Hub Workstation Cache#
Hub Workstation Cache is a service that helps speed up USD workflows on your local workstation. This is a stand-alone service that runs on your local workstation and benefits Kit-based applications or Client Library tools.
Hub Workstation Cache has been performance optimized and supports storage-derived data from newer versions of Kit-based applications.
You can download Hub Workstation Cache from our NGC collection.
Hub Workstation Cache requires Client Library 2.49.2 or greater. If using older versions of Client Library, you may experience errors when attempting to load files.
Installing Hub with Install scripts#
Hub Workstation Cache is simple to manually install with the scripts included in the archive files you can download from our NGC Resource page. Under File Browser, choose which package to download (either Windows or Linux), and click the three dots under Actions to download it. Extract the data, and install using the ./scripts/install.[bat/sh] file.
Installing Hub with Kit Cache Status Indicator#
Installing Hub Workstation Cache is simple using the Cache Status Indicator extension within your Kit app.
This requires Cache Status Indicator 3.0.0 or greater.
First, search for the Cache Status Indicator extension within your Kit app. Install and load the Cache Status Indicator. Set the extension to autoload so it will always load in your application.

This will load the extension, and add a UI element to the upper right corner of your application. The UI element will notify you when a new version of the Cache Status Indicator is available to download.

Click the indicator to download and install Hub Workstation Cache.

The indicator will change to Downloading… while this is happening.

Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your applications (Hub will not connect to running Kit applications until they are restarted).

After you restart your application, the indicator will be updated with a green SET letting you know it is ready to use.

Clicking the cache indicator will now take you to the Hub Settings documented below.
Hub Configuration and Settings#
Hub Workstation Cache is managed through a settings page, located at http://localhost:14090/index.html

Cache Path
This is where all your cache data will be stored for Hub. Make sure this is a local disk on your workstation.
Cleanup Threshold (%)
How much data should get cleaned up once you have reached or exceeded your allocated storage amount.
Cache Collection Interval(s)
Duration, in seconds, for when storage utilization is checked for cleanup to make sure it stays within the allocated threshold.
Cache Max Size (Gb)
This is your initial storage allocation Hub will use when caching data. It is possible for your utilization to be higher than the allocated space until cleanup finishes.
Button to make sure modifications to the settings are saved.
Cache size/Cached files
This is the current size of data and file count stored in your cache location.
Clears all the data stored in your cache that is not in use.
Download Support Bundle
This will zip up all the needed data to supply to NVIDIA to report bugs.