
class omni.kit.window.stage.stage_window.StageWindow(usd_context_name: str = '')

Bases: Window

The Stage window


__init__(self, title, dockPreference, **kwargs)

Construct the window, add it to the underlying windowing system, and makes it appear.


Called by extension before destroying this object.




__init__(self: omni.ui._ui.Window, title: str, dockPreference: omni.ui._ui.DockPreference = <DockPreference.DISABLED: 0>, **kwargs) None

Construct the window, add it to the underlying windowing system, and makes it appear.

### Arguments:

`title :`

The window title. It’s also used as an internal window ID.

`dockPrefence :`

In the old Kit determines where the window should be docked. In Kit Next it’s unused.


See below

### Keyword Arguments:


This property set the Flags for the Window.


This property holds whether the window is visible.


This property holds the window’s title.


This property set the padding to the frame on the X axis.


This property set the padding to the frame on the Y axis.


This property holds the window Width.


This property holds the window Height.


This property set/get the position of the window in the X Axis. The default is kWindowFloatInvalid because we send the window position to the underlying system only if the position is explicitly set by the user. Otherwise the underlying system decides the position.


This property set/get the position of the window in the Y Axis. The default is kWindowFloatInvalid because we send the window position to the underlying system only if the position is explicitly set by the user. Otherwise the underlying system decides the position.


setup the window to resize automatically based on its content


setup the visibility of the TabBar Handle, this is the small triangle at the corner of the view If it is not shown then it is not possible to undock that window and it need to be closed/moved programatically


This property sets the tooltip when hovering over window’s tabbar.


Determine how the content of the window should be rastered.


This property holds the window Width.


This property holds the window Height.


This property holds whether the window is visible.


Called by extension before destroying this object. It doesn’t happen automatically. Without this hot reloading doesn’t work.