pxr package
Ar module
- class pxr.Ar.Resolver
- CanWriteAssetToPath()
- CreateContextFromString()
- CreateContextFromStrings()
- CreateDefaultContext()
- CreateDefaultContextForAsset()
- CreateIdentifier()
- CreateIdentifierForNewAsset()
- GetAssetInfo()
- GetCurrentContext()
- GetExtension()
- GetModificationTimestamp()
- IsContextDependentPath()
- RefreshContext()
- Resolve()
- ResolveForNewAsset()
- class pxr.Ar.ResolverContextBinder
- class pxr.Ar.ResolverScopedCache
CameraUtil module
Camera utilities.
- class pxr.CameraUtil.ConformWindowPolicy
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (CameraUtil.MatchVertically, CameraUtil.MatchHorizontally, CameraUtil.Fit, CameraUtil.Crop, CameraUtil.DontConform)
Garch module
Gf module
Graphics Foundation This package defines classes for fundamental graphics types and operations.
- class pxr.Gf.BBox3d
Arbitrarily oriented 3D bounding box
- static Combine()
- ComputeAlignedBox()
- ComputeAlignedRange()
- ComputeCentroid()
- GetBox()
- GetInverseMatrix()
- GetMatrix()
- GetRange()
- GetVolume()
- HasZeroAreaPrimitives()
- Set()
- SetHasZeroAreaPrimitives()
- SetMatrix()
- SetRange()
- Transform()
- property box
- property hasZeroAreaPrimitives
- property matrix
- class pxr.Gf.Camera
- class FOVDirection
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Gf.Camera.FOVHorizontal, Gf.Camera.FOVVertical)
- class Projection
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Gf.Camera.Perspective, Gf.Camera.Orthographic)
- GetFieldOfView()
- SetFromViewAndProjectionMatrix()
- SetOrthographicFromAspectRatioAndSize()
- SetPerspectiveFromAspectRatioAndFieldOfView()
- DEFAULT_VERTICAL_APERTURE = 15.290799999999999
- FOVHorizontal = Gf.Camera.FOVHorizontal
- FOVVertical = Gf.Camera.FOVVertical
- Orthographic = Gf.Camera.Orthographic
- Perspective = Gf.Camera.Perspective
- property aspectRatio
- property clippingPlanes
- property clippingRange
- property fStop
- property focalLength
- property focusDistance
- property frustum
- property horizontalAperture
- property horizontalApertureOffset
- property horizontalFieldOfView
- property projection
- property transform
- property verticalAperture
- property verticalApertureOffset
- property verticalFieldOfView
- class pxr.Gf.DualQuatd
- GetConjugate()
- GetDual()
- static GetIdentity()
- GetInverse()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetReal()
- GetTranslation()
- static GetZero()
- Normalize()
- SetDual()
- SetReal()
- SetTranslation()
- Transform()
- property dual
- property real
- class pxr.Gf.DualQuatf
- GetConjugate()
- GetDual()
- static GetIdentity()
- GetInverse()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetReal()
- GetTranslation()
- static GetZero()
- Normalize()
- SetDual()
- SetReal()
- SetTranslation()
- Transform()
- property dual
- property real
- class pxr.Gf.DualQuath
- GetConjugate()
- GetDual()
- static GetIdentity()
- GetInverse()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetReal()
- GetTranslation()
- static GetZero()
- Normalize()
- SetDual()
- SetReal()
- SetTranslation()
- Transform()
- property dual
- property real
- class pxr.Gf.Frustum
Basic view frustum
- class ProjectionType
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Gf.Frustum.Orthographic, Gf.Frustum.Perspective)
- ComputeAspectRatio()
- ComputeCorners()
- ComputeCornersAtDistance()
- ComputeLookAtPoint()
- ComputeNarrowedFrustum()
- ComputePickRay()
- ComputeProjectionMatrix()
- ComputeUpVector()
- ComputeViewDirection()
- ComputeViewFrame()
- ComputeViewInverse()
- ComputeViewMatrix()
- FitToSphere()
- GetFOV()
Returns the horizontal fov of the frustum. The fov of the frustum is not necessarily the same value as displayed in the viewer. The displayed fov is a function of the focal length or FOV avar. The frustum’s fov may be different due to things like lens breathing.
If the frustum is not of type GfFrustum::Perspective, the returned FOV will be 0.0.
- GetNearFar()
- GetOrthographic()
- GetPerspective()
Returns the current perspective frustum values suitable for use by SetPerspective. If the current frustum is a perspective projection, the return value is a tuple of fieldOfView, aspectRatio, nearDistance, farDistance). If the current frustum is not perspective, the return value is None.
- GetPosition()
- GetProjectionType()
- static GetReferencePlaneDepth()
- GetRotation()
- GetViewDistance()
- GetWindow()
- Intersects()
- static IntersectsViewVolume()
- SetNearFar()
- SetOrthographic()
- SetPerspective()
- SetPosition()
- SetPositionAndRotationFromMatrix()
- SetProjectionType()
- SetRotation()
- SetViewDistance()
- SetWindow()
- Transform()
- Orthographic = Gf.Frustum.Orthographic
- Perspective = Gf.Frustum.Perspective
- property nearFar
- property position
- property projectionType
- property rotation
- property viewDistance
- property window
- class pxr.Gf.Interval
Basic mathematical interval class
- Contains()
Returns true if x is inside the interval.
Returns true if x is inside the interval.
- static GetFullInterval()
- GetMax()
Get the maximum value.
- GetMin()
Get the minimum value.
- GetSize()
The width of the interval
- In()
Returns true if x is inside the interval.
- Intersects()
- IsEmpty()
True if the interval is empty.
- IsFinite()
- IsMaxClosed()
- IsMaxFinite()
- IsMaxOpen()
- IsMinClosed()
- IsMinFinite()
- IsMinOpen()
- SetMax()
Set the maximum value.
Set the maximum value and boundary condition.
- SetMin()
Set the minimum value.
Set the minimum value and boundary condition.
- property finite
- property isEmpty
True if the interval is empty.
- property max
The maximum value.
- property maxClosed
- property maxFinite
- property maxOpen
- property min
The minimum value.
- property minClosed
- property minFinite
- property minOpen
- property size
The width of the interval.
- class pxr.Gf.Line
Line class
- FindClosestPoint()
- GetDirection()
- GetPoint()
- Set()
- property direction
- class pxr.Gf.LineSeg
Line segment class
- FindClosestPoint()
- GetDirection()
- GetLength()
- GetPoint()
- property direction
- property length
- class pxr.Gf.Matrix2d
- GetColumn()
- GetDeterminant()
- GetInverse()
- GetRow()
- GetTranspose()
- Set()
- SetColumn()
- SetDiagonal()
- SetIdentity()
- SetRow()
- SetZero()
- dimension = (2, 2)
- class pxr.Gf.Matrix2f
- GetColumn()
- GetDeterminant()
- GetInverse()
- GetRow()
- GetTranspose()
- Set()
- SetColumn()
- SetDiagonal()
- SetIdentity()
- SetRow()
- SetZero()
- dimension = (2, 2)
- class pxr.Gf.Matrix3d
- ExtractRotation()
- GetColumn()
- GetDeterminant()
- GetHandedness()
- GetInverse()
- GetOrthonormalized()
- GetRow()
- GetTranspose()
- IsLeftHanded()
- IsRightHanded()
- Orthonormalize()
- Set()
- SetColumn()
- SetDiagonal()
- SetIdentity()
- SetRotate()
- SetRow()
- SetScale()
- SetZero()
- dimension = (3, 3)
- class pxr.Gf.Matrix3f
- ExtractRotation()
- GetColumn()
- GetDeterminant()
- GetHandedness()
- GetInverse()
- GetOrthonormalized()
- GetRow()
- GetTranspose()
- IsLeftHanded()
- IsRightHanded()
- Orthonormalize()
- Set()
- SetColumn()
- SetDiagonal()
- SetIdentity()
- SetRotate()
- SetRow()
- SetScale()
- SetZero()
- dimension = (3, 3)
- class pxr.Gf.Matrix4d
- ExtractRotation()
- ExtractRotationMatrix()
- ExtractRotationQuat()
- ExtractTranslation()
- Factor()
- GetColumn()
- GetDeterminant()
- GetDeterminant3()
- GetHandedness()
- GetInverse()
- GetOrthonormalized()
- GetRow()
- GetRow3()
- GetTranspose()
- HasOrthogonalRows3()
- IsLeftHanded()
- IsRightHanded()
- Orthonormalize()
- RemoveScaleShear()
- Set()
- SetColumn()
- SetDiagonal()
- SetIdentity()
- SetLookAt()
- SetRotate()
- SetRotateOnly()
- SetRow()
- SetRow3()
- SetScale()
- SetTransform()
- SetTranslate()
- SetTranslateOnly()
- SetZero()
- Transform()
- TransformAffine()
- TransformDir()
- dimension = (4, 4)
- class pxr.Gf.Matrix4f
- ExtractRotation()
- ExtractRotationMatrix()
- ExtractRotationQuat()
- ExtractTranslation()
- Factor()
- GetColumn()
- GetDeterminant()
- GetDeterminant3()
- GetHandedness()
- GetInverse()
- GetOrthonormalized()
- GetRow()
- GetRow3()
- GetTranspose()
- HasOrthogonalRows3()
- IsLeftHanded()
- IsRightHanded()
- Orthonormalize()
- RemoveScaleShear()
- Set()
- SetColumn()
- SetDiagonal()
- SetIdentity()
- SetLookAt()
- SetRotate()
- SetRotateOnly()
- SetRow()
- SetRow3()
- SetScale()
- SetTransform()
- SetTranslate()
- SetTranslateOnly()
- SetZero()
- Transform()
- TransformAffine()
- TransformDir()
- dimension = (4, 4)
- class pxr.Gf.MultiInterval
- Add()
- ArithmeticAdd()
- Clear()
- Contains()
Returns true if x is inside the multi-interval.
Returns true if x is inside the multi-interval.
Returns true if x is inside the multi-interval.
- GetBounds()
- GetComplement()
- static GetFullInterval()
- GetSize()
- IsEmpty()
- Remove()
- property bounds
- property isEmpty
- property size
- class pxr.Gf.Plane
- GetDistance()
- GetDistanceFromOrigin()
- GetEquation()
- GetNormal()
- IntersectsPositiveHalfSpace()
- Project()
- Reorient()
- Set()
- Transform()
- property distanceFromOrigin
- property normal
- class pxr.Gf.Quatd
- GetConjugate()
- static GetIdentity()
- GetImaginary()
- GetInverse()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetReal()
- static GetZero()
- Normalize()
- SetImaginary()
- SetReal()
- Transform()
- property imaginary
- property real
- class pxr.Gf.Quaternion
Quaternion class
- static GetIdentity()
- GetImaginary()
- GetInverse()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetReal()
- static GetZero()
- Normalize()
- property imaginary
- property real
- class pxr.Gf.Quatf
- GetConjugate()
- static GetIdentity()
- GetImaginary()
- GetInverse()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetReal()
- static GetZero()
- Normalize()
- SetImaginary()
- SetReal()
- Transform()
- property imaginary
- property real
- class pxr.Gf.Quath
- GetConjugate()
- static GetIdentity()
- GetImaginary()
- GetInverse()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetReal()
- static GetZero()
- Normalize()
- SetImaginary()
- SetReal()
- Transform()
- property imaginary
- property real
- class pxr.Gf.Range1d
- Contains()
- GetDistanceSquared()
- static GetIntersection()
- GetMax()
- GetMidpoint()
- GetMin()
- GetSize()
- static GetUnion()
- IntersectWith()
- IsEmpty()
- SetEmpty()
- SetMax()
- SetMin()
- UnionWith()
- dimension = 1
- property max
- property min
- class pxr.Gf.Range1f
- Contains()
- GetDistanceSquared()
- static GetIntersection()
- GetMax()
- GetMidpoint()
- GetMin()
- GetSize()
- static GetUnion()
- IntersectWith()
- IsEmpty()
- SetEmpty()
- SetMax()
- SetMin()
- UnionWith()
- dimension = 1
- property max
- property min
- class pxr.Gf.Range2d
- Contains()
- GetCorner()
- GetDistanceSquared()
- static GetIntersection()
- GetMax()
- GetMidpoint()
- GetMin()
- GetQuadrant()
- GetSize()
- static GetUnion()
- IntersectWith()
- IsEmpty()
- SetEmpty()
- SetMax()
- SetMin()
- UnionWith()
- dimension = 2
- property max
- property min
- unitSquare = Gf.Range2d(Gf.Vec2d(0.0, 0.0), Gf.Vec2d(1.0, 1.0))
- class pxr.Gf.Range2f
- Contains()
- GetCorner()
- GetDistanceSquared()
- static GetIntersection()
- GetMax()
- GetMidpoint()
- GetMin()
- GetQuadrant()
- GetSize()
- static GetUnion()
- IntersectWith()
- IsEmpty()
- SetEmpty()
- SetMax()
- SetMin()
- UnionWith()
- dimension = 2
- property max
- property min
- unitSquare = Gf.Range2f(Gf.Vec2f(0.0, 0.0), Gf.Vec2f(1.0, 1.0))
- class pxr.Gf.Range3d
- Contains()
- GetCorner()
- GetDistanceSquared()
- static GetIntersection()
- GetMax()
- GetMidpoint()
- GetMin()
- GetOctant()
- GetSize()
- static GetUnion()
- IntersectWith()
- IsEmpty()
- SetEmpty()
- SetMax()
- SetMin()
- UnionWith()
- dimension = 3
- property max
- property min
- unitCube = Gf.Range3d(Gf.Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Gf.Vec3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
- class pxr.Gf.Range3f
- Contains()
- GetCorner()
- GetDistanceSquared()
- static GetIntersection()
- GetMax()
- GetMidpoint()
- GetMin()
- GetOctant()
- GetSize()
- static GetUnion()
- IntersectWith()
- IsEmpty()
- SetEmpty()
- SetMax()
- SetMin()
- UnionWith()
- dimension = 3
- property max
- property min
- unitCube = Gf.Range3f(Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Gf.Vec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
- class pxr.Gf.Ray
- FindClosestPoint()
- GetPoint()
- SetEnds()
- SetPointAndDirection()
- Transform()
- property direction
- property startPoint
- class pxr.Gf.Rect2i
- Contains()
- GetArea()
- GetCenter()
- GetHeight()
- GetIntersection()
- GetMax()
- GetMaxX()
- GetMaxY()
- GetMin()
- GetMinX()
- GetMinY()
- GetNormalized()
- GetSize()
- GetUnion()
- GetWidth()
- IsEmpty()
- IsNull()
- IsValid()
- SetMax()
- SetMaxX()
- SetMaxY()
- SetMin()
- SetMinX()
- SetMinY()
- Translate()
- property max
- property maxX
- property maxY
- property min
- property minX
- property minY
- class pxr.Gf.Rotation
3-space rotation
- Decompose()
- static DecomposeRotation()
- static DecomposeRotation3()
- GetAngle()
- GetAxis()
- GetInverse()
- GetQuat()
- GetQuaternion()
- static MatchClosestEulerRotation()
- static RotateOntoProjected()
- SetAxisAngle()
- SetIdentity()
- SetQuat()
- SetQuaternion()
- SetRotateInto()
- TransformDir()
- property angle
- property axis
- class pxr.Gf.Transform
- GetMatrix()
- GetPivotOrientation()
- GetPivotPosition()
- GetRotation()
- GetScale()
- GetTranslation()
- Set()
Set method used by old 2x code. (Deprecated)
- SetIdentity()
- SetMatrix()
- SetPivotOrientation()
- SetPivotPosition()
- SetRotation()
- SetScale()
- SetTranslation()
- property pivotOrientation
- property pivotPosition
- property rotation
- property scale
- property translation
- class pxr.Gf.Vec2d
- static Axis()
- GetComplement()
- GetDot()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetProjection()
- Normalize()
- static XAxis()
- static YAxis()
- dimension = 2
- class pxr.Gf.Vec2f
- static Axis()
- GetComplement()
- GetDot()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetProjection()
- Normalize()
- static XAxis()
- static YAxis()
- dimension = 2
- class pxr.Gf.Vec2h
- static Axis()
- GetComplement()
- GetDot()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetProjection()
- Normalize()
- static XAxis()
- static YAxis()
- dimension = 2
- class pxr.Gf.Vec3d
- static Axis()
- BuildOrthonormalFrame()
- GetComplement()
- GetCross()
- GetDot()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetProjection()
- Normalize()
- static OrthogonalizeBasis()
- static XAxis()
- static YAxis()
- static ZAxis()
- dimension = 3
- class pxr.Gf.Vec3f
- static Axis()
- BuildOrthonormalFrame()
- GetComplement()
- GetCross()
- GetDot()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetProjection()
- Normalize()
- static OrthogonalizeBasis()
- static XAxis()
- static YAxis()
- static ZAxis()
- dimension = 3
- class pxr.Gf.Vec3h
- static Axis()
- BuildOrthonormalFrame()
- GetComplement()
- GetCross()
- GetDot()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetProjection()
- Normalize()
- static OrthogonalizeBasis()
- static XAxis()
- static YAxis()
- static ZAxis()
- dimension = 3
- class pxr.Gf.Vec3i
- static Axis()
- GetDot()
- static XAxis()
- static YAxis()
- static ZAxis()
- dimension = 3
- class pxr.Gf.Vec4d
- static Axis()
- GetComplement()
- GetDot()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetProjection()
- Normalize()
- static WAxis()
- static XAxis()
- static YAxis()
- static ZAxis()
- dimension = 4
- class pxr.Gf.Vec4f
- static Axis()
- GetComplement()
- GetDot()
- GetLength()
- GetNormalized()
- GetProjection()
- Normalize()
- static WAxis()
- static XAxis()
- static YAxis()
- static ZAxis()
- dimension = 4
Kind module
Python bindings for libKind
Ndr module
Python bindings for libNdr
- class pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryPlugin
- DiscoverNodes()
- GetSearchURIs()
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- class pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryPluginContext
- GetSourceType()
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- class pxr.Ndr.Node
- GetContext()
- GetFamily()
- GetIdentifier()
- GetInfoString()
- GetInput()
- GetInputNames()
- GetMetadata()
- GetName()
- GetOutput()
- GetOutputNames()
- GetResolvedDefinitionURI()
- GetResolvedImplementationURI()
- GetSourceCode()
- GetSourceType()
- GetVersion()
- IsValid()
- class pxr.Ndr.NodeDiscoveryResult
- property blindData
- property discoveryType
- property family
- property identifier
- property metadata
- property name
- property resolvedUri
- property sourceCode
- property sourceType
- property subIdentifier
- property uri
- property version
- class pxr.Ndr.Property
- CanConnectTo()
- GetArraySize()
- GetDefaultValue()
- GetInfoString()
- GetMetadata()
- GetName()
- GetType()
- GetTypeAsSdfType()
- IsArray()
- IsConnectable()
- IsDynamicArray()
- IsOutput()
- class pxr.Ndr.Registry
- GetAllNodeSourceTypes()
- GetNodeByIdentifier()
- GetNodeByIdentifierAndType()
- GetNodeByName()
- GetNodeByNameAndType()
- GetNodeFromAsset()
- GetNodeFromSourceCode()
- GetNodeIdentifiers()
- GetNodeNames()
- GetNodesByFamily()
- GetNodesByIdentifier()
- GetNodesByName()
- GetSearchURIs()
- SetExtraDiscoveryPlugins()
- SetExtraParserPlugins()
Pcp module
- class pxr.Pcp.ArcType
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Pcp.ArcTypeRoot, Pcp.ArcTypeInherit, Pcp.ArcTypeRelocate, Pcp.ArcTypeVariant, Pcp.ArcTypeReference, Pcp.ArcTypePayload, Pcp.ArcTypeSpecialize)
- class pxr.Pcp.Cache
- ComputeAttributeConnectionPaths()
- ComputeLayerStack()
- ComputePrimIndex()
- ComputePropertyIndex()
- ComputeRelationshipTargetPaths()
- FindAllLayerStacksUsingLayer()
- FindPrimIndex()
- FindPropertyIndex()
- FindSiteDependencies()
- GetDynamicFileFormatArgumentDependencyData()
- GetLayerStackIdentifier()
- GetMutedLayers()
- GetUsedLayers()
- GetUsedLayersRevision()
- GetVariantFallbacks()
- HasAnyDynamicFileFormatArgumentDependencies()
- HasRootLayerStack()
- IsInvalidAssetPath()
- IsInvalidSublayerIdentifier()
- IsLayerMuted()
- IsPayloadIncluded()
- IsPossibleDynamicFileFormatArgumentField()
- PrintStatistics()
- Reload()
- RequestLayerMuting()
- RequestPayloads()
- SetVariantFallbacks()
- UsesLayerStack()
- property fileFormatTarget
- property layerStack
- class pxr.Pcp.DependencyType
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Pcp.DependencyTypeNone, Pcp.DependencyTypeRoot, Pcp.DependencyTypePurelyDirect, Pcp.DependencyTypePartlyDirect, Pcp.DependencyTypeDirect, Pcp.DependencyTypeAncestral, Pcp.DependencyTypeVirtual, Pcp.DependencyTypeNonVirtual, Pcp.DependencyTypeAnyNonVirtual, Pcp.DependencyTypeAnyIncludingVirtual)
- class pxr.Pcp.DynamicFileFormatDependencyData
- CanFieldChangeAffectFileFormatArguments()
- GetRelevantFieldNames()
- IsEmpty()
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorArcCycle
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorArcPermissionDenied
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorCapacityExceeded
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInconsistentAttributeType
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInconsistentAttributeVariability
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInconsistentPropertyType
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidAssetPath
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidAssetPathBase
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidExternalTargetPath
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidInstanceTargetPath
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidPrimPath
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidReferenceOffset
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidSublayerOffset
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidSublayerOwnership
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidSublayerPath
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorInvalidTargetPath
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorMutedAssetPath
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorOpinionAtRelocationSource
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorPrimPermissionDenied
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorPropertyPermissionDenied
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorSublayerCycle
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorTargetPathBase
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorTargetPermissionDenied
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorType
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Pcp.ErrorType_ArcCycle, Pcp.ErrorType_ArcPermissionDenied, Pcp.ErrorType_IndexCapacityExceeded, Pcp.ErrorType_ArcCapacityExceeded, Pcp.ErrorType_ArcNamespaceDepthCapacityExceeded, Pcp.ErrorType_InconsistentPropertyType, Pcp.ErrorType_InconsistentAttributeType, Pcp.ErrorType_InconsistentAttributeVariability, Pcp.ErrorType_InternalAssetPath, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidPrimPath, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidAssetPath, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidInstanceTargetPath, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidExternalTargetPath, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidTargetPath, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidReferenceOffset, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidSublayerOffset, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidSublayerOwnership, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidSublayerPath, Pcp.ErrorType_InvalidVariantSelection, Pcp.ErrorType_OpinionAtRelocationSource, Pcp.ErrorType_PrimPermissionDenied, Pcp.ErrorType_PropertyPermissionDenied, Pcp.ErrorType_SublayerCycle, Pcp.ErrorType_TargetPermissionDenied, Pcp.ErrorType_UnresolvedPrimPath)
- class pxr.Pcp.ErrorUnresolvedPrimPath
- class pxr.Pcp.InstanceKey
- class pxr.Pcp.LayerStack
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- property identifier
- property incrementalRelocatesSourceToTarget
- property incrementalRelocatesTargetToSource
- property layerOffsets
- property layerTree
- property layers
- property localErrors
- property mutedLayers
- property pathsToPrimsWithRelocates
- property relocatesSourceToTarget
- property relocatesTargetToSource
- class pxr.Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier
- property pathResolverContext
- property rootLayer
- property sessionLayer
- class pxr.Pcp.MapExpression
- AddRootIdentity()
- Compose()
- static Constant()
- Evaluate()
- static Identity()
- static Inverse()
- MapSourceToTarget()
- MapTargetToSource()
- property isIdentity
- property isNull
- property timeOffset
- class pxr.Pcp.MapFunction
- Compose()
- ComposeOffset()
- GetInverse()
- static Identity()
- static IdentityPathMap()
- MapSourceToTarget()
- MapTargetToSource()
- property isIdentity
- property isIdentityPathMapping
- property isNull
- property sourceToTargetMap
- property timeOffset
- class pxr.Pcp.NodeRef
- CanContributeSpecs()
- GetDepthBelowIntroduction()
- GetIntroPath()
- GetOriginRootNode()
- GetPathAtIntroduction()
- GetRootNode()
- IsDueToAncestor()
- IsRootNode()
- property arcType
- property children
- property hasSpecs
- property hasSymmetry
- property isCulled
- property isInert
- property isRestricted
- property layerStack
- property mapToParent
- property mapToRoot
- property namespaceDepth
- property origin
- property parent
- property path
- property permission
- property siblingNumAtOrigin
- property site
- class pxr.Pcp.PrimIndex
- ComposeAuthoredVariantSelections()
- ComputePrimChildNames()
- ComputePrimPropertyNames()
- DumpToDotGraph()
- DumpToString()
- GetNodeProvidingSpec()
- GetSelectionAppliedForVariantSet()
- IsInstanceable()
- IsValid()
- PrintStatistics()
- property hasAnyPayloads
- property localErrors
- property primStack
- property rootNode
PhysicsSchemaTools module
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addActor()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addBoxCollisionShape()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addCollisionShape()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addDensity()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addDisplayColor()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addGroundPlane()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addGroundTriMesh()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addOrientation()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addPhysicsScene()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addPosition()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addRigidBody()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addRigidBox()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addRigidBoxForInstancing()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addRigidCapsule()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addRigidCone()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addRigidCylinder()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addRigidSphere()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.addVelocity()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.createMesh()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.createMeshBox()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.createMeshCapsule()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.createMeshCylinder()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.createMeshSphere()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.createMeshSquare()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.decodeSdfPath()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.encodeSdfPath()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.getMassSpaceInertia()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.intToSdfPath()
- pxr.PhysicsSchemaTools.sdfPathToInt()
Plug module
This package defines facilities for dealing with plugins.
- class pxr.Plug.Plugin
- DeclaresType()
- FindPluginResource()
- GetMetadataForType()
- Load()
- MakeResourcePath()
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- property isLoaded
- property isPythonModule
- property isResource
- property metadata
- property name
- property path
- property resourcePath
- class pxr.Plug.Registry
- static FindDerivedTypeByName()
- static FindTypeByName()
- static GetAllDerivedTypes()
- GetAllPlugins()
- static GetDirectlyDerivedTypes()
- GetPluginForType()
- GetPluginWithName()
- GetStringFromPluginMetaData()
- RegisterPlugins()
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
Sdf module
- class pxr.Sdf.AngularUnit
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.AngularUnitDegrees, Sdf.AngularUnitRadians)
- class pxr.Sdf.AssetPathArray
An array of type SdfAssetPath.
- class pxr.Sdf.AttributeSpec
- ClearColorSpace()
- HasColorSpace()
- ConnectionPathsKey = 'connectionPaths'
- DefaultValueKey = 'default'
- DisplayUnitKey = 'displayUnit'
- property allowedTokens
The allowed value tokens for this property
- property colorSpace
The color-space in which the attribute value is authored.
- property connectionPathList
A PathListEditor for the attribute’s connection paths.
The list of the connection paths for this attribute may be modified with this PathListEditor.
A PathListEditor may express a list either as an explicit value or as a set of list editing operations. See GdListEditor for more information.
- property displayUnit
The display unit for this attribute.
- property expired
- property roleName
The roleName for this attribute’s typeName.
- property typeName
The typename of this attribute.
- property valueType
The value type of this attribute.
- class pxr.Sdf.AuthoringError
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.AuthoringErrorUnrecognizedFields, Sdf.AuthoringErrorUnrecognizedSpecType)
- class pxr.Sdf.ChangeBlock
- class pxr.Sdf.ChildrenView_Sdf_AttributeChildPolicy_SdfAttributeViewPredicate
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_AttributeChildPolicy_SdfAttributeViewPredicate_Iterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_AttributeChildPolicy_SdfAttributeViewPredicate_KeyIterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_AttributeChildPolicy_SdfAttributeViewPredicate_ValueIterator
- get()
- index()
- items()
- keys()
- values()
- class pxr.Sdf.ChildrenView_Sdf_AttributeChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfAttributeSpec___
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_AttributeChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfAttributeSpec____Iterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_AttributeChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfAttributeSpec____KeyIterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_AttributeChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfAttributeSpec____ValueIterator
- get()
- index()
- items()
- keys()
- values()
- class pxr.Sdf.ChildrenView_Sdf_PrimChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfPrimSpec___
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_PrimChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfPrimSpec____Iterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_PrimChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfPrimSpec____KeyIterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_PrimChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfPrimSpec____ValueIterator
- get()
- index()
- items()
- keys()
- values()
- class pxr.Sdf.ChildrenView_Sdf_PropertyChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfPropertySpec___
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_PropertyChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfPropertySpec____Iterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_PropertyChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfPropertySpec____KeyIterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_PropertyChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfPropertySpec____ValueIterator
- get()
- index()
- items()
- keys()
- values()
- class pxr.Sdf.ChildrenView_Sdf_RelationshipChildPolicy_SdfRelationshipViewPredicate
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_RelationshipChildPolicy_SdfRelationshipViewPredicate_Iterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_RelationshipChildPolicy_SdfRelationshipViewPredicate_KeyIterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_RelationshipChildPolicy_SdfRelationshipViewPredicate_ValueIterator
- get()
- index()
- items()
- keys()
- values()
- class pxr.Sdf.ChildrenView_Sdf_VariantChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfVariantSpec___
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_VariantChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfVariantSpec____Iterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_VariantChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfVariantSpec____KeyIterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_VariantChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfVariantSpec____ValueIterator
- get()
- index()
- items()
- keys()
- values()
- class pxr.Sdf.ChildrenView_Sdf_VariantSetChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfVariantSetSpec___
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_VariantSetChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfVariantSetSpec____Iterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_VariantSetChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfVariantSetSpec____KeyIterator
- class ChildrenView_Sdf_VariantSetChildPolicy_SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate_SdfHandle_SdfVariantSetSpec____ValueIterator
- get()
- index()
- items()
- keys()
- values()
- class pxr.Sdf.CleanupEnabler
- class pxr.Sdf.DimensionlessUnit
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.DimensionlessUnitPercent, Sdf.DimensionlessUnitDefault)
- class pxr.Sdf.FileFormat
- CanRead()
- static FindAllFileFormatExtensions()
- static FindByExtension()
- static FindById()
- static GetFileExtension()
- GetFileExtensions()
- IsPackage()
- IsSupportedExtension()
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- property fileCookie
- property formatId
- property primaryFileExtension
- property target
- class pxr.Sdf.Int64ListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.IntListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.Layer
- class DetachedLayerRules
- Exclude()
- GetExcluded()
- GetIncluded()
- Include()
- IncludeAll()
- IncludedAll()
- IsIncluded()
- static AddToMutedLayers()
- Apply()
- ApplyRootPrimOrder()
- CanApply()
- Clear()
- ClearColorConfiguration()
- ClearColorManagementSystem()
- ClearCustomLayerData()
- ClearDefaultPrim()
- ClearEndTimeCode()
- ClearFramePrecision()
- ClearFramesPerSecond()
- ClearOwner()
- ClearSessionOwner()
- ClearStartTimeCode()
- ClearTimeCodesPerSecond()
- ComputeAbsolutePath()
- static CreateAnonymous()
- static CreateIdentifier()
- static CreateNew()
- static DumpLayerInfo()
Debug helper to examine content of the current layer registry and the asset/real path of all layers in the registry.
- EraseTimeSample()
- Export()
- ExportToString()
Returns the string representation of the layer.
- static Find(filename) LayerPtr
filename : string
Returns the open layer with the given filename, or None. Note that this is a static class method.
- static FindOrOpen()
- static FindOrOpenRelativeToLayer()
- static FindRelativeToLayer()
Returns the open layer with the given filename, or None. If the filename is a relative path then it’s found relative to the given layer. Note that this is a static class method.
- GetAssetInfo()
- GetAssetName()
- GetAttributeAtPath()
- GetBracketingTimeSamples()
- GetBracketingTimeSamplesForPath()
- GetCompositionAssetDependencies()
- static GetDetachedLayerRules()
- GetDisplayName()
- static GetDisplayNameFromIdentifier()
- GetExternalAssetDependencies()
- GetExternalReferences()
Return a list of asset paths for this layer.
- GetFileFormat()
- GetFileFormatArguments()
- static GetLoadedLayers()
Return list of loaded layers.
- static GetMutedLayers()
Return list of muted layers.
- GetNumTimeSamplesForPath()
- GetObjectAtPath()
- GetPrimAtPath()
- GetPropertyAtPath()
- GetRelationshipAtPath()
- HasColorConfiguration()
- HasColorManagementSystem()
- HasCustomLayerData()
- HasDefaultPrim()
- HasEndTimeCode()
- HasFramePrecision()
- HasFramesPerSecond()
- HasOwner()
- HasSessionOwner()
- HasStartTimeCode()
- HasTimeCodesPerSecond()
- Import()
- ImportFromString()
- static IsAnonymousLayerIdentifier()
- IsDetached()
- static IsIncludedByDetachedLayerRules()
- IsMuted()
- ListAllTimeSamples()
- ListTimeSamplesForPath()
- static New()
- static OpenAsAnonymous()
- QueryTimeSample()
- Reload()
- static ReloadLayers()
- static RemoveFromMutedLayers()
- RemoveInertSceneDescription()
- Save()
- ScheduleRemoveIfInert()
- static SetDetachedLayerRules()
- SetMuted()
- SetPermissionToEdit()
- SetPermissionToSave()
- SetTimeSample()
- static SplitIdentifier()
- StreamsData()
- TransferContent()
- Traverse()
- UpdateAssetInfo()
- UpdateCompositionAssetDependency()
- UpdateExternalReference()
- ColorConfigurationKey = 'colorConfiguration'
- ColorManagementSystemKey = 'colorManagementSystem'
- CommentKey = 'comment'
- DocumentationKey = 'documentation'
- EndFrameKey = 'endFrame'
- EndTimeCodeKey = 'endTimeCode'
- FramePrecisionKey = 'framePrecision'
- FramesPerSecondKey = 'framesPerSecond'
- HasOwnedSubLayers = 'hasOwnedSubLayers'
- OwnerKey = 'owner'
- SessionOwnerKey = 'sessionOwner'
- StartFrameKey = 'startFrame'
- StartTimeCodeKey = 'startTimeCode'
- TimeCodesPerSecondKey = 'timeCodesPerSecond'
- property anonymous
- property colorConfiguration
The color configuration asset-path of this layer.
- property colorManagementSystem
The name of the color management system used to interpret the colorConfiguration asset.
- property comment
The layer’s comment string.
- property customLayerData
The customLayerData dictionary associated with this layer.
- property defaultPrim
The layer’s default reference target token.
- property dirty
- property documentation
The layer’s documentation string.
- property empty
- property endTimeCode
The end timeCode of this layer.
The end timeCode of a layer is not a hard limit, but is more of a hint. A layer’s time-varying content is not limited to the timeCode range of the layer.
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- property externalReferences
Return unique list of asset paths of external references for given layer.
- property fileExtension
The layer’s file extension.
- property framePrecision
The number of digits of precision used in times in this layer.
- property framesPerSecond
The frames per second used in this layer.
- property hasOwnedSubLayers
Whether this layer’s sub layers are expected to have owners.
- property identifier
The layer’s identifier.
- property owner
The owner of this layer.
- property permissionToEdit
Return true if permitted to be edited (modified), false otherwise.
- property permissionToSave
Return true if permitted to be saved, false otherwise.
- property pseudoRoot
The pseudo-root of the layer.
- property realPath
The layer’s resolved path.
- property repositoryPath
The layer’s associated repository path
- property resolvedPath
The layer’s resolved path.
- property rootPrimOrder
Get/set the list of root prim names for this layer’s ‘reorder rootPrims’ statement.
- property rootPrims
The root prims of this layer, as an ordered dictionary.
The prims may be accessed by index or by name. Although this property claims it is read only, you can modify the contents of this dictionary to add, remove, or reorder the contents.
- property sessionOwner
The session owner of this layer. Only intended for use with session layers.
- property startTimeCode
The start timeCode of this layer.
The start timeCode of a layer is not a hard limit, but is more of a hint. A layer’s time-varying content is not limited to the timeCode range of the layer.
- property subLayerOffsets
The sublayer offsets of this layer, as a list. Although this property is claimed to be read only, you can modify the contents of this list by assigning new layer offsets to specific indices.
- property subLayerPaths
The sublayer paths of this layer, as a list. Although this property is claimed to be read only, you can modify the contents of this list.
- property timeCodesPerSecond
The timeCodes per second used in this layer.
- property version
The layer’s version.
- class pxr.Sdf.LayerTree
- property childTrees
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- property layer
- property offset
- class pxr.Sdf.LengthUnit
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.LengthUnitMillimeter, Sdf.LengthUnitCentimeter, Sdf.LengthUnitDecimeter, Sdf.LengthUnitMeter, Sdf.LengthUnitKilometer, Sdf.LengthUnitInch, Sdf.LengthUnitFoot, Sdf.LengthUnitYard, Sdf.LengthUnitMile)
- class pxr.Sdf.ListEditorProxy_SdfNameKeyPolicy
- Add()
- Append()
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ClearEdits()
- ClearEditsAndMakeExplicit()
- ContainsItemEdit()
- CopyItems()
- Erase()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- ModifyItemEdits()
- Prepend()
- Remove()
- RemoveItemEdits()
- ReplaceItemEdits()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExpired
- property isExplicit
- property isOrderedOnly
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.ListEditorProxy_SdfPathKeyPolicy
- Add()
- Append()
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ClearEdits()
- ClearEditsAndMakeExplicit()
- ContainsItemEdit()
- CopyItems()
- Erase()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- ModifyItemEdits()
- Prepend()
- Remove()
- RemoveItemEdits()
- ReplaceItemEdits()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExpired
- property isExplicit
- property isOrderedOnly
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.ListEditorProxy_SdfPayloadTypePolicy
- Add()
- Append()
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ClearEdits()
- ClearEditsAndMakeExplicit()
- ContainsItemEdit()
- CopyItems()
- Erase()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- ModifyItemEdits()
- Prepend()
- Remove()
- RemoveItemEdits()
- ReplaceItemEdits()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExpired
- property isExplicit
- property isOrderedOnly
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.ListEditorProxy_SdfReferenceTypePolicy
- Add()
- Append()
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ClearEdits()
- ClearEditsAndMakeExplicit()
- ContainsItemEdit()
- CopyItems()
- Erase()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- ModifyItemEdits()
- Prepend()
- Remove()
- RemoveItemEdits()
- ReplaceItemEdits()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExpired
- property isExplicit
- property isOrderedOnly
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.ListOpType
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.ListOpTypeExplicit, Sdf.ListOpTypeAdded, Sdf.ListOpTypePrepended, Sdf.ListOpTypeAppended, Sdf.ListOpTypeDeleted, Sdf.ListOpTypeOrdered)
- class pxr.Sdf.ListProxy_SdfNameKeyPolicy
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ApplyList()
- append()
- clear()
- copy()
- count()
- index()
- insert()
- remove()
- replace()
- property expired
- class pxr.Sdf.ListProxy_SdfNameTokenKeyPolicy
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ApplyList()
- append()
- clear()
- copy()
- count()
- index()
- insert()
- remove()
- replace()
- property expired
- class pxr.Sdf.ListProxy_SdfPathKeyPolicy
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ApplyList()
- append()
- clear()
- copy()
- count()
- index()
- insert()
- remove()
- replace()
- property expired
- class pxr.Sdf.ListProxy_SdfPayloadTypePolicy
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ApplyList()
- append()
- clear()
- copy()
- count()
- index()
- insert()
- remove()
- replace()
- property expired
- class pxr.Sdf.ListProxy_SdfReferenceTypePolicy
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ApplyList()
- append()
- clear()
- copy()
- count()
- index()
- insert()
- remove()
- replace()
- property expired
- class pxr.Sdf.ListProxy_SdfSubLayerTypePolicy
- ApplyEditsToList()
- ApplyList()
- append()
- clear()
- copy()
- count()
- index()
- insert()
- remove()
- replace()
- property expired
- class pxr.Sdf.MapEditProxy_VtDictionary
- class MapEditProxy_VtDictionary_Iterator
- class MapEditProxy_VtDictionary_KeyIterator
- class MapEditProxy_VtDictionary_ValueIterator
- clear()
- copy()
- get()
- items()
- keys()
- pop()
- popitem()
- setdefault()
- update()
- values()
- property expired
- class pxr.Sdf.MapEditProxy_map_SdfPath__SdfPath__less_SdfPath___allocator_pair_SdfPath_const__SdfPath_____
- class MapEditProxy_map_SdfPath__SdfPath__less_SdfPath___allocator_pair_SdfPath_const__SdfPath______Iterator
- class MapEditProxy_map_SdfPath__SdfPath__less_SdfPath___allocator_pair_SdfPath_const__SdfPath______KeyIterator
- class MapEditProxy_map_SdfPath__SdfPath__less_SdfPath___allocator_pair_SdfPath_const__SdfPath______ValueIterator
- clear()
- copy()
- get()
- items()
- keys()
- pop()
- popitem()
- setdefault()
- update()
- values()
- property expired
- class pxr.Sdf.MapEditProxy_map_string__string__less_string___allocator_pair_stringconst__string_____
- class MapEditProxy_map_string__string__less_string___allocator_pair_stringconst__string______Iterator
- class MapEditProxy_map_string__string__less_string___allocator_pair_stringconst__string______KeyIterator
- class MapEditProxy_map_string__string__less_string___allocator_pair_stringconst__string______ValueIterator
- clear()
- copy()
- get()
- items()
- keys()
- pop()
- popitem()
- setdefault()
- update()
- values()
- property expired
- class pxr.Sdf.NamespaceEdit
- static Remove()
- static Rename()
- static Reorder()
- static Reparent()
- static ReparentAndRename()
- atEnd = -1
- property currentPath
- property index
- property newPath
- same = -2
- class pxr.Sdf.NamespaceEditDetail
- class Result
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.NamespaceEditDetail.Error, Sdf.NamespaceEditDetail.Unbatched, Sdf.NamespaceEditDetail.Okay)
- Error = Sdf.NamespaceEditDetail.Error
- Okay = Sdf.NamespaceEditDetail.Okay
- Unbatched = Sdf.NamespaceEditDetail.Unbatched
- property edit
- property reason
- property result
- class pxr.Sdf.Notice
- class Base
- class LayerDidReloadContent
- class LayerDidReplaceContent
- class LayerDirtinessChanged
- class pxr.Sdf.Path
- AppendChild()
- AppendElementString()
- AppendExpression()
- AppendMapper()
- AppendMapperArg()
- AppendPath()
- AppendProperty()
- AppendRelationalAttribute()
- AppendTarget()
- AppendVariantSelection()
- ContainsPrimVariantSelection()
- ContainsPropertyElements()
- ContainsTargetPath()
- static FindLongestPrefix()
- static FindLongestStrictPrefix()
- static FindPrefixedRange()
- GetAbsoluteRootOrPrimPath()
- GetAllTargetPathsRecursively()
- GetAncestorsRange()
- GetCommonPrefix()
- static GetConciseRelativePaths()
- GetParentPath()
- GetPrefixes()
Returns the prefix paths of this path.
- GetPrimOrPrimVariantSelectionPath()
- GetPrimPath()
- GetVariantSelection()
- HasPrefix()
- IsAbsolutePath()
- IsAbsoluteRootOrPrimPath()
- IsAbsoluteRootPath()
- IsExpressionPath()
- IsMapperArgPath()
- IsMapperPath()
- IsNamespacedPropertyPath()
- IsPrimPath()
- IsPrimPropertyPath()
- IsPrimVariantSelectionPath()
- IsPropertyPath()
- IsRelationalAttributePath()
- IsRootPrimPath()
- IsTargetPath()
- static IsValidIdentifier()
- static IsValidNamespacedIdentifier()
- static IsValidPathString()
- static JoinIdentifier()
- MakeAbsolutePath()
- MakeRelativePath()
- static RemoveAncestorPaths()
- RemoveCommonSuffix()
- static RemoveDescendentPaths()
- ReplaceName()
- ReplacePrefix()
- ReplaceTargetPath()
- StripAllVariantSelections()
- static StripNamespace()
- static StripPrefixNamespace()
- static TokenizeIdentifier()
- absoluteIndicator = '/'
- absoluteRootPath = Sdf.Path('/')
- childDelimiter = '/'
- property elementString
The string representation of the terminal component of this path. This path can be reconstructed via thisPath.GetParentPath().AppendElementString(thisPath.element). None of absoluteRootPath, reflexiveRelativePath, nor emptyPath possess the above quality; their .elementString is the empty string.
- emptyPath = Sdf.Path.emptyPath
- expressionIndicator = 'expression'
- property isEmpty
- mapperArgDelimiter = '.'
- mapperIndicator = 'mapper'
- property name
The name of the prim, property or relational attribute identified by the path.
‘’ for EmptyPath. ‘.’ for ReflexiveRelativePath. ‘..’ for a path ending in ParentPathElement.
- namespaceDelimiter = ':'
- parentPathElement = '..'
- property pathElementCount
The number of path elements in this path.
- property pathString
The string representation of this path.
- propertyDelimiter = '.'
- reflexiveRelativePath = Sdf.Path('.')
- relationshipTargetEnd = ']'
- relationshipTargetStart = '['
- property targetPath
The relational attribute target path for this path.
EmptyPath if this is not a relational attribute path.
- class pxr.Sdf.PathArray
An array of type SdfPath.
- class pxr.Sdf.PathListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.PayloadListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.Permission
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.PermissionPublic, Sdf.PermissionPrivate)
- class pxr.Sdf.PrimSpec
- ApplyNameChildrenOrder()
- ApplyPropertyOrder()
- BlockVariantSelection()
- CanSetName()
- ClearActive()
- ClearInstanceable()
- ClearKind()
- ClearPayloadList()
Clears the payloads for this prim.
- ClearReferenceList()
Clears the references for this prim.
- GetAttributeAtPath()
- GetObjectAtPath(path) object
path: Path
Returns a prim or property given its namespace path.
If path is relative then it will be interpreted as relative to this prim. If it is absolute then it will be interpreted as absolute in this prim’s layer. The return type can be either PrimSpecPtr or PropertySpecPtr.
- GetPrimAtPath()
- GetPropertyAtPath()
- GetRelationshipAtPath()
- GetVariantNames()
- HasActive()
- HasInstanceable()
- HasKind()
- RemoveProperty()
- ActiveKey = 'active'
- AnyTypeToken = '__AnyType__'
- CommentKey = 'comment'
- CustomDataKey = 'customData'
- DocumentationKey = 'documentation'
- HiddenKey = 'hidden'
- InheritPathsKey = 'inheritPaths'
- KindKey = 'kind'
- PayloadKey = 'payload'
- PermissionKey = 'permission'
- PrefixKey = 'prefix'
- PrefixSubstitutionsKey = 'prefixSubstitutions'
- PrimOrderKey = 'primOrder'
- PropertyOrderKey = 'propertyOrder'
- ReferencesKey = 'references'
- RelocatesKey = 'relocates'
- SpecializesKey = 'specializes'
- SpecifierKey = 'specifier'
- SymmetricPeerKey = 'symmetricPeer'
- SymmetryArgumentsKey = 'symmetryArguments'
- SymmetryFunctionKey = 'symmetryFunction'
- TypeNameKey = 'typeName'
- VariantSelectionKey = 'variantSelection'
- VariantSetNamesKey = 'variantSetNames'
- property active
Whether this prim spec is active. The default value is true.
- property assetInfo
Returns the asset info dictionary for this prim.
The default value is an empty dictionary.
The asset info dictionary is used to annotate prims representing the root-prims of assets (generally organized as models) with various data related to asset management. For example, asset name, root layer identifier, asset version etc.
- property attributes
The attributes of this prim, as an ordered dictionary.
- property comment
The prim’s comment string.
- property customData
The custom data for this prim.
The default value for custom data is an empty dictionary.
Custom data is for use by plugins or other non-tools supplied extensions that need to be able to store data attached to arbitrary scene objects. Note that if the only objects you want to store data on are prims, using custom attributes is probably a better choice. But if you need to possibly store this data on attributes or relationships or as annotations on reference arcs, then custom data is an appropriate choice.
- property documentation
The prim’s documentation string.
- property expired
- property hasPayloads
Returns true if this prim has payloads set.
- property hasReferences
Returns true if this prim has references set.
Whether this prim spec will be hidden in browsers. The default value is false.
- property inheritPathList
A PathListEditor for the prim’s inherit paths.
The list of the inherit paths for this prim may be modified with this PathListEditor.
A PathListEditor may express a list either as an explicit value or as a set of list editing operations. See PathListEditor for more information.
- property instanceable
Whether this prim spec is flagged as instanceable. The default value is false.
- property kind
What kind of model this prim spec represents, if any. The default is an empty string
- property name
The prim’s name.
- property nameChildren
The prim name children of this prim, as an ordered dictionary.
Note that although this property is described as being read-only, you can modify the contents to add, remove, or reorder children.
- property nameChildrenOrder
Get/set the list of child names for this prim’s ‘reorder nameChildren’ statement.
- property nameParent
The name parent of this prim.
- property nameRoot
The name pseudo-root of this prim.
- property payloadList
A PayloadListEditor for the prim’s payloads.
The list of the payloads for this prim may be modified with this PayloadListEditor.
A PayloadListEditor may express a list either as an explicit value or as a set of list editing operations. See PayloadListEditor for more information.
- property permission
The prim’s permission restriction. The default value is SdfPermissionPublic.
- property prefix
The prim’s prefix.
- property prefixSubstitutions
Dictionary of prefix substitutions.
- property properties
The properties of this prim, as an ordered dictionary.
Note that although this property is described as being read-only, you can modify the contents to add, remove, or reorder properties.
- property propertyOrder
Get/set the list of property names for this prim’s ‘reorder properties’ statement.
- property realNameParent
The name parent of this prim.
- property referenceList
A ReferenceListEditor for the prim’s references.
The list of the references for this prim may be modified with this ReferenceListEditor.
A ReferenceListEditor may express a list either as an explicit value or as a set of list editing operations. See ReferenceListEditor for more information.
- property relationships
The relationships of this prim, as an ordered dictionary.
- property relocates
An editing proxy for the prim’s map of relocation paths.
The map of source-to-target paths specifying namespace relocation may be set or cleared whole, or individual map entries may be added, removed, or edited.
- property specializesList
A PathListEditor for the prim’s specializes.
The list of the specializes for this prim may be modified with this PathListEditor.
A PathListEditor may express a list either as an explicit value or as a set of list editing operations. See PathListEditor for more information.
- property specifier
The prim’s specifier (SpecifierDef or SpecifierOver). The default value is SpecifierOver.
- property suffix
The prim’s suffix.
- property suffixSubstitutions
Dictionary of prefix substitutions.
- property symmetricPeer
The prims’s symmetric peer.
- property symmetryArguments
Dictionary with prim symmetry arguments.
Although this property is marked read-only, you can modify the contents to add, change, and clear symmetry arguments.
- property symmetryFunction
The prim’s symmetry function.
- property typeName
The type of this prim.
- property variantSelections
Dictionary whose keys are variant set names and whose values are the variants chosen for each set.
Although this property is marked read-only, you can modify the contents to add, change, and clear variants.
- property variantSetNameList
A StringListEditor for the names of the variant sets for this prim.
The list of the names of the variants sets of this prim may be modified with this StringListEditor.
A StringListEditor may express a list either as an explicit value or as a set of list editing operations. See StringListEditor for more information.
Although this property is marked as read-only, the returned object is modifiable.
- property variantSets
The VariantSetSpecs for this prim indexed by name.
Although this property is marked as read-only, you can modify the contents to remove variant sets. New variant sets are created by creating them with the prim as the owner.
Although this property is marked as read-only, the returned object is modifiable.
- class pxr.Sdf.PropertySpec
- ClearDefaultValue()
- HasDefaultValue()
- AssetInfoKey = 'assetInfo'
- CommentKey = 'comment'
- CustomDataKey = 'customData'
- CustomKey = 'custom'
- DisplayGroupKey = 'displayGroup'
- DisplayNameKey = 'displayName'
- DocumentationKey = 'documentation'
- HiddenKey = 'hidden'
- PermissionKey = 'permission'
- PrefixKey = 'prefix'
- SymmetricPeerKey = 'symmetricPeer'
- SymmetryArgumentsKey = 'symmetryArguments'
- SymmetryFunctionKey = 'symmetryFunction'
- property assetInfo
Returns the asset info dictionary for this property.
The default value is an empty dictionary.
The asset info dictionary is used to annotate SdfAssetPath-valued attributes pointing to the root-prims of assets (generally organized as models) with various data related to asset management. For example, asset name, root layer identifier, asset version etc.
Note: It is only valid to author assetInfo on attributes that are of type SdfAssetPath.
- property comment
A comment describing the property.
- property custom
Whether this property spec declares a custom attribute.
- property customData
The property’s custom data.
The default value for custom data is an empty dictionary.
Custom data is for use by plugins or other non-tools supplied extensions that need to be able to store data attached to arbitrary scene objects. Note that if the only objects you want to store data on are prims, using custom attributes is probably a better choice. But if you need to possibly store this data on attributes or relationships or as annotations on reference arcs, then custom data is an appropriate choice.
- property default
The default value of this property.
- property displayGroup
DisplayGroup for the property.
- property displayName
DisplayName for the property.
- property documentation
Documentation for the property.
- property expired
- property hasOnlyRequiredFields
Indicates whether this spec has any significant data other than just what is necessary for instantiation.
This is a less strict version of isInert, returning True if the spec contains as much as the type and name.
Whether this property will be hidden in browsers.
- property name
The name of the property.
- property owner
The owner of this property. Either a relationship or a prim.
- property permission
The property’s permission restriction.
- property prefix
Prefix for the property.
- property symmetricPeer
The property’s symmetric peer.
- property symmetryArguments
Dictionary with property symmetry arguments.
Although this property is marked read-only, you can modify the contents to add, change, and clear symmetry arguments.
- property symmetryFunction
The property’s symmetry function.
- property variability
Returns the variability of the property.
An attribute’s variability may be Varying Uniform, Config or Computed. For an attribute, the default is Varying, for a relationship the default is Uniform.
Varying relationships may be directly authored ‘animating’ targetpaths over time. Varying attributes may be directly authored, animated and affected on by Actions. They are the most flexible.
Uniform attributes may be authored only with non-animated values (default values). They cannot be affected by Actions, but they can be connected to other Uniform attributes.
Config attributes are the same as Uniform except that a Prim can choose to alter its collection of built-in properties based on the values of its Config attributes.
Computed attributes may not be authored in scene description. Prims determine the values of their Computed attributes through Prim-specific computation. They may not be connected.
- class pxr.Sdf.Reference
- IsInternal()
- property assetPath
- property customData
- property layerOffset
- property primPath
- class pxr.Sdf.ReferenceListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.RelationshipSpec
- RemoveTargetPath()
- ReplaceTargetPath()
- TargetsKey = 'targetPaths'
- property expired
- property noLoadHint
whether the target must be loaded to load the prim this relationship is attached to.
- property targetPathList
A PathListEditor for the relationship’s target paths.
The list of the target paths for this relationship may be modified with this PathListEditor.
A PathListEditor may express a list either as an explicit value or as a set of list editing operations. See PathListEditor for more information.
- class pxr.Sdf.Spec
- ClearInfo(key)
key : string nClears the value for scene spec info with the given key. After calling this, HasInfo() will return false. To make HasInfo() return true, set a value for that scene spec info.
- GetAsText()
- GetFallbackForInfo(key)
key : string
Returns the fallback value for the given key.
- GetInfo()
- GetMetaDataDisplayGroup()
- GetMetaDataInfoKeys()
- GetTypeForInfo(key)
key : string
Returns the type of value for the given key.
- HasInfo(key) bool
key : string
Returns whether there is a setting for the scene spec info with the given key.
When asked for a value for one of its scene spec info, a valid value will always be returned. But if this API returns false for a scene spec info, the value of that info will be the defined default value.
(XXX: This may change such that it is an error to ask for a value when there is none).
When dealing with a composedLayer, it is not necessary to worry about whether a scene spec info ‘has a value’ because the composed layer will always have a valid value, even if it is the default.
A spec may or may not have an expressed value for some of its scene spec info.
- IsInert()
Indicates whether this spec has any significant data. If ignoreChildren is true, child scenegraph objects will be ignored.
- ListInfoKeys()
- SetInfo()
- SetInfoDictionaryValue()
- property expired
- property isInert
Indicates whether this spec has any significant data. This is for backwards compatibility, use IsInert instead.
Compatibility note: prior to presto 1.9, isInert (then isEmpty) was true for otherwise inert PrimSpecs with inert inherits, references, or variant sets. isInert is now false in such conditions.
- property layer
The owning layer.
- property path
The absolute scene path.
- class pxr.Sdf.SpecType
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.SpecTypeUnknown, Sdf.SpecTypeAttribute, Sdf.SpecTypeConnection, Sdf.SpecTypeExpression, Sdf.SpecTypeMapper, Sdf.SpecTypeMapperArg, Sdf.SpecTypePrim, Sdf.SpecTypePseudoRoot, Sdf.SpecTypeRelationship, Sdf.SpecTypeRelationshipTarget, Sdf.SpecTypeVariant, Sdf.SpecTypeVariantSet)
- class pxr.Sdf.Specifier
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.SpecifierDef, Sdf.SpecifierOver, Sdf.SpecifierClass)
- class pxr.Sdf.StringListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.TimeCodeArray
An array of type SdfTimeCode.
- class pxr.Sdf.TokenListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.UInt64ListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.UIntListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.UnregisteredValueListOp
- ApplyOperations()
- Clear()
- ClearAndMakeExplicit()
- static Create()
- static CreateExplicit()
- GetAddedOrExplicitItems()
- HasItem()
- property addedItems
- property appendedItems
- property deletedItems
- property explicitItems
- property isExplicit
- property orderedItems
- property prependedItems
- class pxr.Sdf.ValueBlock
- class pxr.Sdf.ValueRoleNames
- Color = 'Color'
- EdgeIndex = 'EdgeIndex'
- FaceIndex = 'FaceIndex'
- Frame = 'Frame'
- Normal = 'Normal'
- Point = 'Point'
- PointIndex = 'PointIndex'
- TextureCoordinate = 'TextureCoordinate'
- Transform = 'Transform'
- Vector = 'Vector'
- class pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName
- property aliasesAsStrings
- property arrayType
- property cppTypeName
- property defaultUnit
- property defaultValue
- property isArray
- property isScalar
- property role
- property scalarType
- property type
- class pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames
- static Find()
- Asset = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- AssetArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Bool = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- BoolArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color3d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color3dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color3f = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color3fArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color3h = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color3hArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color4d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color4dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color4f = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color4fArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color4h = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Color4hArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Double = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Double2 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Double2Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Double3 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Double3Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Double4 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Double4Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- DoubleArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Float = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Float2 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Float2Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Float3 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Float3Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Float4 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Float4Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- FloatArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Frame4d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Frame4dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Half = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Half2 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Half2Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Half3 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Half3Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Half4 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Half4Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- HalfArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Int = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Int2 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Int2Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Int3 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Int3Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Int4 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Int4Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Int64 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Int64Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- IntArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Matrix2d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Matrix2dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Matrix3d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Matrix3dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Matrix4d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Matrix4dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Normal3d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Normal3dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Normal3f = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Normal3fArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Normal3h = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Normal3hArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Point3d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Point3dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Point3f = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Point3fArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Point3h = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Point3hArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Quatd = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- QuatdArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Quatf = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- QuatfArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Quath = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- QuathArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- String = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- StringArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord2d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord2dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord2f = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord2fArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord2h = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord2hArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord3d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord3dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord3f = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord3fArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord3h = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TexCoord3hArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TimeCode = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TimeCodeArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Token = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- TokenArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- UChar = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- UCharArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- UInt = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- UInt64 = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- UInt64Array = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- UIntArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Vector3d = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Vector3dArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Vector3f = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Vector3fArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Vector3h = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- Vector3hArray = <pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName object>
- class pxr.Sdf.Variability
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Sdf.VariabilityVarying, Sdf.VariabilityUniform)
- class pxr.Sdf.VariantSetSpec
- RemoveVariant()
- property expired
- property name
The variant set’s name.
- property owner
The prim that this variant set belongs to.
- property variantList
The variants in this variant set as a list.
- property variants
The variants in this variant set as a dict.
- class pxr.Sdf.VariantSpec
- GetVariantNames()
- property expired
- property name
The variant’s name.
- property owner
The variant set that this variant belongs to.
- property primSpec
The root prim of this variant.
- property variantSets
- pxr.Sdf.Find(layerFileName, scenePath) object
layerFileName: string scenePath: Path
If given a single string argument, returns the menv layer with the given filename. If given two arguments (a string and a Path), finds the menv layer with the given filename and returns the scene object within it at the given path.
Sdr module
Python bindings for libSdr
- class pxr.Sdr.NodeContext
- Displacement = 'displacement'
- Light = 'light'
- LightFilter = 'lightFilter'
- Pattern = 'pattern'
- PixelFilter = 'pixelFilter'
- SampleFilter = 'sampleFilter'
- Surface = 'surface'
- Volume = 'volume'
- class pxr.Sdr.NodeMetadata
- Category = 'category'
- Departments = 'departments'
- Help = 'help'
- ImplementationName = '__SDR__implementationName'
- Label = 'label'
- Pages = 'pages'
- Primvars = 'primvars'
- Role = 'role'
- SdrDefinitionNameFallbackPrefix = 'sdrDefinitionNameFallbackPrefix'
- SdrUsdEncodingVersion = 'sdrUsdEncodingVersion'
- Target = '__SDR__target'
- class pxr.Sdr.PropertyMetadata
- Colorspace = '__SDR__colorspace'
- Connectable = 'connectable'
- DefaultInput = '__SDR__defaultinput'
- Help = 'help'
- Hints = 'hints'
- ImplementationName = '__SDR__implementationName'
- IsAssetIdentifier = '__SDR__isAssetIdentifier'
- IsDynamicArray = 'isDynamicArray'
- Label = 'label'
- Options = 'options'
- Page = 'page'
- RenderType = 'renderType'
- Role = 'role'
- SdrUsdDefinitionType = 'sdrUsdDefinitionType'
- Target = '__SDR__target'
- ValidConnectionTypes = 'validConnectionTypes'
- VstructConditionalExpr = 'vstructConditionalExpr'
- VstructMemberName = 'vstructMemberName'
- VstructMemberOf = 'vstructMemberOf'
- Widget = 'widget'
- class pxr.Sdr.PropertyTypes
- Color = 'color'
- Color4 = 'color4'
- Float = 'float'
- Int = 'int'
- Matrix = 'matrix'
- Normal = 'normal'
- Point = 'point'
- String = 'string'
- Struct = 'struct'
- Terminal = 'terminal'
- Unknown = 'unknown'
- Vector = 'vector'
- Vstruct = 'vstruct'
- class pxr.Sdr.Registry
- GetShaderNodeByIdentifier()
- GetShaderNodeByIdentifierAndType()
- GetShaderNodeByName()
- GetShaderNodeByNameAndType()
- GetShaderNodeFromAsset()
- GetShaderNodeFromSourceCode()
- GetShaderNodesByFamily()
- GetShaderNodesByIdentifier()
- GetShaderNodesByName()
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- class pxr.Sdr.ShaderNode
- GetAdditionalPrimvarProperties()
- GetAllVstructNames()
- GetAssetIdentifierInputNames()
- GetCategory()
- GetDefaultInput()
- GetDepartments()
- GetHelp()
- GetImplementationName()
- GetLabel()
- GetPages()
- GetPrimvars()
- GetPropertyNamesForPage()
- GetRole()
- GetShaderInput()
- GetShaderOutput()
- class pxr.Sdr.ShaderProperty
- GetDefaultValueAsSdfType()
- GetHelp()
- GetHints()
- GetImplementationName()
- GetLabel()
- GetOptions()
- GetPage()
- GetVStructConditionalExpr()
- GetVStructMemberName()
- GetVStructMemberOf()
- GetValidConnectionTypes()
- GetWidget()
- IsAssetIdentifier()
- IsDefaultInput()
- IsVStruct()
- IsVStructMember()
Tf module
Tf – Tools Foundation
- exception pxr.Tf.CppException
- exception pxr.Tf.ErrorException(*args)
- class pxr.Tf.Debug
- static GetDebugSymbolDescription()
- static GetDebugSymbolDescriptions()
- static GetDebugSymbolNames()
- static IsDebugSymbolNameEnabled()
- static SetDebugSymbolsByName()
- static SetOutputFile()
- class pxr.Tf.DiagnosticType
- static GetValueFromName()
- class pxr.Tf.Error
- property errorCode
The error code posted for this error.
- property errorCodeString
The error code posted for this error, as a string.
- class pxr.Tf.MallocTag
- class CallTree
- class PathNode
- GetChildren()
- property nAllocations
- property nBytes
- property nBytesDirect
- property siteName
- GetCallSites()
- GetPrettyPrintString()
- GetRoot()
- LogReport()
- Report()
- static GetCallStacks()
- static GetCallTree()
- static GetMaxTotalBytes()
- static GetTotalBytes()
- static Initialize()
- static IsInitialized()
- static SetCapturedMallocStacksMatchList()
- static SetDebugMatchList()
- class pxr.Tf.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='', prefix='', dir=None, text=False)
A named temporary file which keeps the internal file handle closed. A class which constructs a temporary file(that isn’t open) on __enter__, provides its name as an attribute, and deletes it on __exit__.
Note: The constructor args for this object match those of python’s tempfile.mkstemp() function, and will have the same effect on the underlying file created.
- property name
The path for the temporary file created.
- class pxr.Tf.Notice
- class Listener
Represents the Notice connection between senders and receivers of notices. When a Listener object expires the connection is broken. You can also use the Revoke() function to break the connection. A Listener object is returned from the Register() and RegisterGlobally() functions.
- Revoke()
Revoke interest by a notice listener. This function revokes interest in the particular notice type and call-back method that its Listener object was registered for.
- static Register(noticeType, callback, sender) Listener
noticeType : Tf.Notice callback : function sender : object
Register a listener as being interested in a TfNotice type from a specific sender. Notice listener will get sender as an argument. Registration of interest in a notice class N automatically registers interest in all classes derived from N. When a notice of appropriate type is received, the listening object’s member-function method is called with the notice. To reverse the registration, call Revoke() on the Listener object returned by this call.
Register( noticeType, callback, sender ) -> Listener
noticeType : Tf.Notice callback : function sender : object
Register a listener as being interested in a TfNotice type from a specific sender. Notice listener will get sender as an argument. Registration of interest in a notice class N automatically registers interest in all classes derived from N. When a notice of appropriate type is received, the listening object’s member-function method is called with the notice. To reverse the registration, call Revoke() on the Listener object returned by this call.
- static RegisterGlobally(noticeType, callback) Listener
noticeType : Tf.Notice callback : function
Register a listener as being interested in a TfNotice type from any sender. The notice listener does not get sender as an argument.
- Send()
sender : object
Deliver the notice to interested listeners, returning the number of interested listeners. This is the recommended form of Send. It takes the sender as an argument. Listeners that registered for the given sender AND listeners that registered globally will get the notice.
sender : object
Deliver the notice to interested listeners, returning the number of interested listeners. This is the recommended form of Send. It takes the sender as an argument. Listeners that registered for the given sender AND listeners that registered globally will get the notice.
- SendGlobally()
Deliver the notice to interested listeners. For most clients it is recommended to use the Send(sender) version of Send() rather than this one. Clients that use this form of Send will prevent listeners from being able to register to receive notices based on the sender of the notice. ONLY listeners that registered globally will get the notice.
- class pxr.Tf.RefPtrTracker
- GetAllTracesReport()
- GetAllWatchedCountsReport()
- GetTracesReportForWatched()
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- class pxr.Tf.ScriptModuleLoader
- GetModuleNames()
- GetModulesDict()
- WriteDotFile()
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- class pxr.Tf.Singleton
- class pxr.Tf.StatusObject
- class pxr.Tf.Stopwatch
- AddFrom()
- Reset()
- Start()
- Stop()
- property microseconds
- property milliseconds
- property nanoseconds
- property sampleCount
- property seconds
- class pxr.Tf.TemplateString
- GetEmptyMapping()
- GetParseErrors()
- SafeSubstitute()
- Substitute()
- property template
- property valid
- class pxr.Tf.Tf_PyEnumWrapper
- property displayName
- property fullName
- property name
- property value
- class pxr.Tf.Tf_TestPyContainerConversions
- static GetPairTimesTwo()
- static GetTokens()
- static GetVectorTimesTwo()
- class pxr.Tf.Tf_TestPyOptional
- static TakesOptional()
- static TestOptionalChar()
- static TestOptionalDouble()
- static TestOptionalFloat()
- static TestOptionalInt()
- static TestOptionalLong()
- static TestOptionalShort()
- static TestOptionalString()
- static TestOptionalStringVector()
- static TestOptionalUChar()
- static TestOptionalUInt()
- static TestOptionalULong()
- static TestOptionalUShort()
- class pxr.Tf.Type
- AddAlias()
- static Define()
- static Find()
- static FindByName()
- FindDerivedByName()
- GetAliases()
- GetAllAncestorTypes()
- GetAllDerivedTypes()
- static GetRoot()
- IsA()
- Unknown = Tf.Type.Unknown
- property baseTypes
- property derivedTypes
- property isEnumType
- property isPlainOldDataType
- property isUnknown
- property pythonClass
- property sizeof
- property typeName
- class pxr.Tf.Warning
- class pxr.Tf.WindowsImportWrapper
- pxr.Tf.Fatal(msg)
Raise a fatal error to the Tf Diagnostic system.
- pxr.Tf.PrepareModule(module, result)
PrepareModule(module, result) – Prepare an extension module at import time. Generally, this should only be called by the __init__.py script for a module upon loading a boost python module (generally ‘_libName.so’).
- pxr.Tf.PreparePythonModule(moduleName=None)
Prepare an extension module at import time. This will import the Python module associated with the caller’s module (e.g. ‘_tf’ for ‘pxr.Tf’) or the module with the specified moduleName and copy its contents into the caller’s local namespace.
Generally, this should only be called by the __init__.py script for a module upon loading a boost python module (generally ‘_libName.so’).
- pxr.Tf.RaiseCodingError(msg)
Raise a coding error to the Tf Diagnostic system.
- pxr.Tf.RaiseRuntimeError(msg)
Raise a runtime error to the Tf Diagnostic system.
- pxr.Tf.Status(msg, verbose=True)
Issues a status update to the Tf diagnostic system.
If verbose is True (the default) then information about where in the code the status update was issued from is included.
- pxr.Tf.Warn(msg, template='')
Issue a warning via the TfDiagnostic system.
At this time, template is ignored.
Trace module
Trace – Utilities for counting and recording events.
- class pxr.Trace.AggregateNode
- property children
- property count
- property exclusiveCount
- property exclusiveTime
- property expanded
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- property id
- property inclusiveTime
- property key
- class pxr.Trace.Collector
- BeginEvent()
- BeginEventAtTime()
- Clear()
- EndEvent()
- EndEventAtTime()
- GetLabel()
- property enabled
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- property pythonTracingEnabled
- class pxr.Trace.Reporter
- ClearTree()
- GetLabel()
- Report()
- ReportChromeTracing()
- ReportChromeTracingToFile()
- ReportTimes()
- UpdateTraceTrees()
- property aggregateTreeRoot
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- property foldRecursiveCalls
- globalReporter = <pxr.Trace.Reporter object>
- property groupByFunction
- property shouldAdjustForOverheadAndNoise
- pxr.Trace.TraceFunction(obj)
A decorator that enables tracing the function that it decorates. If you decorate with ‘TraceFunction’ the function will be traced in the global collector.
- pxr.Trace.TraceMethod(obj)
A convenience. Same as TraceFunction but changes the recorded label to use the term ‘method’ rather than ‘function’.
- pxr.Trace.TraceScope(label)
A context manager that calls BeginEvent on the global collector on enter and EndEvent on exit.
Usd module
- class pxr.Usd.AssetInfoKeys
- identifier = 'identifier'
- name = 'name'
- payloadAssetDependencies = 'payloadAssetDependencies'
- version = 'version'
- class pxr.Usd.Attribute
- AddConnection()
- Block()
- Clear()
- ClearAtTime()
- ClearColorSpace()
- ClearConnections()
- ClearDefault()
- Get()
- GetBracketingTimeSamples()
- GetColorSpace()
- GetConnections()
- GetNumTimeSamples()
- GetResolveInfo()
- GetRoleName()
- GetTimeSamples()
- GetTimeSamplesInInterval()
- GetTypeName()
- static GetUnionedTimeSamples()
- static GetUnionedTimeSamplesInInterval()
- GetVariability()
- HasAuthoredConnections()
- HasAuthoredValue()
- HasAuthoredValueOpinion()
- HasColorSpace()
- HasFallbackValue()
- HasValue()
- RemoveConnection()
- Set()
- SetColorSpace()
- SetConnections()
- SetTypeName()
- SetVariability()
- ValueMightBeTimeVarying()
- class pxr.Usd.AttributeQuery
- static CreateQueries()
- Get()
- GetAttribute()
- GetBracketingTimeSamples()
- GetNumTimeSamples()
- GetTimeSamples()
- GetTimeSamplesInInterval()
- static GetUnionedTimeSamples()
- static GetUnionedTimeSamplesInInterval()
- HasAuthoredValue()
- HasAuthoredValueOpinion()
- HasFallbackValue()
- HasValue()
- IsValid()
- ValueMightBeTimeVarying()
- class pxr.Usd.ClipsAPI
- ComputeClipAssetPaths()
- GenerateClipManifest()
- static GenerateClipManifestFromLayers()
- static Get()
- GetClipActive()
- GetClipAssetPaths()
- GetClipManifestAssetPath()
- GetClipPrimPath()
- GetClipSets()
- GetClipTemplateActiveOffset()
- GetClipTemplateAssetPath()
- GetClipTemplateEndTime()
- GetClipTemplateStartTime()
- GetClipTemplateStride()
- GetClipTimes()
- GetClips()
- GetInterpolateMissingClipValues()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- SetClipActive()
- SetClipAssetPaths()
- SetClipManifestAssetPath()
- SetClipPrimPath()
- SetClipSets()
- SetClipTemplateActiveOffset()
- SetClipTemplateAssetPath()
- SetClipTemplateEndTime()
- SetClipTemplateStartTime()
- SetClipTemplateStride()
- SetClipTimes()
- SetClips()
- SetInterpolateMissingClipValues()
- class pxr.Usd.CollectionAPI
- static Apply()
- BlockCollection()
- static CanApply()
- static CanContainPropertyName()
- static ComputeIncludedObjects()
- static ComputeIncludedPaths()
- ComputeMembershipQuery()
- CreateExcludesRel()
- CreateExpansionRuleAttr()
- CreateIncludeRootAttr()
- CreateIncludesRel()
- ExcludePath()
- static Get()
- static GetAll()
- static GetAllCollections()
- static GetCollection()
- GetCollectionPath()
- GetExcludesRel()
- GetExpansionRuleAttr()
- GetIncludeRootAttr()
- GetIncludesRel()
- GetName()
- static GetNamedCollectionPath()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- HasNoIncludedPaths()
- IncludePath()
- static IsCollectionAPIPath()
- static IsSchemaPropertyBaseName()
- ResetCollection()
- Validate()
- class pxr.Usd.CompositionArc
- GetArcType()
- GetIntroducingLayer()
- GetIntroducingListEditor()
- GetIntroducingNode()
- GetIntroducingPrimPath()
- GetTargetLayer()
- GetTargetNode()
- GetTargetPrimPath()
- HasSpecs()
- IsAncestral()
- IsImplicit()
- IsIntroducedInRootLayerPrimSpec()
- IsIntroducedInRootLayerStack()
- MakeResolveTargetStrongerThan()
- MakeResolveTargetUpTo()
- class pxr.Usd.CrateInfo
- class SummaryStats
- property numSpecs
- property numUniqueFieldSets
- property numUniqueFields
- property numUniquePaths
- property numUniqueStrings
- property numUniqueTokens
- GetFileVersion()
- GetSections()
- GetSoftwareVersion()
- GetSummaryStats()
- static Open()
- class pxr.Usd.EditContext
- class pxr.Usd.EditTarget
- ComposeOver()
- static ForLocalDirectVariant()
- GetLayer()
- GetMapFunction()
- GetPrimSpecForScenePath()
- GetPropertySpecForScenePath()
- GetSpecForScenePath()
- IsNull()
- IsValid()
- MapToSpecPath()
- class pxr.Usd.Inherits
- AddInherit()
- ClearInherits()
- GetAllDirectInherits()
- GetPrim()
- RemoveInherit()
- SetInherits()
- class pxr.Usd.InterpolationType
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Usd.InterpolationTypeHeld, Usd.InterpolationTypeLinear)
- class pxr.Usd.ListPosition
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Usd.ListPositionFrontOfPrependList, Usd.ListPositionBackOfPrependList, Usd.ListPositionFrontOfAppendList, Usd.ListPositionBackOfAppendList)
- class pxr.Usd.LoadPolicy
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Usd.LoadWithDescendants, Usd.LoadWithoutDescendants)
- class pxr.Usd.ModelAPI
- class KindValidation
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Usd.ModelAPI.KindValidationNone, Usd.ModelAPI.KindValidationModelHierarchy)
- static Get()
- GetAssetIdentifier()
- GetAssetInfo()
- GetAssetName()
- GetAssetVersion()
- GetKind()
- GetPayloadAssetDependencies()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- IsGroup()
- IsKind()
- IsModel()
- SetAssetIdentifier()
- SetAssetInfo()
- SetAssetName()
- SetAssetVersion()
- SetKind()
- SetPayloadAssetDependencies()
- KindValidationModelHierarchy = Usd.ModelAPI.KindValidationModelHierarchy
- KindValidationNone = Usd.ModelAPI.KindValidationNone
- class pxr.Usd.Notice
- class ObjectsChanged
- AffectedObject()
- ChangedInfoOnly()
- GetChangedFields()
- GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths()
- GetFastUpdates()
- GetResyncedPaths()
- HasChangedFields()
- ResyncedObject()
- class StageContentsChanged
- class StageEditTargetChanged
- class pxr.Usd.Object
- ClearAssetInfo()
- ClearAssetInfoByKey()
- ClearCustomData()
- ClearCustomDataByKey()
- ClearDocumentation()
- ClearHidden()
- ClearMetadata()
- ClearMetadataByDictKey()
- GetAllAuthoredMetadata()
- GetAllMetadata()
- GetAssetInfo()
- GetAssetInfoByKey()
- GetCustomData()
- GetCustomDataByKey()
- GetDescription()
- GetDocumentation()
- GetMetadata()
- GetMetadataByDictKey()
- GetName()
- static GetNamespaceDelimiter()
- GetPath()
- GetPrim()
- GetPrimPath()
- GetStage()
- HasAssetInfo()
- HasAssetInfoKey()
- HasAuthoredAssetInfo()
- HasAuthoredAssetInfoKey()
- HasAuthoredCustomData()
- HasAuthoredCustomDataKey()
- HasAuthoredDocumentation()
- HasAuthoredHidden()
- HasAuthoredMetadata()
- HasAuthoredMetadataDictKey()
- HasCustomData()
- HasCustomDataKey()
- HasMetadata()
- HasMetadataDictKey()
- IsHidden()
- IsValid()
- SetAssetInfo()
- SetAssetInfoByKey()
- SetCustomData()
- SetCustomDataByKey()
- SetDocumentation()
- SetHidden()
- SetMetadata()
- SetMetadataByDictKey()
- class pxr.Usd.Payloads
- AddInternalPayload()
- AddPayload()
- ClearPayloads()
- GetPrim()
- RemovePayload()
- SetPayloads()
- class pxr.Usd.Prim
- AddAppliedSchema()
- ApplyAPI()
- CanApplyAPI()
- ClearActive()
- ClearChildrenReorder()
- ClearInstanceable()
- ClearPayload()
- ClearPropertyOrder()
- ClearTypeName()
- ComputeExpandedPrimIndex()
- CreateAttribute()
- CreateRelationship()
- FindAllAttributeConnectionPaths()
- FindAllRelationshipTargetPaths()
- GetAllChildren()
- GetAllChildrenNames()
- GetAppliedSchemas()
- GetAttribute()
- GetAttributeAtPath()
- GetAttributes()
- GetAuthoredAttributes()
- GetAuthoredProperties()
- GetAuthoredPropertiesInNamespace()
- GetAuthoredPropertyNames()
- GetAuthoredRelationships()
- GetChild()
- GetChildren()
- GetChildrenNames()
- GetChildrenReorder()
- GetFilteredChildren()
- GetFilteredChildrenNames()
- GetFilteredNextSibling()
- GetInherits()
- GetInstances()
- GetNextSibling()
- GetObjectAtPath()
- GetParent()
- GetPayloads()
- GetPrimAtPath()
- GetPrimDefinition()
- GetPrimInPrototype()
- GetPrimIndex()
- GetPrimStack()
- GetPrimStackWithLayerOffsets()
- GetPrimTypeInfo()
- GetProperties()
- GetPropertiesInNamespace()
- GetProperty()
- GetPropertyAtPath()
- GetPropertyNames()
- GetPropertyOrder()
- GetPrototype()
- GetReferences()
- GetRelationship()
- GetRelationshipAtPath()
- GetRelationships()
- GetSpecializes()
- GetSpecifier()
- GetTypeName()
- GetVariantSet()
- GetVariantSets()
- HasAPI()
- HasAttribute()
- HasAuthoredActive()
- HasAuthoredInherits()
- HasAuthoredInstanceable()
- HasAuthoredPayloads()
- HasAuthoredReferences()
- HasAuthoredSpecializes()
- HasAuthoredTypeName()
- HasDefiningSpecifier()
- HasPayload()
- HasProperty()
- HasRelationship()
- HasVariantSets()
- IsA()
- IsAbstract()
- IsActive()
- IsDefined()
- IsGroup()
- IsInPrototype()
- IsInstance()
- IsInstanceProxy()
- IsInstanceable()
- IsLoaded()
- IsModel()
- static IsPathInPrototype()
- IsPrototype()
- static IsPrototypePath()
- IsPseudoRoot()
- Load()
- MakeResolveTargetStrongerThanEditTarget()
- MakeResolveTargetUpToEditTarget()
- RemoveAPI()
- RemoveAppliedSchema()
- RemoveProperty()
- SetActive()
- SetChildrenReorder()
- SetInstanceable()
- SetPayload()
- SetPropertyOrder()
- SetSpecifier()
- SetTypeName()
- Unload()
- class pxr.Usd.PrimCompositionQuery
- class ArcIntroducedFilter
- All = pxr.Usd.ArcIntroducedFilter.All
- IntroducedInRootLayerPrimSpec = pxr.Usd.ArcIntroducedFilter.IntroducedInRootLayerPrimSpec
- IntroducedInRootLayerStack = pxr.Usd.ArcIntroducedFilter.IntroducedInRootLayerStack
- names = {'All': pxr.Usd.ArcIntroducedFilter.All, 'IntroducedInRootLayerPrimSpec': pxr.Usd.ArcIntroducedFilter.IntroducedInRootLayerPrimSpec, 'IntroducedInRootLayerStack': pxr.Usd.ArcIntroducedFilter.IntroducedInRootLayerStack}
- values = {0: pxr.Usd.ArcIntroducedFilter.All, 1: pxr.Usd.ArcIntroducedFilter.IntroducedInRootLayerStack, 2: pxr.Usd.ArcIntroducedFilter.IntroducedInRootLayerPrimSpec}
- class ArcTypeFilter
- All = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.All
- Inherit = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Inherit
- InheritOrSpecialize = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.InheritOrSpecialize
- NotInheritOrSpecialize = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.NotInheritOrSpecialize
- NotReferenceOrPayload = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.NotReferenceOrPayload
- NotVariant = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.NotVariant
- Payload = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Payload
- Reference = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Reference
- ReferenceOrPayload = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.ReferenceOrPayload
- Specialize = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Specialize
- Variant = pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Variant
- names = {'All': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.All, 'Inherit': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Inherit, 'InheritOrSpecialize': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.InheritOrSpecialize, 'NotInheritOrSpecialize': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.NotInheritOrSpecialize, 'NotReferenceOrPayload': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.NotReferenceOrPayload, 'NotVariant': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.NotVariant, 'Payload': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Payload, 'Reference': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Reference, 'ReferenceOrPayload': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.ReferenceOrPayload, 'Specialize': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Specialize, 'Variant': pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Variant}
- values = {0: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.All, 1: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Reference, 2: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Payload, 3: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Inherit, 4: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Specialize, 5: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.Variant, 6: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.ReferenceOrPayload, 7: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.InheritOrSpecialize, 8: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.NotReferenceOrPayload, 9: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.NotInheritOrSpecialize, 10: pxr.Usd.ArcTypeFilter.NotVariant}
- class DependencyTypeFilter
- All = pxr.Usd.DependencyTypeFilter.All
- Ancestral = pxr.Usd.DependencyTypeFilter.Ancestral
- Direct = pxr.Usd.DependencyTypeFilter.Direct
- names = {'All': pxr.Usd.DependencyTypeFilter.All, 'Ancestral': pxr.Usd.DependencyTypeFilter.Ancestral, 'Direct': pxr.Usd.DependencyTypeFilter.Direct}
- values = {0: pxr.Usd.DependencyTypeFilter.All, 1: pxr.Usd.DependencyTypeFilter.Direct, 2: pxr.Usd.DependencyTypeFilter.Ancestral}
- class Filter
- property arcIntroducedFilter
- property arcTypeFilter
- property dependencyTypeFilter
- property hasSpecsFilter
- class HasSpecsFilter
- All = pxr.Usd.HasSpecsFilter.All
- HasNoSpecs = pxr.Usd.HasSpecsFilter.HasNoSpecs
- HasSpecs = pxr.Usd.HasSpecsFilter.HasSpecs
- names = {'All': pxr.Usd.HasSpecsFilter.All, 'HasNoSpecs': pxr.Usd.HasSpecsFilter.HasNoSpecs, 'HasSpecs': pxr.Usd.HasSpecsFilter.HasSpecs}
- values = {0: pxr.Usd.HasSpecsFilter.All, 1: pxr.Usd.HasSpecsFilter.HasSpecs, 2: pxr.Usd.HasSpecsFilter.HasNoSpecs}
- GetCompositionArcs()
- static GetDirectInherits()
- static GetDirectReferences()
- static GetDirectRootLayerArcs()
- property filter
- class pxr.Usd.PrimDefinition
- FlattenTo()
- GetAppliedAPISchemas()
- GetAttributeFallbackValue()
- GetDocumentation()
- GetMetadata()
- GetMetadataByDictKey()
- GetPropertyDocumentation()
- GetPropertyMetadata()
- GetPropertyMetadataByDictKey()
- GetPropertyNames()
- GetSchemaAttributeSpec()
- GetSchemaPropertySpec()
- GetSchemaRelationshipSpec()
- ListMetadataFields()
- ListPropertyMetadataFields()
- class pxr.Usd.PrimRange
- static AllPrims()
- static AllPrimsPreAndPostVisit()
- IsValid()
true if the iterator is not yet exhausted
- static PreAndPostVisit()
- static Stage()
- class pxr.Usd.PrimTypeInfo
- GetAppliedAPISchemas()
- static GetEmptyPrimType()
- GetPrimDefinition()
- GetSchemaType()
- GetSchemaTypeName()
- GetTypeName()
- class pxr.Usd.Property
- ClearDisplayGroup()
- ClearDisplayName()
- FlattenTo()
- GetBaseName()
- GetDisplayGroup()
- GetDisplayName()
- GetNamespace()
- GetNestedDisplayGroups()
- GetPropertyStack()
- GetPropertyStackWithLayerOffsets()
- HasAuthoredDisplayGroup()
- HasAuthoredDisplayName()
- IsAuthored()
- IsAuthoredAt()
- IsCustom()
- IsDefined()
- SetCustom()
- SetDisplayGroup()
- SetDisplayName()
- SetNestedDisplayGroups()
- SplitName()
- class pxr.Usd.References
- AddInternalReference()
- AddReference()
- ClearReferences()
- GetPrim()
- RemoveReference()
- SetReferences()
- class pxr.Usd.Relationship
- AddTarget()
- ClearTargets()
- GetForwardedTargets()
- GetTargets()
- HasAuthoredTargets()
- RemoveTarget()
- SetTargets()
- class pxr.Usd.ResolveInfoSource
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Usd.ResolveInfoSourceNone, Usd.ResolveInfoSourceFallback, Usd.ResolveInfoSourceDefault, Usd.ResolveInfoSourceTimeSamples, Usd.ResolveInfoSourceValueClips)
- class pxr.Usd.ResolveTarget
- GetPrimIndex()
- GetStartLayer()
- GetStartNode()
- GetStopLayer()
- GetStopNode()
- IsNull()
- class pxr.Usd.SchemaBase
- GetPath()
- GetPrim()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSchemaClassPrimDefinition()
- GetSchemaKind()
- IsAPISchema()
- IsAppliedAPISchema()
- IsConcrete()
- IsMultipleApplyAPISchema()
- IsTyped()
- class pxr.Usd.SchemaKind
- AbstractBase = pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractBase
- AbstractTyped = pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractTyped
- ConcreteTyped = pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.ConcreteTyped
- Invalid = pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.Invalid
- MultipleApplyAPI = pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.MultipleApplyAPI
- NonAppliedAPI = pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.NonAppliedAPI
- SingleApplyAPI = pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.SingleApplyAPI
- names = {'AbstractBase': pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractBase, 'AbstractTyped': pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractTyped, 'ConcreteTyped': pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.ConcreteTyped, 'Invalid': pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.Invalid, 'MultipleApplyAPI': pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.MultipleApplyAPI, 'NonAppliedAPI': pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.NonAppliedAPI, 'SingleApplyAPI': pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.SingleApplyAPI}
- values = {0: pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.Invalid, 1: pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractBase, 2: pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractTyped, 3: pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.ConcreteTyped, 4: pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.NonAppliedAPI, 5: pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.SingleApplyAPI, 6: pxr.Usd.SchemaKind.MultipleApplyAPI}
- class pxr.Usd.SchemaRegistry
- BuildComposedPrimDefinition()
- FindAppliedAPIPrimDefinition()
- FindConcretePrimDefinition()
- static GetAPISchemaCanOnlyApplyToTypeNames()
- static GetAPISchemaTypeName()
- static GetAPITypeFromSchemaTypeName()
- static GetAutoApplyAPISchemas()
- static GetConcreteSchemaTypeName()
- static GetConcreteTypeFromSchemaTypeName()
- GetEmptyPrimDefinition()
- GetFallbackPrimTypes()
- static GetMultipleApplyNameTemplateBaseName()
- static GetSchemaKind()
- static GetSchemaTypeName()
- static GetTypeFromName()
- static GetTypeFromSchemaTypeName()
- static GetTypeNameAndInstance()
- static IsAbstract()
- static IsAllowedAPISchemaInstanceName()
- static IsAppliedAPISchema()
- static IsConcrete()
- static IsDisallowedField()
- static IsMultipleApplyAPISchema()
- static IsMultipleApplyNameTemplate()
- static IsTyped()
- static MakeMultipleApplyNameInstance()
- static MakeMultipleApplyNameTemplate()
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- class pxr.Usd.Specializes
- AddSpecialize()
- ClearSpecializes()
- GetPrim()
- RemoveSpecialize()
- SetSpecializes()
- class pxr.Usd.Stage
- class InitialLoadSet
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Usd.Stage.LoadAll, Usd.Stage.LoadNone)
- ClearDefaultPrim()
- ClearMetadata()
- ClearMetadataByDictKey()
- CreateClassPrim()
- static CreateInMemory()
- static CreateNew()
- DefinePrim()
- ExpandPopulationMask()
- Export()
- ExportToString()
- FindLoadable()
- Flatten()
- GetAttributeAtPath()
- static GetColorConfigFallbacks()
- GetColorConfiguration()
- GetColorManagementSystem()
- GetDefaultPrim()
- GetEditTarget()
- GetEditTargetForLocalLayer()
- GetEndTimeCode()
- GetFramesPerSecond()
- static GetGlobalVariantFallbacks()
- GetInterpolationType()
- GetLayerStack()
- GetLoadRules()
- GetLoadSet()
- GetMetadata()
- GetMetadataByDictKey()
- GetMutedLayers()
- GetObjectAtPath()
- GetPathResolverContext()
- GetPopulationMask()
- GetPrimAtPath()
- GetPropertyAtPath()
- GetPrototypes()
- GetPseudoRoot()
- GetRelationshipAtPath()
- GetRootLayer()
- GetSessionLayer()
- GetStartTimeCode()
- GetTimeCodesPerSecond()
- GetUsedLayers()
- HasAuthoredMetadata()
- HasAuthoredMetadataDictKey()
- HasAuthoredTimeCodeRange()
- HasDefaultPrim()
- HasLocalLayer()
- HasMetadata()
- HasMetadataDictKey()
- IsLayerMuted()
- static IsSupportedFile()
- Load()
- LoadAndUnload()
- MuteAndUnmuteLayers()
- MuteLayer()
- static Open()
- static OpenMasked()
- OverridePrim()
- Reload()
- RemovePrim()
- ResolveIdentifierToEditTarget()
- Save()
- SaveSessionLayers()
- static SetColorConfigFallbacks()
- SetColorConfiguration()
- SetColorManagementSystem()
- SetDefaultPrim()
- SetEditTarget()
- SetEndTimeCode()
- SetFramesPerSecond()
- static SetGlobalVariantFallbacks()
- SetInterpolationType()
- SetLoadRules()
- SetMetadata()
- SetMetadataByDictKey()
- SetPopulationMask()
- SetStartTimeCode()
- SetTimeCodesPerSecond()
- Traverse()
- TraverseAll()
- Unload()
- UnmuteLayer()
- WriteFallbackPrimTypes()
- LoadAll = Usd.Stage.LoadAll
- LoadNone = Usd.Stage.LoadNone
- property expired
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
- class pxr.Usd.StageCache
- Clear()
- Contains()
- Erase()
- EraseAll()
- Find()
- FindAllMatching()
- FindOneMatching()
- GetAllStages()
- GetDebugName()
- GetId()
- Insert()
- IsEmpty()
- SetDebugName()
- Size()
- swap()
- class pxr.Usd.StageCacheContext
- class pxr.Usd.StageCacheContextBlockType
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Usd.BlockStageCaches, Usd.BlockStageCachePopulation, Usd._NoBlock)
- class pxr.Usd.StageLoadRules
- class Rule
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (Usd.StageLoadRules.AllRule, Usd.StageLoadRules.OnlyRule, Usd.StageLoadRules.NoneRule)
- AddRule()
- GetEffectiveRuleForPath()
- GetRules()
- IsLoaded()
- IsLoadedWithAllDescendants()
- IsLoadedWithNoDescendants()
- static LoadAll()
- LoadAndUnload()
- static LoadNone()
- LoadWithDescendants()
- LoadWithoutDescendants()
- Minimize()
- SetRules()
- Unload()
- swap()
- AllRule = Usd.StageLoadRules.AllRule
- NoneRule = Usd.StageLoadRules.NoneRule
- OnlyRule = Usd.StageLoadRules.OnlyRule
- class pxr.Usd.StagePopulationMask
- Add()
- static All()
- GetIncludedChildNames()
- GetIntersection()
- GetPaths()
- GetUnion()
- Includes()
- IncludesSubtree()
- static Intersection()
- IsEmpty()
- static Union()
- class pxr.Usd.TimeCode
- static Default()
- static EarliestTime()
- GetValue()
- IsDefault()
- IsEarliestTime()
- IsNumeric()
- static SafeStep()
- class pxr.Usd.Tokens
- apiSchemas = 'apiSchemas'
- clipSets = 'clipSets'
- clips = 'clips'
- collection = 'collection'
- collection_MultipleApplyTemplate_Excludes = 'collection:__INSTANCE_NAME__:excludes'
- collection_MultipleApplyTemplate_ExpansionRule = 'collection:__INSTANCE_NAME__:expansionRule'
- collection_MultipleApplyTemplate_IncludeRoot = 'collection:__INSTANCE_NAME__:includeRoot'
- collection_MultipleApplyTemplate_Includes = 'collection:__INSTANCE_NAME__:includes'
- exclude = 'exclude'
- expandPrims = 'expandPrims'
- expandPrimsAndProperties = 'expandPrimsAndProperties'
- explicitOnly = 'explicitOnly'
- fallbackPrimTypes = 'fallbackPrimTypes'
- class pxr.Usd.UsdCollectionMembershipQuery
- GetAsPathExpansionRuleMap()
- GetIncludedCollections()
- HasExcludes()
- IsPathIncluded()
- class pxr.Usd.VariantSet
- AddVariant()
- BlockVariantSelection()
- ClearVariantSelection()
- GetName()
- GetPrim()
- GetVariantEditContext()
- GetVariantEditTarget()
- GetVariantNames()
- GetVariantSelection()
- HasAuthoredVariant()
- HasAuthoredVariantSelection()
- IsValid()
- SetVariantSelection()
- class pxr.Usd.VariantSets
- AddVariantSet()
- GetAllVariantSelections()
- GetNames()
- GetVariantSelection()
- GetVariantSet()
- HasVariantSet()
- SetSelection()
UsdGeom module
- class pxr.UsdGeom.BBoxCache
- Clear()
- ClearBaseTime()
- ComputeLocalBound()
- ComputePointInstanceLocalBound()
- ComputePointInstanceLocalBounds()
- ComputePointInstanceRelativeBound()
- ComputePointInstanceRelativeBounds()
- ComputePointInstanceUntransformedBound()
- ComputePointInstanceUntransformedBounds()
- ComputePointInstanceWorldBound()
- ComputePointInstanceWorldBounds()
- ComputeRelativeBound()
- ComputeUntransformedBound()
- ComputeWorldBound()
- ComputeWorldBoundWithOverrides()
- GetBaseTime()
- GetIncludedPurposes()
- GetTime()
- GetUseExtentsHint()
- HasBaseTime()
- SetBaseTime()
- SetIncludedPurposes()
- SetTime()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.BasisCurves
- ComputeInterpolationForSize()
- ComputeUniformDataSize()
- ComputeVaryingDataSize()
- ComputeVertexDataSize()
- CreateBasisAttr()
- CreateTypeAttr()
- CreateWrapAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetBasisAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetTypeAttr()
- GetWrapAttr()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Boundable
- ComputeExtent()
- static ComputeExtentFromPlugins()
- CreateExtentAttr()
- static Get()
- GetExtentAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Camera
- CreateClippingPlanesAttr()
- CreateClippingRangeAttr()
- CreateExposureAttr()
- CreateFStopAttr()
- CreateFocalLengthAttr()
- CreateFocusDistanceAttr()
- CreateHorizontalApertureAttr()
- CreateHorizontalApertureOffsetAttr()
- CreateProjectionAttr()
- CreateShutterCloseAttr()
- CreateShutterOpenAttr()
- CreateStereoRoleAttr()
- CreateVerticalApertureAttr()
- CreateVerticalApertureOffsetAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetCamera()
- GetClippingPlanesAttr()
- GetClippingRangeAttr()
- GetExposureAttr()
- GetFStopAttr()
- GetFocalLengthAttr()
- GetFocusDistanceAttr()
- GetHorizontalApertureAttr()
- GetHorizontalApertureOffsetAttr()
- GetProjectionAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetShutterCloseAttr()
- GetShutterOpenAttr()
- GetStereoRoleAttr()
- GetVerticalApertureAttr()
- GetVerticalApertureOffsetAttr()
- SetFromCamera()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Capsule
- CreateAxisAttr()
- CreateExtentAttr()
- CreateHeightAttr()
- CreateRadiusAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetAxisAttr()
- GetExtentAttr()
- GetHeightAttr()
- GetRadiusAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Cone
- CreateAxisAttr()
- CreateExtentAttr()
- CreateHeightAttr()
- CreateRadiusAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetAxisAttr()
- GetExtentAttr()
- GetHeightAttr()
- GetRadiusAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.ConstraintTarget
- ComputeInWorldSpace()
- Get()
- GetAttr()
- static GetConstraintAttrName()
- GetIdentifier()
- IsDefined()
- IsValid()
- Set()
- SetIdentifier()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Cube
- CreateExtentAttr()
- CreateSizeAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetExtentAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSizeAttr()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Curves
- static ComputeExtent()
- CreateCurveVertexCountsAttr()
- CreateWidthsAttr()
- static Get()
- GetCurveCount()
- GetCurveVertexCountsAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetWidthsAttr()
- GetWidthsInterpolation()
- SetWidthsInterpolation()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Cylinder
- CreateAxisAttr()
- CreateExtentAttr()
- CreateHeightAttr()
- CreateRadiusAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetAxisAttr()
- GetExtentAttr()
- GetHeightAttr()
- GetRadiusAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Gprim
- CreateDisplayColorAttr()
- CreateDisplayColorPrimvar()
- CreateDisplayOpacityAttr()
- CreateDisplayOpacityPrimvar()
- CreateDoubleSidedAttr()
- CreateOrientationAttr()
- static Get()
- GetDisplayColorAttr()
- GetDisplayColorPrimvar()
- GetDisplayOpacityAttr()
- GetDisplayOpacityPrimvar()
- GetDoubleSidedAttr()
- GetOrientationAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.HermiteCurves
- class PointAndTangentArrays
- GetPoints()
- GetTangents()
- Interleave()
- IsEmpty()
- static Separate()
- CreateTangentsAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetTangentsAttr()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Imageable
- ComputeEffectiveVisibility()
- ComputeLocalBound()
- ComputeLocalToWorldTransform()
- ComputeParentToWorldTransform()
- ComputeProxyPrim()
Returns None if neither this prim nor any of its ancestors has a valid renderProxy prim. Otherwise, returns a tuple of (proxyPrim, renderPrimWithAuthoredProxyPrimRel)
- ComputePurpose()
- ComputePurposeInfo()
- ComputeUntransformedBound()
- ComputeVisibility()
- ComputeWorldBound()
- CreateProxyPrimRel()
- CreatePurposeAttr()
- CreateVisibilityAttr()
- static Get()
- static GetOrderedPurposeTokens()
- GetProxyPrimRel()
- GetPurposeAttr()
- GetPurposeVisibilityAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetVisibilityAttr()
- MakeInvisible()
- MakeVisible()
- SetProxyPrim()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.LinearUnits
- centimeters = 0.01
- feet = 0.3048
- inches = 0.0254
- kilometers = 1000.0
- lightYears = 9460730472580800.0
- meters = 1.0
- micrometers = 1e-06
- miles = 1609.344
- millimeters = 0.001
- nanometers = 1e-09
- yards = 0.9144
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Mesh
- CreateCornerIndicesAttr()
- CreateCornerSharpnessesAttr()
- CreateCreaseIndicesAttr()
- CreateCreaseLengthsAttr()
- CreateCreaseSharpnessesAttr()
- CreateFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr()
- CreateFaceVertexCountsAttr()
- CreateFaceVertexIndicesAttr()
- CreateHoleIndicesAttr()
- CreateInterpolateBoundaryAttr()
- CreateSubdivisionSchemeAttr()
- CreateTriangleSubdivisionRuleAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetCornerIndicesAttr()
- GetCornerSharpnessesAttr()
- GetCreaseIndicesAttr()
- GetCreaseLengthsAttr()
- GetCreaseSharpnessesAttr()
- GetFaceCount()
- GetFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr()
- GetFaceVertexCountsAttr()
- GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr()
- GetHoleIndicesAttr()
- GetInterpolateBoundaryAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSubdivisionSchemeAttr()
- GetTriangleSubdivisionRuleAttr()
- static ValidateTopology()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.ModelAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- ComputeExtentsHint()
- ComputeModelDrawMode()
- CreateConstraintTarget()
- CreateModelApplyDrawModeAttr()
- CreateModelCardGeometryAttr()
- CreateModelCardTextureXNegAttr()
- CreateModelCardTextureXPosAttr()
- CreateModelCardTextureYNegAttr()
- CreateModelCardTextureYPosAttr()
- CreateModelCardTextureZNegAttr()
- CreateModelCardTextureZPosAttr()
- CreateModelDrawModeAttr()
- CreateModelDrawModeColorAttr()
- static Get()
- GetConstraintTarget()
- GetConstraintTargets()
- GetExtentsHint()
- GetExtentsHintAttr()
- GetModelApplyDrawModeAttr()
- GetModelCardGeometryAttr()
- GetModelCardTextureXNegAttr()
- GetModelCardTextureXPosAttr()
- GetModelCardTextureYNegAttr()
- GetModelCardTextureYPosAttr()
- GetModelCardTextureZNegAttr()
- GetModelCardTextureZPosAttr()
- GetModelDrawModeAttr()
- GetModelDrawModeColorAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- SetExtentsHint()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.MotionAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- ComputeMotionBlurScale()
- ComputeNonlinearSampleCount()
- ComputeVelocityScale()
- CreateMotionBlurScaleAttr()
- CreateNonlinearSampleCountAttr()
- CreateVelocityScaleAttr()
- static Get()
- GetMotionBlurScaleAttr()
- GetNonlinearSampleCountAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetVelocityScaleAttr()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.NurbsCurves
- CreateFormAttr()
- CreateKnotsAttr()
- CreateOrderAttr()
- CreatePointWeightsAttr()
- CreateRangesAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetFormAttr()
- GetKnotsAttr()
- GetOrderAttr()
- GetPointWeightsAttr()
- GetRangesAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.NurbsPatch
- CreatePointWeightsAttr()
- CreateTrimCurveCountsAttr()
- CreateTrimCurveKnotsAttr()
- CreateTrimCurveOrdersAttr()
- CreateTrimCurvePointsAttr()
- CreateTrimCurveRangesAttr()
- CreateTrimCurveVertexCountsAttr()
- CreateUFormAttr()
- CreateUKnotsAttr()
- CreateUOrderAttr()
- CreateURangeAttr()
- CreateUVertexCountAttr()
- CreateVFormAttr()
- CreateVKnotsAttr()
- CreateVOrderAttr()
- CreateVRangeAttr()
- CreateVVertexCountAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetPointWeightsAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetTrimCurveCountsAttr()
- GetTrimCurveKnotsAttr()
- GetTrimCurveOrdersAttr()
- GetTrimCurvePointsAttr()
- GetTrimCurveRangesAttr()
- GetTrimCurveVertexCountsAttr()
- GetUFormAttr()
- GetUKnotsAttr()
- GetUOrderAttr()
- GetURangeAttr()
- GetUVertexCountAttr()
- GetVFormAttr()
- GetVKnotsAttr()
- GetVOrderAttr()
- GetVRangeAttr()
- GetVVertexCountAttr()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Plane
- CreateAxisAttr()
- CreateDoubleSidedAttr()
- CreateExtentAttr()
- CreateLengthAttr()
- CreateWidthAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetAxisAttr()
- GetDoubleSidedAttr()
- GetExtentAttr()
- GetLengthAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetWidthAttr()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.PointBased
- static ComputeExtent()
- ComputePointsAtTime()
- ComputePointsAtTimes()
- CreateAccelerationsAttr()
- CreateNormalsAttr()
- CreatePointsAttr()
- CreateVelocitiesAttr()
- static Get()
- GetAccelerationsAttr()
- GetNormalsAttr()
- GetNormalsInterpolation()
- GetPointsAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetVelocitiesAttr()
- SetNormalsInterpolation()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.PointInstancer
- class MaskApplication
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (UsdGeom.PointInstancer.ApplyMask, UsdGeom.PointInstancer.IgnoreMask)
- class ProtoXformInclusion
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (UsdGeom.PointInstancer.IncludeProtoXform, UsdGeom.PointInstancer.ExcludeProtoXform)
- ActivateAllIds()
- ActivateId()
- ActivateIds()
- ComputeExtentAtTime()
- ComputeExtentAtTimes()
- ComputeInstanceTransformsAtTime()
- ComputeInstanceTransformsAtTimes()
- ComputeMaskAtTime()
- CreateAccelerationsAttr()
- CreateAngularVelocitiesAttr()
- CreateIdsAttr()
- CreateInvisibleIdsAttr()
- CreateOrientationsAttr()
- CreatePositionsAttr()
- CreateProtoIndicesAttr()
- CreatePrototypesRel()
- CreateScalesAttr()
- CreateVelocitiesAttr()
- DeactivateId()
- DeactivateIds()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetAccelerationsAttr()
- GetAngularVelocitiesAttr()
- GetIdsAttr()
- GetInstanceCount()
- GetInvisibleIdsAttr()
- GetOrientationsAttr()
- GetPositionsAttr()
- GetProtoIndicesAttr()
- GetPrototypesRel()
- GetScalesAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetVelocitiesAttr()
- InvisId()
- InvisIds()
- VisAllIds()
- VisId()
- VisIds()
- ApplyMask = UsdGeom.PointInstancer.ApplyMask
- ExcludeProtoXform = UsdGeom.PointInstancer.ExcludeProtoXform
- IgnoreMask = UsdGeom.PointInstancer.IgnoreMask
- IncludeProtoXform = UsdGeom.PointInstancer.IncludeProtoXform
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Points
- static ComputeExtent()
- CreateIdsAttr()
- CreateWidthsAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetIdsAttr()
- GetPointCount()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetWidthsAttr()
- GetWidthsInterpolation()
- SetWidthsInterpolation()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar
- BlockIndices()
- ComputeFlattened()
- CreateIndicesAttr()
- Get()
- GetAttr()
- GetBaseName()
- GetDeclarationInfo()
- GetElementSize()
- GetIndices()
- GetIndicesAttr()
- GetInterpolation()
- GetName()
- GetNamespace()
- GetPrimvarName()
- GetTimeSamples()
- GetTimeSamplesInInterval()
- GetTypeName()
- GetUnauthoredValuesIndex()
- HasAuthoredElementSize()
- HasAuthoredInterpolation()
- HasAuthoredValue()
- HasValue()
- IsDefined()
- IsIdTarget()
- IsIndexed()
- static IsPrimvar()
- static IsValidInterpolation()
- static IsValidPrimvarName()
- NameContainsNamespaces()
- Set()
- SetElementSize()
- SetIdTarget()
- SetIndices()
- SetInterpolation()
- SetUnauthoredValuesIndex()
- SplitName()
- static StripPrimvarsName()
- ValueMightBeTimeVarying()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI
- BlockPrimvar()
- static CanContainPropertyName()
- CreateIndexedPrimvar()
- CreateNonIndexedPrimvar()
- CreatePrimvar()
- FindIncrementallyInheritablePrimvars()
- FindInheritablePrimvars()
- FindPrimvarWithInheritance()
- FindPrimvarsWithInheritance()
- static Get()
- GetAuthoredPrimvars()
- GetPrimvar()
- GetPrimvars()
- GetPrimvarsWithAuthoredValues()
- GetPrimvarsWithValues()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- HasPossiblyInheritedPrimvar()
- HasPrimvar()
- RemovePrimvar()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Sphere
- CreateExtentAttr()
- CreateRadiusAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetExtentAttr()
- GetRadiusAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Subset
- CreateElementTypeAttr()
- CreateFamilyNameAttr()
- static CreateGeomSubset()
- CreateIndicesAttr()
- static CreateUniqueGeomSubset()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- static GetAllGeomSubsetFamilyNames()
- static GetAllGeomSubsets()
- GetElementTypeAttr()
- GetFamilyNameAttr()
- static GetFamilyType()
- static GetGeomSubsets()
- GetIndicesAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- static GetUnassignedIndices()
- static SetFamilyType()
- static ValidateFamily()
- static ValidateSubsets()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Tokens
- accelerations = 'accelerations'
- all = 'all'
- angularVelocities = 'angularVelocities'
- axis = 'axis'
- basis = 'basis'
- bezier = 'bezier'
- bilinear = 'bilinear'
- boundaries = 'boundaries'
- bounds = 'bounds'
- box = 'box'
- bspline = 'bspline'
- cards = 'cards'
- catmullClark = 'catmullClark'
- catmullRom = 'catmullRom'
- clippingPlanes = 'clippingPlanes'
- clippingRange = 'clippingRange'
- closed = 'closed'
- constant = 'constant'
- cornerIndices = 'cornerIndices'
- cornerSharpnesses = 'cornerSharpnesses'
- cornersOnly = 'cornersOnly'
- cornersPlus1 = 'cornersPlus1'
- cornersPlus2 = 'cornersPlus2'
- creaseIndices = 'creaseIndices'
- creaseLengths = 'creaseLengths'
- creaseSharpnesses = 'creaseSharpnesses'
- cross = 'cross'
- cubic = 'cubic'
- curveVertexCounts = 'curveVertexCounts'
- default_ = 'default'
- doubleSided = 'doubleSided'
- edgeAndCorner = 'edgeAndCorner'
- edgeOnly = 'edgeOnly'
- elementSize = 'elementSize'
- elementType = 'elementType'
- exposure = 'exposure'
- extent = 'extent'
- extentsHint = 'extentsHint'
- fStop = 'fStop'
- face = 'face'
- faceVarying = 'faceVarying'
- faceVaryingLinearInterpolation = 'faceVaryingLinearInterpolation'
- faceVertexCounts = 'faceVertexCounts'
- faceVertexIndices = 'faceVertexIndices'
- familyName = 'familyName'
- focalLength = 'focalLength'
- focusDistance = 'focusDistance'
- form = 'form'
- fromTexture = 'fromTexture'
- guide = 'guide'
- guideVisibility = 'guideVisibility'
- height = 'height'
- hermite = 'hermite'
- holeIndices = 'holeIndices'
- horizontalAperture = 'horizontalAperture'
- horizontalApertureOffset = 'horizontalApertureOffset'
- ids = 'ids'
- inactiveIds = 'inactiveIds'
- indices = 'indices'
- inherited = 'inherited'
- interpolateBoundary = 'interpolateBoundary'
- interpolation = 'interpolation'
- invisible = 'invisible'
- invisibleIds = 'invisibleIds'
- knots = 'knots'
- left = 'left'
- leftHanded = 'leftHanded'
- length = 'length'
- linear = 'linear'
- loop = 'loop'
- metersPerUnit = 'metersPerUnit'
- modelApplyDrawMode = 'model:applyDrawMode'
- modelCardGeometry = 'model:cardGeometry'
- modelCardTextureXNeg = 'model:cardTextureXNeg'
- modelCardTextureXPos = 'model:cardTextureXPos'
- modelCardTextureYNeg = 'model:cardTextureYNeg'
- modelCardTextureYPos = 'model:cardTextureYPos'
- modelCardTextureZNeg = 'model:cardTextureZNeg'
- modelCardTextureZPos = 'model:cardTextureZPos'
- modelDrawMode = 'model:drawMode'
- modelDrawModeColor = 'model:drawModeColor'
- mono = 'mono'
- motionBlurScale = 'motion:blurScale'
- motionNonlinearSampleCount = 'motion:nonlinearSampleCount'
- motionVelocityScale = 'motion:velocityScale'
- nonOverlapping = 'nonOverlapping'
- none = 'none'
- nonperiodic = 'nonperiodic'
- normals = 'normals'
- open = 'open'
- order = 'order'
- orientation = 'orientation'
- orientations = 'orientations'
- origin = 'origin'
- orthographic = 'orthographic'
- partition = 'partition'
- periodic = 'periodic'
- perspective = 'perspective'
- pinned = 'pinned'
- pivot = 'pivot'
- pointWeights = 'pointWeights'
- points = 'points'
- positions = 'positions'
- power = 'power'
- primvarsDisplayColor = 'primvars:displayColor'
- primvarsDisplayOpacity = 'primvars:displayOpacity'
- projection = 'projection'
- protoIndices = 'protoIndices'
- prototypes = 'prototypes'
- proxy = 'proxy'
- proxyPrim = 'proxyPrim'
- proxyVisibility = 'proxyVisibility'
- purpose = 'purpose'
- radius = 'radius'
- ranges = 'ranges'
- render = 'render'
- renderVisibility = 'renderVisibility'
- right = 'right'
- rightHanded = 'rightHanded'
- scales = 'scales'
- shutterClose = 'shutter:close'
- shutterOpen = 'shutter:open'
- size = 'size'
- smooth = 'smooth'
- stereoRole = 'stereoRole'
- subdivisionScheme = 'subdivisionScheme'
- tangents = 'tangents'
- triangleSubdivisionRule = 'triangleSubdivisionRule'
- trimCurveCounts = 'trimCurve:counts'
- trimCurveKnots = 'trimCurve:knots'
- trimCurveOrders = 'trimCurve:orders'
- trimCurvePoints = 'trimCurve:points'
- trimCurveRanges = 'trimCurve:ranges'
- trimCurveVertexCounts = 'trimCurve:vertexCounts'
- type = 'type'
- uForm = 'uForm'
- uKnots = 'uKnots'
- uOrder = 'uOrder'
- uRange = 'uRange'
- uVertexCount = 'uVertexCount'
- unauthoredValuesIndex = 'unauthoredValuesIndex'
- uniform = 'uniform'
- unrestricted = 'unrestricted'
- upAxis = 'upAxis'
- vForm = 'vForm'
- vKnots = 'vKnots'
- vOrder = 'vOrder'
- vRange = 'vRange'
- vVertexCount = 'vVertexCount'
- varying = 'varying'
- velocities = 'velocities'
- vertex = 'vertex'
- verticalAperture = 'verticalAperture'
- verticalApertureOffset = 'verticalApertureOffset'
- visibility = 'visibility'
- visible = 'visible'
- width = 'width'
- widths = 'widths'
- wrap = 'wrap'
- x = 'X'
- xformOpOrder = 'xformOpOrder'
- y = 'Y'
- z = 'Z'
- class pxr.UsdGeom.VisibilityAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- CreateGuideVisibilityAttr()
- CreateProxyVisibilityAttr()
- CreateRenderVisibilityAttr()
- static Get()
- GetGuideVisibilityAttr()
- GetProxyVisibilityAttr()
- GetPurposeVisibilityAttr()
- GetRenderVisibilityAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.XformCache
- Clear()
- ComputeRelativeTransform()
- GetLocalToWorldTransform()
- GetLocalTransformation()
- GetParentToWorldTransform()
- GetTime()
- SetTime()
- Swap()
- class pxr.UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI
- class OpFlags
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.OpTranslate, UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.OpRotate, UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.OpScale, UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.OpPivot)
- class RotationOrder
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXYZ, UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXZY, UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderYXZ, UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderYZX, UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderZXY, UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderZYX)
- static CanConvertOpTypeToRotationOrder()
- static ConvertOpTypeToRotationOrder()
- static ConvertRotationOrderToOpType()
- CreateXformOps()
- static Get()
- GetResetXformStack()
- static GetRotationTransform()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetXformVectors()
- GetXformVectorsByAccumulation()
- SetPivot()
- SetResetXformStack()
- SetRotate()
- SetScale()
- SetTranslate()
- SetXformVectors()
- OpPivot = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.OpPivot
- OpRotate = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.OpRotate
- OpScale = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.OpScale
- OpTranslate = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.OpTranslate
- RotationOrderXYZ = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXYZ
- RotationOrderXZY = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXZY
- RotationOrderYXZ = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderYXZ
- RotationOrderYZX = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderYZX
- RotationOrderZXY = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderZXY
- RotationOrderZYX = UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderZYX
- class pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp
- class Precision
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (UsdGeom.XformOp.PrecisionDouble, UsdGeom.XformOp.PrecisionFloat, UsdGeom.XformOp.PrecisionHalf)
- class Type
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeInvalid, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeTranslate, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeScale, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateX, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateY, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateZ, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateXYZ, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateXZY, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateYXZ, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateYZX, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateZXY, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateZYX, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeOrient, UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeTransform)
- Get()
- GetAttr()
- GetBaseName()
- GetName()
- GetNamespace()
- GetNumTimeSamples()
- GetOpName()
- GetOpTransform()
- GetOpType()
- static GetOpTypeEnum()
- static GetOpTypeToken()
- GetPrecision()
- GetTimeSamples()
- GetTimeSamplesInInterval()
- GetTypeName()
- IsDefined()
- IsInverseOp()
- MightBeTimeVarying()
- Set()
- SplitName()
- PrecisionDouble = UsdGeom.XformOp.PrecisionDouble
- PrecisionFloat = UsdGeom.XformOp.PrecisionFloat
- PrecisionHalf = UsdGeom.XformOp.PrecisionHalf
- TypeInvalid = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeInvalid
- TypeOrient = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeOrient
- TypeRotateX = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateX
- TypeRotateXYZ = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateXYZ
- TypeRotateXZY = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateXZY
- TypeRotateY = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateY
- TypeRotateYXZ = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateYXZ
- TypeRotateYZX = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateYZX
- TypeRotateZ = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateZ
- TypeRotateZXY = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateZXY
- TypeRotateZYX = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeRotateZYX
- TypeScale = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeScale
- TypeTransform = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeTransform
- TypeTranslate = UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeTranslate
- class pxr.UsdGeom.XformOpTypes
- orient = 'orient'
- resetXformStack = '!resetXformStack!'
- rotateX = 'rotateX'
- rotateXYZ = 'rotateXYZ'
- rotateXZY = 'rotateXZY'
- rotateY = 'rotateY'
- rotateYXZ = 'rotateYXZ'
- rotateYZX = 'rotateYZX'
- rotateZ = 'rotateZ'
- rotateZXY = 'rotateZXY'
- rotateZYX = 'rotateZYX'
- scale = 'scale'
- transform = 'transform'
- translate = 'translate'
- class pxr.UsdGeom.Xformable
- AddOrientOp()
- AddRotateXOp()
- AddRotateXYZOp()
- AddRotateXZYOp()
- AddRotateYOp()
- AddRotateYXZOp()
- AddRotateYZXOp()
- AddRotateZOp()
- AddRotateZXYOp()
- AddRotateZYXOp()
- AddScaleOp()
- AddTransformOp()
- AddTranslateOp()
- AddXformOp()
- ClearXformOpOrder()
- CreateXformOpOrderAttr()
- static Get()
- GetLocalTransformation()
Compute the fully-combined, local-to-parent transformation for this prim. If a client does not need to manipulate the individual ops themselves, and requires only the combined transform on this prim, this method will take care of all the data marshalling and linear algebra needed to combine the ops into a 4x4 affine transformation matrix, in double-precision, regardless of the precision of the op inputs. The python version of this function only returns the computed local-to-parent transformation. Clients must independently call GetResetXformStack() to be able to construct the local-to-world transformation.
Compute the fully-combined, local-to-parent transformation for this prim as efficiently as possible, using pre-fetched list of ordered xform ops supplied by the client. The python version of this function only returns the computed local-to-parent transformation. Clients must independently call GetResetXformStack() to be able to construct the local-to-world transformation.
- GetOrderedXformOps()
Return the ordered list of transform operations to be applied to this prim, in least-to-most-local order. This is determined by the intersection of authored op-attributes and the explicit ordering of those attributes encoded in the “xformOpOrder” attribute on this prim.
Any entries in “xformOpOrder” that do not correspond to valid attributes on the xformable prim are skipped and a warning is issued.
A UsdGeomTransformable that has not had any ops added via AddXformOp() will return an empty vector.
The python version of this function only returns the ordered list of xformOps. Clients must independently call GetResetXformStack() if they need the info.
- GetResetXformStack()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetTimeSamples()
- GetTimeSamplesInInterval()
- GetXformOpOrderAttr()
- static IsTransformationAffectedByAttrNamed()
- MakeMatrixXform()
- SetResetXformStack()
- SetXformOpOrder()
- TransformMightBeTimeVarying()
UsdHydra module
- class pxr.UsdHydra.GenerativeProceduralAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- CreateProceduralSystemAttr()
- CreateProceduralTypeAttr()
- static Get()
- GetProceduralSystemAttr()
- GetProceduralTypeAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdHydra.Tokens
- HwPrimvar_1 = 'HwPrimvar_1'
- HwPtexTexture_1 = 'HwPtexTexture_1'
- HwUvTexture_1 = 'HwUvTexture_1'
- black = 'black'
- clamp = 'clamp'
- displayLookBxdf = 'displayLook:bxdf'
- faceIndex = 'faceIndex'
- faceOffset = 'faceOffset'
- frame = 'frame'
- hydraGenerativeProcedural = 'hydraGenerativeProcedural'
- infoFilename = 'inputs:file'
- infoVarname = 'inputs:varname'
- linear = 'linear'
- linearMipmapLinear = 'linearMipmapLinear'
- linearMipmapNearest = 'linearMipmapNearest'
- magFilter = 'magFilter'
- minFilter = 'minFilter'
- mirror = 'mirror'
- nearest = 'nearest'
- nearestMipmapLinear = 'nearestMipmapLinear'
- nearestMipmapNearest = 'nearestMipmapNearest'
- primvarsHdGpProceduralType = 'primvars:hdGp:proceduralType'
- proceduralSystem = 'proceduralSystem'
- repeat = 'repeat'
- textureMemory = 'textureMemory'
- useMetadata = 'useMetadata'
- uv = 'uv'
- wrapS = 'wrapS'
- wrapT = 'wrapT'
UsdLux module
- class pxr.UsdLux.BoundableLightBase
- CreateColorAttr()
- CreateColorTemperatureAttr()
- CreateDiffuseAttr()
- CreateEnableColorTemperatureAttr()
- CreateExposureAttr()
- CreateFiltersRel()
- CreateIntensityAttr()
- CreateNormalizeAttr()
- CreateSpecularAttr()
- static Get()
- GetColorAttr()
- GetColorTemperatureAttr()
- GetDiffuseAttr()
- GetEnableColorTemperatureAttr()
- GetExposureAttr()
- GetFiltersRel()
- GetIntensityAttr()
- GetNormalizeAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSpecularAttr()
- LightAPI()
- class pxr.UsdLux.CylinderLight
- CreateLengthAttr()
- CreateRadiusAttr()
- CreateTreatAsLineAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetLengthAttr()
- GetRadiusAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetTreatAsLineAttr()
- class pxr.UsdLux.DiskLight
- CreateRadiusAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetRadiusAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdLux.DistantLight
- CreateAngleAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetAngleAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdLux.DomeLight
- CreateGuideRadiusAttr()
- CreatePortalsRel()
- CreateTextureFileAttr()
- CreateTextureFormatAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetGuideRadiusAttr()
- GetPortalsRel()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetTextureFileAttr()
- GetTextureFormatAttr()
- OrientToStageUpAxis()
- class pxr.UsdLux.GeometryLight
- CreateGeometryRel()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetGeometryRel()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdLux.LightAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- ConnectableAPI()
- CreateColorAttr()
- CreateColorTemperatureAttr()
- CreateDiffuseAttr()
- CreateEnableColorTemperatureAttr()
- CreateExposureAttr()
- CreateFiltersRel()
- CreateInput()
- CreateIntensityAttr()
- CreateMaterialSyncModeAttr()
- CreateNormalizeAttr()
- CreateOutput()
- CreateShaderIdAttr()
- CreateShaderIdAttrForRenderContext()
- CreateSpecularAttr()
- static Get()
- GetColorAttr()
- GetColorTemperatureAttr()
- GetDiffuseAttr()
- GetEnableColorTemperatureAttr()
- GetExposureAttr()
- GetFiltersRel()
- GetInput()
- GetInputs()
- GetIntensityAttr()
- GetLightLinkCollectionAPI()
- GetMaterialSyncModeAttr()
- GetNormalizeAttr()
- GetOutput()
- GetOutputs()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetShaderId()
- GetShaderIdAttr()
- GetShaderIdAttrForRenderContext()
- GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI()
- GetSpecularAttr()
- class pxr.UsdLux.LightFilter
- ConnectableAPI()
- CreateInput()
- CreateOutput()
- CreateShaderIdAttr()
- CreateShaderIdAttrForRenderContext()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetFilterLinkCollectionAPI()
- GetInput()
- GetInputs()
- GetOutput()
- GetOutputs()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetShaderId()
- GetShaderIdAttr()
- GetShaderIdAttrForRenderContext()
- class pxr.UsdLux.LightListAPI
- class ComputeMode
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (UsdLux.LightListAPI.ComputeModeConsultModelHierarchyCache, UsdLux.LightListAPI.ComputeModeIgnoreCache)
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- ComputeLightList()
- CreateLightListCacheBehaviorAttr()
- CreateLightListRel()
- static Get()
- GetLightListCacheBehaviorAttr()
- GetLightListRel()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- InvalidateLightList()
- StoreLightList()
- ComputeModeConsultModelHierarchyCache = UsdLux.LightListAPI.ComputeModeConsultModelHierarchyCache
- ComputeModeIgnoreCache = UsdLux.LightListAPI.ComputeModeIgnoreCache
- class pxr.UsdLux.ListAPI
- class ComputeMode
- static GetValueFromName()
- allValues = (UsdLux.ListAPI.ComputeModeConsultModelHierarchyCache, UsdLux.ListAPI.ComputeModeIgnoreCache)
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- ComputeLightList()
- CreateLightListCacheBehaviorAttr()
- CreateLightListRel()
- static Get()
- GetLightListCacheBehaviorAttr()
- GetLightListRel()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- InvalidateLightList()
- StoreLightList()
- ComputeModeConsultModelHierarchyCache = UsdLux.ListAPI.ComputeModeConsultModelHierarchyCache
- ComputeModeIgnoreCache = UsdLux.ListAPI.ComputeModeIgnoreCache
- class pxr.UsdLux.MeshLightAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- static Get()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdLux.NonboundableLightBase
- CreateColorAttr()
- CreateColorTemperatureAttr()
- CreateDiffuseAttr()
- CreateEnableColorTemperatureAttr()
- CreateExposureAttr()
- CreateFiltersRel()
- CreateIntensityAttr()
- CreateNormalizeAttr()
- CreateSpecularAttr()
- static Get()
- GetColorAttr()
- GetColorTemperatureAttr()
- GetDiffuseAttr()
- GetEnableColorTemperatureAttr()
- GetExposureAttr()
- GetFiltersRel()
- GetIntensityAttr()
- GetNormalizeAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSpecularAttr()
- LightAPI()
- class pxr.UsdLux.PluginLight
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetNodeDefAPI()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdLux.PluginLightFilter
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetNodeDefAPI()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdLux.PortalLight
- static Define()
- static Get()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdLux.RectLight
- CreateHeightAttr()
- CreateTextureFileAttr()
- CreateWidthAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetHeightAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetTextureFileAttr()
- GetWidthAttr()
- class pxr.UsdLux.ShadowAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- ConnectableAPI()
- CreateInput()
- CreateOutput()
- CreateShadowColorAttr()
- CreateShadowDistanceAttr()
- CreateShadowEnableAttr()
- CreateShadowFalloffAttr()
- CreateShadowFalloffGammaAttr()
- static Get()
- GetInput()
- GetInputs()
- GetOutput()
- GetOutputs()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetShadowColorAttr()
- GetShadowDistanceAttr()
- GetShadowEnableAttr()
- GetShadowFalloffAttr()
- GetShadowFalloffGammaAttr()
- class pxr.UsdLux.ShapingAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- ConnectableAPI()
- CreateInput()
- CreateOutput()
- CreateShapingConeAngleAttr()
- CreateShapingConeSoftnessAttr()
- CreateShapingFocusAttr()
- CreateShapingFocusTintAttr()
- CreateShapingIesAngleScaleAttr()
- CreateShapingIesFileAttr()
- CreateShapingIesNormalizeAttr()
- static Get()
- GetInput()
- GetInputs()
- GetOutput()
- GetOutputs()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetShapingConeAngleAttr()
- GetShapingConeSoftnessAttr()
- GetShapingFocusAttr()
- GetShapingFocusTintAttr()
- GetShapingIesAngleScaleAttr()
- GetShapingIesFileAttr()
- GetShapingIesNormalizeAttr()
- class pxr.UsdLux.SphereLight
- CreateRadiusAttr()
- CreateTreatAsPointAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetRadiusAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetTreatAsPointAttr()
- class pxr.UsdLux.Tokens
- angular = 'angular'
- automatic = 'automatic'
- collectionFilterLinkIncludeRoot = 'collection:filterLink:includeRoot'
- collectionLightLinkIncludeRoot = 'collection:lightLink:includeRoot'
- collectionShadowLinkIncludeRoot = 'collection:shadowLink:includeRoot'
- consumeAndContinue = 'consumeAndContinue'
- consumeAndHalt = 'consumeAndHalt'
- cubeMapVerticalCross = 'cubeMapVerticalCross'
- cylinderLight = 'CylinderLight'
- diskLight = 'DiskLight'
- distantLight = 'DistantLight'
- domeLight = 'DomeLight'
- extent = 'extent'
- filterLink = 'filterLink'
- geometry = 'geometry'
- geometryLight = 'GeometryLight'
- guideRadius = 'guideRadius'
- ignore = 'ignore'
- independent = 'independent'
- inputsAngle = 'inputs:angle'
- inputsColor = 'inputs:color'
- inputsColorTemperature = 'inputs:colorTemperature'
- inputsDiffuse = 'inputs:diffuse'
- inputsEnableColorTemperature = 'inputs:enableColorTemperature'
- inputsExposure = 'inputs:exposure'
- inputsHeight = 'inputs:height'
- inputsIntensity = 'inputs:intensity'
- inputsLength = 'inputs:length'
- inputsNormalize = 'inputs:normalize'
- inputsRadius = 'inputs:radius'
- inputsShadowColor = 'inputs:shadow:color'
- inputsShadowDistance = 'inputs:shadow:distance'
- inputsShadowEnable = 'inputs:shadow:enable'
- inputsShadowFalloff = 'inputs:shadow:falloff'
- inputsShadowFalloffGamma = 'inputs:shadow:falloffGamma'
- inputsShapingConeAngle = 'inputs:shaping:cone:angle'
- inputsShapingConeSoftness = 'inputs:shaping:cone:softness'
- inputsShapingFocus = 'inputs:shaping:focus'
- inputsShapingFocusTint = 'inputs:shaping:focusTint'
- inputsShapingIesAngleScale = 'inputs:shaping:ies:angleScale'
- inputsShapingIesFile = 'inputs:shaping:ies:file'
- inputsShapingIesNormalize = 'inputs:shaping:ies:normalize'
- inputsSpecular = 'inputs:specular'
- inputsTextureFile = 'inputs:texture:file'
- inputsTextureFormat = 'inputs:texture:format'
- inputsWidth = 'inputs:width'
- latlong = 'latlong'
- lightFilterShaderId = 'lightFilter:shaderId'
- lightFilters = 'light:filters'
- lightLink = 'lightLink'
- lightList = 'lightList'
- lightListCacheBehavior = 'lightList:cacheBehavior'
- lightMaterialSyncMode = 'light:materialSyncMode'
- lightShaderId = 'light:shaderId'
- materialGlowTintsLight = 'materialGlowTintsLight'
- meshLight = 'MeshLight'
- mirroredBall = 'mirroredBall'
- noMaterialResponse = 'noMaterialResponse'
- orientToStageUpAxis = 'orientToStageUpAxis'
- portalLight = 'PortalLight'
- portals = 'portals'
- rectLight = 'RectLight'
- shadowLink = 'shadowLink'
- sphereLight = 'SphereLight'
- treatAsLine = 'treatAsLine'
- treatAsPoint = 'treatAsPoint'
- volumeLight = 'VolumeLight'
- class pxr.UsdLux.VolumeLightAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- static Get()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
UsdRi module
- class pxr.UsdRi.MaterialAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- ComputeInterfaceInputConsumersMap()
- CreateDisplacementAttr()
- CreateSurfaceAttr()
- CreateVolumeAttr()
- static Get()
- GetDisplacement()
- GetDisplacementAttr()
- GetDisplacementOutput()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSurface()
- GetSurfaceAttr()
- GetSurfaceOutput()
- GetVolume()
- GetVolumeAttr()
- GetVolumeOutput()
- SetDisplacementSource()
- SetSurfaceSource()
- SetVolumeSource()
- class pxr.UsdRi.SplineAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- CreateInterpolationAttr()
- CreatePositionsAttr()
- CreateValuesAttr()
- static Get()
- GetInterpolationAttr()
- GetPositionsAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetValuesAttr()
- GetValuesTypeName()
- Validate()
- class pxr.UsdRi.StatementsAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- CreateRiAttribute()
- static Get()
- GetCoordinateSystem()
- GetModelCoordinateSystems()
- GetModelScopedCoordinateSystems()
- GetRiAttribute()
- static GetRiAttributeName()
- static GetRiAttributeNameSpace()
- GetRiAttributes()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetScopedCoordinateSystem()
- HasCoordinateSystem()
- HasScopedCoordinateSystem()
- static IsRiAttribute()
- static MakeRiAttributePropertyName()
- SetCoordinateSystem()
- SetScopedCoordinateSystem()
- class pxr.UsdRi.TextureAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- CreateRiTextureGammaAttr()
- CreateRiTextureSaturationAttr()
- static Get()
- GetRiTextureGammaAttr()
- GetRiTextureSaturationAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdRi.Tokens
- bspline = 'bspline'
- catmullRom = 'catmull-rom'
- constant = 'constant'
- interpolation = 'interpolation'
- linear = 'linear'
- outputsRiDisplacement = 'outputs:ri:displacement'
- outputsRiSurface = 'outputs:ri:surface'
- outputsRiVolume = 'outputs:ri:volume'
- positions = 'positions'
- renderContext = 'ri'
- riTextureGamma = 'ri:texture:gamma'
- riTextureSaturation = 'ri:texture:saturation'
- spline = 'spline'
- values = 'values'
UsdShade module
- class pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType
- Input = pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType.Input
- Invalid = pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType.Invalid
- Output = pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType.Output
- names = {'Input': pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType.Input, 'Invalid': pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType.Invalid, 'Output': pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType.Output}
- values = {0: pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType.Invalid, 1: pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType.Input, 2: pxr.UsdShade.AttributeType.Output}
- class pxr.UsdShade.ConnectableAPI
- static CanConnect()
- static ClearSource()
- static ClearSources()
- static ConnectToSource()
- CreateInput()
- CreateOutput()
- static DisconnectSource()
- static Get()
- static GetConnectedSource()
- static GetConnectedSources()
- GetInput()
- GetInputs()
- GetOutput()
- GetOutputs()
- static GetRawConnectedSourcePaths()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- static HasConnectableAPI()
- static HasConnectedSource()
- IsContainer()
- static IsSourceConnectionFromBaseMaterial()
- RequiresEncapsulation()
- static SetConnectedSources()
- class pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification
- Append = pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification.Append
- Prepend = pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification.Prepend
- Replace = pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification.Replace
- names = {'Append': pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification.Append, 'Prepend': pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification.Prepend, 'Replace': pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification.Replace}
- values = {0: pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification.Replace, 1: pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification.Prepend, 2: pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionModification.Append}
- class pxr.UsdShade.ConnectionSourceInfo
- IsValid()
- property source
- property sourceName
- property sourceType
- property typeName
- class pxr.UsdShade.CoordSysAPI
- Bind()
- BlockBinding()
- static CanContainPropertyName()
- ClearBinding()
- FindBindingsWithInheritance()
- static Get()
- static GetCoordSysRelationshipName()
- GetLocalBindings()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- HasLocalBindings()
- class pxr.UsdShade.Input
- CanConnect()
- ClearConnectability()
- ClearSdrMetadata()
- ClearSdrMetadataByKey()
- ClearSource()
- ClearSources()
- ConnectToSource()
- DisconnectSource()
- Get()
- GetAttr()
- GetBaseName()
- GetConnectability()
- GetConnectedSource()
- GetConnectedSources()
- GetDisplayGroup()
- GetDocumentation()
- GetFullName()
- GetPrim()
- GetRawConnectedSourcePaths()
- GetRenderType()
- GetSdrMetadata()
- GetSdrMetadataByKey()
- GetTypeName()
- GetValueProducingAttribute()
- GetValueProducingAttributes()
- HasConnectedSource()
- HasRenderType()
- HasSdrMetadata()
- HasSdrMetadataByKey()
- static IsInput()
- static IsInterfaceInputName()
- IsSourceConnectionFromBaseMaterial()
- Set()
- SetConnectability()
- SetConnectedSources()
- SetDisplayGroup()
- SetDocumentation()
- SetRenderType()
- SetSdrMetadata()
- SetSdrMetadataByKey()
- class pxr.UsdShade.Material
- ClearBaseMaterial()
- ComputeDisplacementSource()
- ComputeSurfaceSource()
- ComputeVolumeSource()
- CreateDisplacementAttr()
- CreateDisplacementOutput()
- static CreateMasterMaterialVariant()
- CreateSurfaceAttr()
- CreateSurfaceOutput()
- CreateVolumeAttr()
- CreateVolumeOutput()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetBaseMaterial()
- GetBaseMaterialPath()
- GetDisplacementAttr()
- GetDisplacementOutput()
- GetDisplacementOutputs()
- GetEditContextForVariant()
- GetMaterialVariant()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSurfaceAttr()
- GetSurfaceOutput()
- GetSurfaceOutputs()
- GetVolumeAttr()
- GetVolumeOutput()
- GetVolumeOutputs()
- HasBaseMaterial()
- SetBaseMaterial()
- SetBaseMaterialPath()
- class pxr.UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI
- class CollectionBinding
- GetBindingRel()
- GetCollection()
- GetCollectionPath()
- GetMaterial()
- GetMaterialPath()
- static IsCollectionBindingRel()
- IsValid()
- AddPrimToBindingCollection()
- static Apply()
- Bind()
- static CanApply()
- static CanContainPropertyName()
- ComputeBoundMaterial()
- static ComputeBoundMaterials()
- CreateMaterialBindSubset()
- static Get()
- GetCollectionBindingRel()
- GetCollectionBindingRels()
- GetCollectionBindings()
- GetDirectBinding()
- GetDirectBindingRel()
- GetMaterialBindSubsets()
- GetMaterialBindSubsetsFamilyType()
- static GetMaterialBindingStrength()
- static GetMaterialPurposes()
- static GetResolvedTargetPathFromBindingRel()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- RemovePrimFromBindingCollection()
- SetMaterialBindSubsetsFamilyType()
- static SetMaterialBindingStrength()
- UnbindAllBindings()
- UnbindCollectionBinding()
- UnbindDirectBinding()
- class pxr.UsdShade.NodeDefAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- CreateIdAttr()
- CreateImplementationSourceAttr()
- static Get()
- GetIdAttr()
- GetImplementationSource()
- GetImplementationSourceAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetShaderId()
- GetShaderNodeForSourceType()
- GetSourceAsset()
- GetSourceAssetSubIdentifier()
- GetSourceCode()
- SetShaderId()
- SetSourceAsset()
- SetSourceAssetSubIdentifier()
- SetSourceCode()
- class pxr.UsdShade.NodeGraph
- ComputeInterfaceInputConsumersMap()
- ComputeOutputSource()
- ConnectableAPI()
- CreateInput()
- CreateOutput()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetInput()
- GetInputs()
- GetInterfaceInputs()
- GetOutput()
- GetOutputs()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdShade.Output
- CanConnect()
- ClearSdrMetadata()
- ClearSdrMetadataByKey()
- ClearSource()
- ClearSources()
- ConnectToSource()
- DisconnectSource()
- GetAttr()
- GetBaseName()
- GetConnectedSource()
- GetConnectedSources()
- GetFullName()
- GetPrim()
- GetRawConnectedSourcePaths()
- GetRenderType()
- GetSdrMetadata()
- GetSdrMetadataByKey()
- GetTypeName()
- GetValueProducingAttributes()
- HasConnectedSource()
- HasRenderType()
- HasSdrMetadata()
- HasSdrMetadataByKey()
- static IsOutput()
- IsSourceConnectionFromBaseMaterial()
- Set()
- SetConnectedSources()
- SetRenderType()
- SetSdrMetadata()
- SetSdrMetadataByKey()
- class pxr.UsdShade.Shader
- ClearSdrMetadata()
- ClearSdrMetadataByKey()
- ConnectableAPI()
- CreateIdAttr()
- CreateImplementationSourceAttr()
- CreateInput()
- CreateOutput()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetIdAttr()
- GetImplementationSource()
- GetImplementationSourceAttr()
- GetInput()
- GetInputs()
- GetOutput()
- GetOutputs()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSdrMetadata()
- GetSdrMetadataByKey()
- GetShaderId()
- GetShaderNodeForSourceType()
- GetSourceAsset()
- GetSourceAssetSubIdentifier()
- GetSourceCode()
- HasSdrMetadata()
- HasSdrMetadataByKey()
- SetSdrMetadata()
- SetSdrMetadataByKey()
- SetShaderId()
- SetSourceAsset()
- SetSourceAssetSubIdentifier()
- SetSourceCode()
- class pxr.UsdShade.ShaderDefUtils
- static GetNodeDiscoveryResults()
- static GetPrimvarNamesMetadataString()
- static GetShaderProperties()
- class pxr.UsdShade.Tokens
- allPurpose = ''
- bindMaterialAs = 'bindMaterialAs'
- coordSys = 'coordSys:'
- displacement = 'displacement'
- fallbackStrength = 'fallbackStrength'
- full = 'full'
- id = 'id'
- infoId = 'info:id'
- infoImplementationSource = 'info:implementationSource'
- inputs = 'inputs:'
- interfaceOnly = 'interfaceOnly'
- materialBind = 'materialBind'
- materialBinding = 'material:binding'
- materialBindingCollection = 'material:binding:collection'
- materialVariant = 'materialVariant'
- outputs = 'outputs:'
- outputsDisplacement = 'outputs:displacement'
- outputsSurface = 'outputs:surface'
- outputsVolume = 'outputs:volume'
- preview = 'preview'
- sdrMetadata = 'sdrMetadata'
- sourceAsset = 'sourceAsset'
- sourceCode = 'sourceCode'
- strongerThanDescendants = 'strongerThanDescendants'
- subIdentifier = 'subIdentifier'
- surface = 'surface'
- universalRenderContext = ''
- universalSourceType = ''
- volume = 'volume'
- weakerThanDescendants = 'weakerThanDescendants'
UsdShaders module
UsdSkel module
- class pxr.UsdSkel.AnimQuery
- BlendShapeWeightsMightBeTimeVarying()
- ComputeBlendShapeWeights()
- ComputeJointLocalTransformComponents()
- ComputeJointLocalTransforms()
- GetBlendShapeOrder()
- GetBlendShapeWeightTimeSamples()
- GetBlendShapeWeightTimeSamplesInInterval()
- GetJointOrder()
- GetJointTransformTimeSamples()
- GetJointTransformTimeSamplesInInterval()
- GetPrim()
- JointTransformsMightBeTimeVarying()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.Animation
- CreateBlendShapeWeightsAttr()
- CreateBlendShapesAttr()
- CreateJointsAttr()
- CreateRotationsAttr()
- CreateScalesAttr()
- CreateTranslationsAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetBlendShapeWeightsAttr()
- GetBlendShapesAttr()
- GetJointsAttr()
- GetRotationsAttr()
- GetScalesAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetTransforms()
- GetTranslationsAttr()
- SetTransforms()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.BindingAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- CreateAnimationSourceRel()
- CreateBlendShapeTargetsRel()
- CreateBlendShapesAttr()
- CreateGeomBindTransformAttr()
- CreateJointIndicesAttr()
- CreateJointIndicesPrimvar()
- CreateJointWeightsAttr()
- CreateJointWeightsPrimvar()
- CreateJointsAttr()
- CreateSkeletonRel()
- CreateSkinningBlendWeightPrimvar()
- CreateSkinningBlendWeightsAttr()
- CreateSkinningMethodAttr()
- static Get()
- GetAnimationSource()
- GetAnimationSourceRel()
- GetBlendShapeTargetsRel()
- GetBlendShapesAttr()
- GetGeomBindTransformAttr()
- GetInheritedAnimationSource()
- GetInheritedSkeleton()
- GetJointIndicesAttr()
- GetJointIndicesPrimvar()
- GetJointWeightsAttr()
- GetJointWeightsPrimvar()
- GetJointsAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSkeleton()
- GetSkeletonRel()
- GetSkinningBlendWeightPrimvar()
- GetSkinningBlendWeightsAttr()
- GetSkinningMethodAttr()
- SetRigidJointInfluence()
- static ValidateJointIndices()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.BlendShape
- CreateInbetween()
- CreateNormalOffsetsAttr()
- CreateOffsetsAttr()
- CreatePointIndicesAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetAuthoredInbetweens()
- GetInbetween()
- GetInbetweens()
- GetNormalOffsetsAttr()
- GetOffsetsAttr()
- GetPointIndicesAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- HasInbetween()
- static ValidatePointIndices()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.BlendShapeQuery
- ComputeBlendShapePointIndices()
- ComputeDeformedPoints()
- ComputeSubShapePointOffsets()
- ComputeSubShapeWeights()
- GetBlendShape()
- GetBlendShapeIndex()
- GetInbetween()
- GetNumBlendShapes()
- GetNumSubShapes()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.Cache
- Clear()
- ComputeSkelBinding()
- ComputeSkelBindings()
- GetAnimQuery()
- GetSkelQuery()
- GetSkinningQuery()
- Populate()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.InbetweenShape
- CreateNormalOffsetsAttr()
- GetAttr()
- GetNormalOffsets()
- GetNormalOffsetsAttr()
- GetOffsets()
- GetWeight()
- HasAuthoredWeight()
- IsDefined()
- static IsInbetween()
- SetNormalOffsets()
- SetOffsets()
- SetWeight()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.PackedJointAnimation
- static Define()
- static Get()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.Root
- static Define()
- static Find()
- static Get()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.Skeleton
- CreateBindTransformsAttr()
- CreateJointNamesAttr()
- CreateJointsAttr()
- CreateRestTransformsAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetBindTransformsAttr()
- GetJointNamesAttr()
- GetJointsAttr()
- GetRestTransformsAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.SkeletonQuery
- ComputeJointLocalTransforms()
- ComputeJointRestRelativeTransforms()
- ComputeJointSkelTransforms()
- ComputeJointWorldTransforms()
- ComputeSkinningTransforms()
- GetAnimQuery()
- GetJointOrder()
- GetJointWorldBindTransforms()
- GetMapper()
- GetPrim()
- GetSkeleton()
- GetTopology()
- HasBindPose()
- HasRestPose()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.SkinningQuery
- ComputeExtentsPadding()
- ComputeJointInfluences()
- ComputeSkinnedPoints()
- ComputeSkinnedTransform()
- ComputeVaryingJointInfluences()
- GetBlendShapeMapper()
- GetBlendShapeOrder()
- GetBlendShapeTargetsRel()
- GetBlendShapesAttr()
- GetGeomBindTransform()
- GetGeomBindTransformAttr()
- GetInterpolation()
- GetJointIndicesPrimvar()
- GetJointMapper()
- GetJointOrder()
- GetJointWeightsPrimvar()
- GetMapper()
- GetNumInfluencesPerComponent()
- GetPrim()
- GetSkinningBlendWeightsPrimvar()
- GetSkinningMethodAttr()
- GetTimeSamples()
- GetTimeSamplesInInterval()
- HasBlendShapes()
- HasJointInfluences()
- IsRigidlyDeformed()
- class pxr.UsdSkel.Tokens
- bindTransforms = 'bindTransforms'
- blendShapeWeights = 'blendShapeWeights'
- blendShapes = 'blendShapes'
- classicLinear = 'ClassicLinear'
- dualQuaternion = 'DualQuaternion'
- jointNames = 'jointNames'
- joints = 'joints'
- normalOffsets = 'normalOffsets'
- offsets = 'offsets'
- pointIndices = 'pointIndices'
- primvarsSkelGeomBindTransform = 'primvars:skel:geomBindTransform'
- primvarsSkelJointIndices = 'primvars:skel:jointIndices'
- primvarsSkelJointWeights = 'primvars:skel:jointWeights'
- primvarsSkelSkinningBlendWeights = 'primvars:skel:skinningBlendWeights'
- restTransforms = 'restTransforms'
- rotations = 'rotations'
- scales = 'scales'
- skelAnimationSource = 'skel:animationSource'
- skelBlendShapeTargets = 'skel:blendShapeTargets'
- skelBlendShapes = 'skel:blendShapes'
- skelJoints = 'skel:joints'
- skelSkeleton = 'skel:skeleton'
- skelSkinningMethod = 'skel:skinningMethod'
- translations = 'translations'
- weight = 'weight'
- weightedBlend = 'WeightedBlend'
UsdUI module
- class pxr.UsdUI.Backdrop
- CreateDescriptionAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetDescriptionAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdUI.NodeGraphNodeAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- CreateDisplayColorAttr()
- CreateExpansionStateAttr()
- CreateIconAttr()
- CreatePosAttr()
- CreateSizeAttr()
- CreateStackingOrderAttr()
- static Get()
- GetDisplayColorAttr()
- GetExpansionStateAttr()
- GetIconAttr()
- GetPosAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetSizeAttr()
- GetStackingOrderAttr()
- class pxr.UsdUI.SceneGraphPrimAPI
- static Apply()
- static CanApply()
- CreateDisplayGroupAttr()
- CreateDisplayNameAttr()
- static Get()
- GetDisplayGroupAttr()
- GetDisplayNameAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdUI.Tokens
- closed = 'closed'
- minimized = 'minimized'
- open = 'open'
- uiDescription = 'ui:description'
- uiDisplayGroup = 'ui:displayGroup'
- uiDisplayName = 'ui:displayName'
- uiNodegraphNodeDisplayColor = 'ui:nodegraph:node:displayColor'
- uiNodegraphNodeExpansionState = 'ui:nodegraph:node:expansionState'
- uiNodegraphNodeIcon = 'ui:nodegraph:node:icon'
- uiNodegraphNodePos = 'ui:nodegraph:node:pos'
- uiNodegraphNodeSize = 'ui:nodegraph:node:size'
- uiNodegraphNodeStackingOrder = 'ui:nodegraph:node:stackingOrder'
UsdUtils module
- class pxr.UsdUtils.CoalescingDiagnosticDelegate
- DumpCoalescedDiagnosticsToStderr()
- DumpCoalescedDiagnosticsToStdout()
- DumpUncoalescedDiagnostics()
- TakeCoalescedDiagnostics()
- TakeUncoalescedDiagnostics()
- class pxr.UsdUtils.CoalescingDiagnosticDelegateItem
- class pxr.UsdUtils.ConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate
- class pxr.UsdUtils.ConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegateErrorFilters
- GetCodePathFilters()
- GetStringFilters()
- SetCodePathFilters()
- SetStringFilters()
- class pxr.UsdUtils.RegisteredVariantSet
Info for registered variant set
- class SelectionExportPolicy
- Always = pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Always
- IfAuthored = pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.IfAuthored
- Never = pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Never
- names = {'Always': pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Always, 'IfAuthored': pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.IfAuthored, 'Never': pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Never}
- values = {0: pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Never, 1: pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.IfAuthored, 2: pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Always}
- property name
- property selectionExportPolicy
- class pxr.UsdUtils.TimeCodeRange
- static CreateFromFrameSpec()
- IsValid()
- empty()
- property endTimeCode
- property frameSpec
- property startTimeCode
- property stride
- class pxr.UsdUtils.UsdStageStatsKeys
- activePrimCount = 'activePrimCount'
- approxMemoryInMb = 'approxMemoryInMb'
- assetCount = 'assetCount'
- inactivePrimCount = 'inactivePrimCount'
- instanceCount = 'instanceCount'
- instancedModelCount = 'instancedModelCount'
- modelCount = 'modelCount'
- primCounts = 'primCounts'
- primCountsByType = 'primCountsByType'
- primary = 'primary'
- prototypeCount = 'prototypeCount'
- prototypes = 'prototypes'
- pureOverCount = 'pureOverCount'
- totalInstanceCount = 'totalInstanceCount'
- totalPrimCount = 'totalPrimCount'
- untyped = 'untyped'
- usedLayerCount = 'usedLayerCount'
UsdVol module
- class pxr.UsdVol.Field3DAsset
- CreateFieldDataTypeAttr()
- CreateFieldPurposeAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetFieldDataTypeAttr()
- GetFieldPurposeAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdVol.FieldAsset
- CreateFieldDataTypeAttr()
- CreateFieldIndexAttr()
- CreateFieldNameAttr()
- CreateFilePathAttr()
- CreateVectorDataRoleHintAttr()
- static Get()
- GetFieldDataTypeAttr()
- GetFieldIndexAttr()
- GetFieldNameAttr()
- GetFilePathAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- GetVectorDataRoleHintAttr()
- class pxr.UsdVol.OpenVDBAsset
- CreateFieldClassAttr()
- CreateFieldDataTypeAttr()
- static Define()
- static Get()
- GetFieldClassAttr()
- GetFieldDataTypeAttr()
- static GetSchemaAttributeNames()
- class pxr.UsdVol.Tokens
- bool_ = 'bool'
- color = 'Color'
- double2 = 'double2'
- double3 = 'double3'
- double_ = 'double'
- field = 'field'
- fieldClass = 'fieldClass'
- fieldDataType = 'fieldDataType'
- fieldIndex = 'fieldIndex'
- fieldName = 'fieldName'
- fieldPurpose = 'fieldPurpose'
- filePath = 'filePath'
- float2 = 'float2'
- float3 = 'float3'
- float_ = 'float'
- fogVolume = 'fogVolume'
- half = 'half'
- half2 = 'half2'
- half3 = 'half3'
- int2 = 'int2'
- int3 = 'int3'
- int64 = 'int64'
- int_ = 'int'
- levelSet = 'levelSet'
- mask = 'mask'
- matrix3d = 'matrix3d'
- matrix4d = 'matrix4d'
- none_ = 'None'
- normal = 'Normal'
- point = 'Point'
- quatd = 'quatd'
- staggered = 'staggered'
- string = 'string'
- uint = 'uint'
- unknown = 'unknown'
- vector = 'Vector'
- vectorDataRoleHint = 'vectorDataRoleHint'
Vt module
Vt Value Types library
This package defines classes for creating objects that behave like value types. It contains facilities for creating simple copy-on-write implicitly shared types.
- class pxr.Vt.IntervalArray
An array of type GfInterval.
- class pxr.Vt.QuaternionArray
An array of type GfQuaternion.
- class pxr.Vt.StringArray
An array of type string.
- class pxr.Vt.TokenArray
An array of type TfToken.
Work module
Allows for configuration of the system’s multithreading subsystem.