
Defined in omni/graph/core/Handle.h

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

class AttributeDataHandle : public omni::graph::core::HandleBase<AttrKey, AttributeDataHandle>

Object representing a handle to a variable AttributeData type.

Public Functions

inline omni::fabric::PathC path() const noexcept

Path to the prim or bundle of the attribute, e.g. in “/world/cube.size”, this returns “/world/cube”.

inline omni::fabric::TokenC name() const noexcept

Name of the attribute, e.g. in “/world/cube.size”, this would be “size”.

inline omni::fabric::FabricId fabricId() const noexcept

The specific fabric ID associated to this handle Returns omni::fabric::kInvalidFabricId if this handle is meant to be used with the default one assotiated to the graph.

inline operator ConstAttributeDataHandle() const

Returns a constant AttributeDataHandle pointing to the same AttributeData as this variable one.

inline explicit operator AttrKey() const

Cast to the underlying data type of the handle.

inline bool isValid() const

Returns true if the handle is currently valid.

inline bool operator==(HandleBase rhs) const

Equality operator - only identical handles are equal.

inline bool operator!=(HandleBase rhs) const

Inequality operator - only identical handles are equal.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr AttrKey invalidValue()

Returns an invalid AttributeData handle value.

static inline constexpr AttributeDataHandle invalidHandle()

Constant representing a unique invalid handle for this instantiation.

Protected Attributes

AttrKey handle

Instantiation of the underlying type of the handle.