The Ar (Asset Resolution) library is responsible for querying, reading, and writing asset data. |
Camera Utilities |
GL Architecture |
The GeomUtil module contains utilities to help image common geometry. |
The Gf (Graphics Foundations) library contains classes and functions for working with basic mathematical aspects of graphics. |
The Glf module contains Utility classes for OpenGL output. |
The Kind library provides a runtime-extensible taxonomy known as “kinds”. Useful for classifying scenegraph objects. |
The Ndr (Node Definition Registry) provides a node-domain-agmostic framework for registering and querying information about nodes. |
The PrimCache Population module implements core scenegraph composition semantics - behaviors informally referred to as Layering & Referencing. |
PhysicsSchemaTools |
Omniverse-specific: The Physics Schema Tools provides tools for the representation of physics properties and behaviors in a 3D scene, such as gravity, collisions, and rigid body dynamics. |
Provides a plug-in framework implementation. Define interfaces, discover, register, and apply plug-in modules to nodes. |
The Sdf (Scene Description Foundation) provides foundations for serializing scene description and primitive abstractions for interacting. |
The Sdr (Shader Definition Registry) is a specialized version of Ndr for Shaders. |
The Tf (Tools Foundations) module. |
The Trace module provides performance tracking utility classes for counting, timing, measuring, recording, and reporting events. |
The core client-facing module for authoring, compositing, and reading Universal Scene Description. |
The UsdAppUtils module contains a number of utilities and common functionality for applications that view and/or record images of USD stages. |
The UsdGeom module defines 3D graphics-related prim and property schemas that form a basis for geometry interchange. |
The UsdHydra module. |
The UsdLux module provides a representation for lights and related components that are common to many graphics environments. |
The UsdMedia module provides a representation for including other media, such as audio, in the context of a stage. UsdMedia currently contains one media type, UsdMediaSpatialAudio, which allows the playback of audio files both spatially and non-spatially. |
The UsdPhysics module defines the physics-related prim and property schemas that together form a physics simulation representation. |
The UsdProc module defines schemas for the scene description of procedural data meaningful to downstream systems. |
The UsdRender module provides schemas and behaviors for describing renders. |
The UsdRi module provides schemas and utilities for authoring USD that encodes Renderman-specific information, and USD/RI data conversions. |
The UsdShade module provides schemas and behaviors for creating and binding materials, which encapsulate shading networks. |
The UsdSkel module defines schemas and API that form a basis for interchanging skeletally-skinned meshes and joint animations. |
The UsdUI module provides schemas for encoding information on USD prims for client GUI tools to use in organizing/presenting prims in GUI layouts. |
The UsdUtils module contains utility classes and functions for managing, inspecting, editing, and creating USD Assets. |
The UsdVol module provides schemas for representing volumes (smoke, fire, etc). |
The Vt (Value Types) module defines classes that provide for type abstraction, enhanced array types, and value type manipulation. |
The Work library is intended to simplify the use of multithreading in the context of our software ecosystem. |