Running the service

The Scene Optimizer can either be executed via the docker container, on bare metal via the kit CLI or as a Task on Omniverse Farm (recommended).


Sign up to NGC Log in via docker:

First, pull the services docker container from NGC’s docker repository:

docker pull YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/my-service-image:v1
docker run -it --rm \
    -p 8000:8000 \
    -e USER=my_username \
    -e TOKEN=my_token \
    my-service-image --config_json_url=

You can now access the services’ swagger UI to learn about it’s API, send requests and get Curl example commands.

Bare Metal + Omniverse Kit CLI

Example command line when using it with Omniverse Kit:

Once the service is running, you can evoke the /request endpoint to process files.

Omniverse Farm TaaS (Task as a Service)

When using it as a Task on Omniverse Farm, a job definition needs to be provided. The job definition informs the farm task about which service endpoint should be executed by the farm as well as the json configuration for defining Scene Optimizer processes to be completed.