
Asset Converter Service Extension - [omni.services.convert.asset]


The Asset Converter Service is a service for batch conversion of CAD files to USD.


Format: “setting name” : default value

Request arguments:

"import_path": ""

Full path to the CAD File to convert.

"output_path": ""

Full path to the ouptut usd file.

"converter_settings": { "merge_all_meshes": true }

Converter settings to use.

Sample Input JSON:

  "import_path": "/ANCHOR.sldprt",
  "output_path": "/tmp/testing/ANCHOR.usd",
  "converter_settings": { "merge_all_meshes": true }

1.0 What is Asset Converter Service

It uses the Asset Converter Extension and provides an easy to use API to call into the service.

Once up and running it can be used from any process inside and outside of Kit.