
Defined in omni/kit/IRunLoopRunner.h

class IRunLoopRunner : public carb::IObject

Interface to implement by custom run loop runners.

IApp calls the functions on this interface if one was set with IApp::setRunLoopRunner().

Public Functions

virtual void startup() = 0

Called once before starting application update.

This is called by IApp::startup(), and is called after the initial Run Loop notifications are given via onAddRunLoop().


This function is not called by IApp::setRunLoopRunner().

virtual void onAddRunLoop(const char *name, RunLoop *loop) = 0

Called each time a new run loop is created.

This function can be called both prior to startup() (by IApp::startup()), and whenever a new Run Loop is created by IApp::getRunLoop().

Thread Safety

May be called from different threads simultaneously.

  • name – The run loop name; will not be nullptr

  • loop – The RunLoop instance being added

virtual void onRemoveRunLoop(const char *name, RunLoop *loop, bool block) = 0

Called when IApp wants to remove a run loop.

  • name – The name of the run loop; will not be nullptr

  • loop – The RunLoop instance, owned by IApp

  • block – if true, this function should not return until the Run Loop has completed

virtual void update() = 0

Called by each application update.

Called by IApp::update() before any work is done.

virtual void shutdown() = 0

Called to notify of shut down.


This function is only called on the previous instance when IApp::setRunLoopRunner() is called to switch to a different IRunLoopRunner instance (or nullptr).

virtual size_t addRef() = 0

Atomically add one to the reference count.


The current reference count after one was added, though this value may change before read if other threads are also modifying the reference count. The return value is guaranteed to be non-zero.

virtual size_t release() = 0

Atomically subtracts one from the reference count.

If the result is zero, carb::deleteHandler() is called for this.


The current reference count after one was subtracted. If zero is returned, carb::deleteHandler() was called for this.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr carb::InterfaceDesc getInterfaceDesc()

  • Returns information about this interface. Auto-generated by CARB_PLUGIN_INTERFACE(). *


The carb::InterfaceDesc struct with information about this interface.