Live Session Utilities

Utility classes and functions for participating in Live Sessions.

Note: Nucleus is a compile-time optional feature which is required when using Live Session collaboration. These classes and functions are only available if Nucleus was enabled at compile time.

Live Session Class

The LiveSession class wraps the Live Session operations on the USD Stage, USD Layer, Info, Channel, and Config classes.

  • The LiveSession class contains:

    • LiveSessionChannel class - handles messages between live clients (joining, leaving, merging)

    • LiveSessionInfo class - collects much of the context for the live session file paths and URIs

    • Live Session Config functions - reading and writing the live session configuration TOML file

    • Join, merge, and leave member functions - coordinate the live session classes and USD layer details

The expected usage of this class:

Live Session Channel Class

The LiveSessionChannel class is for connecting, sending, processing, and receiving Live Session channel messages. These messages are used to coordinate different Live Session events:

  • Users joining and leaving the session

  • Users peeking into the session to see who is connected

  • Users merging live changes and ending a session

Live Session Configuration File Utilities

These utilities are intended to assist in reading and writing the live session configuration TOML file. The config file is TOML-formatted and is primarily used to denote the owner, or admin of the live session.

Live Session config files are named __session__.toml and reside under the ./.live/ directory (relative to the root stage location). The and files are also stored in this directory.

The Live Session directory layout:

        |__ <- The live session channel
        |__ __session__.toml    <- The live session config file
        |__           <- The live session .live layer

Live Session Info Class

The LiveSessionInfo class collects much of the context for the live session file paths and URIs.


These functions are all using synchronous file access with Nucleus. Further development is required to make these methods asynchronous.



An interface class provides Live Session lifetime management.


An interface class for the live session message channel.


An interface class that collects the URIs and strings required by a live session.



Live session configuration keys.


bool omni::connect::core::createLiveSessionConfigFile(const std::string &uri, const LiveSessionConfigMap &config)

Create a Live Session configuration file.

LiveSessionConfigMap omni::connect::core::getLiveSessionConfig(const std::string &uri)

Get configuration values from an existing Live Session configuration file.

bool omni::connect::core::isLiveSessionVersionCompatible(const std::string &uri)

Check that the session config version is compatible.

bool omni::connect::core::setLiveSessionConfigValues(const std::string &uri, const LiveSessionConfigMap &config)

Set configuration values in an existing Live Session configuration file.



An alias template declaration for the session configuration key-value pair map.


constexpr const char * omni::connect::core::kLiveSessionConfigVersion

The current version for the live session configuration file processing.

constexpr const char * omni::connect::core::kLiveSessionLinkKey

The uri query param used by Live Session Links ex: omniverse://helloworld.usd?live_session_name=Default.