size_t numComponents, size_t numArrays, ...)

Create a new array-of-arrays attribute and add it to the bundle.

Note: At the moment only arrays and arrays-of-tuples are fully supported so use with caution

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param destination

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param attrName

[in] Name for the new attribute

Param baseType

[in] Base data type for the new attribute

Param numComponents

[in] Number of tuple elements for the new attribute (e.g. 3 for float[3])

Param numArrays

[in] How many levels of arrays are on the attribute (currently only 1 is supported)

Param …

[in] Variadic list containing the starting element count for each level of array


Handle to the newly created attribute

void (*copyAttribute)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle destination, NameToken destinationAttrName, ConstAttributeDataHandle source)

Create a new attribute by copying an existing one, including its data, and renaming and add it to the bundle.

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param destination

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param destinationAttrName

[in] Name for the new attribute

Param source

[in] Handle to attribute whose data type is to be copied


Handle to the newly created attribute

uint64_t (*getDataID)(ConstBundleHandle bundle)

Get the unique data ID of a bundle.

Param bundle

[in] The bundle whose ID is to be found


The unique ID of the bundle

void (*removeAttribute)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle destination, NameToken attrName)

Remove an existing attribute from the bundle.

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param destination

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param attrName

[in] Name of the attribute to remove

bool (*addAttributes)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle destination, size_t attributeCount, const NameToken *attrNames, const Type *attrTypes)

Add a batch of attributes to a bundle.

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param destination

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param attributeCount

[in] Number of attributes to be added

Param attrNames

[in] Array of names for the new attributes

Param attrTypes

[in] Array of types for the new attributes


Whether addition was successful

bool (*removeAttributes)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle destination, size_t attributeCount, const NameToken *attrNames)

Remove a batch of attributes from a bundle.

Param contextObj

[in] The context to which the bundle belongs

Param destination

[in] The handle to the bundle data

Param attributeCount

[in] Number of attributes to be removed

Param attrNames

[in] Array of names to be removed

void (*copyAttributes)(const GraphContextObj &contextObj, BundleHandle destBundle, ConstBundleHandle sourceBundle, NameToken const *srcNames, NameToken const *dstNames, size_t namesCount)

Copy a set of attributes from a source bundle/node to another bundle/node Attributes taht don’t exists on the destination will be created The name on the destination can differ from the one on the source.

Param contextObj

[in] The context object used to find the variable data.

Param destBundleHandle

[in] The destination node/bundle on which to copy/create the the attributes.

Param sourceBundleHandle

[in] The source node/bundle from which to read the data.

Param srcNames

[in] The attributes to copy

Param dstNames

[in] Optional - the name of the destination attribute. if nullptr, the name of input will be used if not nullptr, lenght must be equal to namesCount

Param namesCount

[in] Length of srcNames array (and dstNames if provided)

const char *(*getBundlePath)(ConstBundleHandle bundle)

Retrieves the path to the bundle.

It will be part of the node in which it is defined.

Param bundle

[in] A handle pointing to a bundle


the bundle path