Extension: omni.kit.window.popup_dialog-2.0.24

Documentation Generated: Dec 17, 2024


A set of simple Popup Dialogs for passing user inputs. All of these dialogs subclass from the base PopupDialog, which provides OK and Cancel buttons. The user is able to re-label these buttons as well as associate callbacks that execute upon being clicked.

Why you should use the dialogs in this extension:

  • Avoid duplicating UI code that you then have to maintain.

  • Re-use dialogs that have standard look and feel to keep a consistent experience across the app.

  • Inherit future improvements.

Form Dialog#

A form dialog can display a mixed set of input types.

Code for above:

field_defs = [
    FormDialog.FieldDef("string", "String:  ", ui.StringField, "default"),
    FormDialog.FieldDef("int", "Integer:  ", ui.IntField, 1),
    FormDialog.FieldDef("float", "Float:  ", ui.FloatField, 2.0),
        "tuple", "Tuple:  ", lambda **kwargs: ui.MultiFloatField(column_count=3, h_spacing=2, **kwargs), None
    FormDialog.FieldDef("slider", "Slider:  ", lambda **kwargs: ui.FloatSlider(min=0, max=10, **kwargs), 3.5),
    FormDialog.FieldDef("bool", "Boolean:  ", ui.CheckBox, True),
dialog = FormDialog(
    title="Form Dialog",
    message="Please enter values for the following fields:",
    ok_handler=lambda dialog: print(f"Form accepted: '{dialog.get_values()}'"),

Input Dialog#

An input dialog allows one input field.

Code for above:

dialog = InputDialog(
    title="String Input",
    message="Please enter a string value:",
    pre_label="LDAP Name:  ",
    ok_handler=lambda dialog: print(f"Input accepted: '{dialog.get_value()}'"),

Message Dialog#

A message dialog is the simplest of all popup dialogs; it displays a confirmation message before executing some action.

Code for above:

message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
dialog = MessageDialog(
    ok_handler=lambda dialog: print(f"Message acknowledged"),

Options Dialog#

An options dialog displays a set of checkboxes; the choices optionally belong to a radio group - meaning only one choice is active at a given time.

Code for above:

field_defs = [
    OptionsDialog.FieldDef("hard", "Hard place", False),
    OptionsDialog.FieldDef("harder", "Harder place", True),
    OptionsDialog.FieldDef("hardest", "Hardest place", False),
dialog = OptionsDialog(
    title="Options Dialog",
    message="Please make your choice:",
    ok_handler=lambda choice: print(f"Choice: '{dialog.get_choice()}'"),

Options Menu#

Similar to the options dialog, but displayed in menu form.

Code for above:

field_defs = [
    OptionsMenu.FieldDef("audio", "Audio", None, False),
    OptionsMenu.FieldDef("materials", "Materials", None, True),
    OptionsMenu.FieldDef("scripts", "Scripts", None, False),
    OptionsMenu.FieldDef("textures", "Textures", None, False),
    OptionsMenu.FieldDef("usd", "USD", None, True),
menu = OptionsMenu(
    title="Options Menu",
    value_changed_fn=lambda dialog, name: print(f"Value for '{name}' changed to {dialog.get_value(name)}"),

Demo app#

A complete demo, that includes the code snippets above, is included with this extension at “scripts/demo_popup_dialog.py”.