Utilities for Omniverse Client Library

Utility functions to simplify the Omniverse Client Library and access Nucleus servers.

Note: Nucleus is a compile-time optional feature. These functions are only available if Nucleus was enabled at compile time.


bool omni::connect::core::createUriCheckpoint(const std::string &uri, const char *comment=nullptr)

Add a commented checkpoint for given uri in Nucleus server if the Nucleus server supports checkpoints.

bool omni::connect::core::doesUriExist(const std::string &uri)

Determine if the URI exists and is accessible via the Omniverse Client Library.

std::string omni::connect::core::getUser(const std::string &uri)

Determine the current username on a given Omniverse server.

bool omni::connect::core::isLocalUri(const std::string &uri)

Determine the URI refers to a local file rather than on an Omniverse server.

bool omni::connect::core::isOmniUri(const std::string &uri)

Determine the URI points to an Omniverse server.

bool omni::connect::core::isUriWritable(const std::string &uri)

Determine if the user has write access to the file or directory identified by the URI.