
Python API

This module contains bindings to the C++ rtx.neuraylib.plugin interface.

The central structure type MdlModule, MldEntity, and MdlEntitySnapshot are ref-counted internally. So creating the first instance of them actually creates a new object, further calls, with the same configuration (or same parameters) will return the same object while internally the reference count is increased. Every object returned from the create functions that is different from None needs to be disposed by calling the corresponding destroy function to decrease the reference counter of the instance. When this counter reaches zero, the object is disposed.

All the function are in the omni.mdl.neuraylib::NeurayLib class, to get it use get_app_interface method, which caches acquire interface call:

>>> import omni.mdl.neuraylib
>>> a = omni.mdl.neuraylib.get_neuraylib()
class omni.mdl.neuraylib.MdlEntity

Bases: pybind11_object

Maps between USD shade nodes and the MDL representation of a shade node. Identified by the USD Prim Path, different components can access this entity in a scene.

property dbScopeName

Name of the neuray database scope of the ISceneRenderer in which this entity is stored in. This can NOT change during the lifetime of the object.

getMdlModule(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlEntity) omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlModule

Handle to the module that contains the entities definition. This can change during the lifetime of the object. Since this is module is not ‘created’ here, don’t call destroy on it.

property simpleNameWithSignature

Name of the material or function within its module along with its parameter list attached. This can change during the lifetime of the object.

property uniquePrimPath

The USD Prim Path that identifies this entity in the scene. This can NOT change during the lifetime of the object.

valid(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlEntity) bool

Get the state of entity. It is valid if a module a simple name is assigned.

class omni.mdl.neuraylib.MdlEntitySnapshot

Bases: pybind11_object

MDL representation of a shade node along with the currently set parameters. Parameters can be inspected while changes are reflected from USD (in rtx.hydra.plugin). This snapshot is passed to the ISceneRenderer for creating and updating the renderer material.

Created from an MdlEntity at a certain point in time. When the MdlEntity did not change in the meantime, the same MdlEntitySnapshot can be accessed using the create function. When the MdlEntity changed (different module or function name), a new snapshot can be created while to old one still exist but might not be valid anymore (in case of reloads).

property dbName

Name of a MDL material instance or functions call in the neuray database.

property dbScopeName

Name of the neuray database scope (of the ISceneRenderer) in which this entity is stored in.

getMdlModule(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlEntitySnapshot) omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlModule

Handle to the module that contains the entities definition.) Since this is module is not ‘created’ here, don’t call destroy on it.

property simpleNameWithSignature

Name of the material or function within its module along with its parameter list attached.

class omni.mdl.neuraylib.MdlModule

Bases: pybind11_object

The representation of an MDL module to load or loaded by neuray.

property dbName

The name of the MDL module in the neuray database.

property dbScopeName

The name of the DB scope to load the definitions to.

property qualifiedName

The fully qualified MDL name of the module

valid(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlModule) bool

Get the state of module, describes if loaded and if valid or not

class omni.mdl.neuraylib.NeurayLib

Bases: pybind11_object

createEditingTransaction(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib, dbScopeName: str = '') int

Creates a write access transaction for a given database scope with short term usage in mind.

This transaction should be used for write access e.g. for editing a material instance code. Use the transaction on a per task level and from one thread only. When done, call commit in case you made changes or abort in case you only read information. However, keep in mind that the this new transaction can only see DB state that was already committed.


dbScopeName (str) – Name of the DB scope to edit.

Return type



The created transaction or None if the creation failed, e.g. because of an invalid scope.

createMdlEntity(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib, uniquePrimPath: str, dbScopeName: str = '') omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlEntity

Creates an MdlEnity for a selected scope. It maps an MDL representation to a particular USD shade graph node.

If there already is an MdlEntity the same object is returned again with an increased reference count. This allows multiple components to access the same data based on the USD Prim Path.

  • uniquePrimPath (str) – USD path of the shade node this entity will belong to. Allows to identify the node from different kit components.

  • scopeName (str) – Name of the DB scope to later store snapshots in (default: ‘usdIdentifier’).

Return type



The handle that represents the shade USD graph node. Needs the released using destroyMdlEntity when not required anymore.

createMdlEntitySnapshot(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib, arg0: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlEntity) omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlEntitySnapshot

Creates an MDL material instance or function call in the neuray DB scope provided. This snapshot is used for editing and creating material representations specific to the renderer. If there already is a valid snapshot for this MdlEntity and if the selected function name did not change, the same snapshot is returned again with an increased reference count.


mdlEntity (MdlEntity) – An MdlEntityId with a valid function name set (currently only from C++).

Return type



A snapshot that represents a MDL material instance or function call present in the neuray database. Needs the released using destroyMdlEntity when not required anymore.

createMdlModule(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib, usdIdentifier: str, dbScopeName: str = '') omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlModule

Loads an MDL module and stores the loaded definitions in the neuray DB scope provided.

  • usdIdentifier (str) – The USD asset identifier of the module to load.

  • scopeName (str) – Name of the DB scope to load the definitions to (default: ‘usdIdentifier’).

Return type



The handle that contains the database name of the created module. Needs the released using destroyMdlModule when not required anymore.

createReadingTransaction(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib, dbScopeName: str = '') int

Creates a read-only transaction for a given database scope with short term usage in mind.

This transaction can only be used for read access e.g. for generating shader code. Use the transaction on a per task level and from one thread only. This transaction can not be committed as it is not allowed to make changes to the database. However, keep in mind that the this new transaction can only see DB state that was already committed.


dbScopeName (str) – Name of the DB scope to read from.

Return type



The created transaction or None if the creation failed, e.g. because of an invalid scope.

destroyMdlEntity(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib, arg0: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlEntity) None

Releases a previously created entity.


mdlEntity (MdlEntity) – An enitity that was created using`createMdlEntity`.

destroyMdlEntitySnapshot(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib, arg0: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlEntitySnapshot) None

Releases a previously created entity snapshot.


mdlEntity (MdlEntitySnapshot) – An enitity that was created using`createMdlEntitySnapshot`.

destroyMdlModule(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib, arg0: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.MdlModule) None

Releases a previously loaded module.


mdlModule (MdlModule) – A module that was created using`createMdlModule`.

getCurrentDefaultScope(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib) str

Returns the current default database scope name depending on the active renderer. If there is no active scene renderer the scope of the RTX renderer will be used.

getNeurayAPI(self: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib) int

Returns a handle to the neuray API. This handle has to be attached to the MDL SDK Python binding using omni.mdl.pymdlsdk.attach_ineuray.

omni.mdl.neuraylib.PrepareModule(module, result)

Prepare an extension module at import time. Generally, this should only be called by the script for a module upon loading a pybind11 module (generally ‘’).

omni.mdl.neuraylib.acquire_interface(plugin_name: str = None, library_path: str = None) omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib
omni.mdl.neuraylib.get_neuraylib() NeurayLib

Returns cached omni.mdl.neuraylib.NeurayLib interface

omni.mdl.neuraylib.lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False)

Least-recently-used cache decorator.

If maxsize is set to None, the LRU features are disabled and the cache can grow without bound.

If typed is True, arguments of different types will be cached separately. For example, f(3.0) and f(3) will be treated as distinct calls with distinct results.

Arguments to the cached function must be hashable.

View the cache statistics named tuple (hits, misses, maxsize, currsize) with f.cache_info(). Clear the cache and statistics with f.cache_clear(). Access the underlying function with f.__wrapped__.


omni.mdl.neuraylib.release_interface(arg0: omni.mdl.neuraylib._neuraylib.NeurayLib) None