Connectivity Testing



The scripts provided below are to test and troubleshoot connectivity between a workstation running Microsoft Windows or Linux to an Enterprise Nucleus Server.


These scripts are provided as a courtesy and are not supported by NVIDIA Enterprise Support.

Testing Connectivity using Microsoft Windows (Powershell)

To test connectivity between a workstation running Microsoft Windows and an Enterprise Nucleus Server, use the script below. Specify your server’s fully qualified host name (FQDN) or IP Address as requested.

This script will test all default Enterprise Nucleus Server ports along with TCP 80 and TCP 443. If any default ports were customized, adjust the script as necessary.

$servers = @{
  '[specify_hostname_or_ip_of_your_server]' = (3009,3019,3030,3333,3100,3180,3400,3020,80,443)
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$servers.keys | ForEach-Object  {
    $site = $_
    $servers[$_] | ForEach-Object  {
        "Testing {0} - {1}" -f $_, $site
        Test-NetConnection $site -Port $_

If a port is reachable, the output will show: (Focus attention on TcpTestSucceeded status)

Testing 443 - [hostname_or_ip_of_your_server]
ComputerName     : [hostname_or_ip_of_your_server]
RemoteAddress    : [ip_of_your_server]
RemotePort       : 3020 (**example port**)
SourceAddress    : [ip_address_of_your_workstation]
TcpTestSucceeded : True

If a port is not reachable, the output will show: (Focus attention on TcpTestSucceeded status)

Testing 443 - [hostname_or_ip_of_your_server]
WARNING: TCP connect to ([ip_address_of_your_server] : **3020**) failed
ComputerName           : [hostname_or_ip_of_your_server]
RemoteAddress          : [ip_of_your_server]
RemotePort             : 3020 (**example port**)
SourceAddress          : [ip_address_of_your_workstation]
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 59 ms
TcpTestSucceeded       : False

Testing Connectivity using Linux (Bash with Netcat)

To test the connectivity between a workstation running Linux and an Enterprise Nucleus Server, use the script below. Specify your server’s fully qualified host name (FQDN) or IP Address as requested.

This script will test all default Enterprise Nucleus Server ports along with TCP 80 and TCP 443. If any default ports were customized, adjust the script as necessary.

nc -zv [specify_hostname_or_ip_of_your_server] 3009 3019 3030 3333 3100 3180 3400 3020 80 443


The above command requires Netcat to be installed, which is installed by default in most, but not all Linux distributions. If errors are displayed when running the command, install the nc package using apt or yum.

If a port is reachable, the output will show:

Connection to [hostname_or_ip_of_your_server] **3020** port [tcp] succeeded!

If a port is not reachable, the output will show:

Connection to [hostname_or_ip_of_your_server] port **3020** (tcp) failed: Connection refused.