
class omni.kit.window.file_importer.FileImporterExtension

Bases: IExt

A Standardized file import dialog.



add_import_options_frame(name, delegate)

Adds a set of import options to the dialog.

click_apply([filename_url, postfix, extension])

Helper function to progammatically execute the apply callback.


Helper function to progammatically execute the cancel callback.



Detach the current file importer dialog from main window.


Hides and destroys the dialog window.



select_items_async(url[, filenames])

Helper function to programatically select multiple items in filepicker.

show_window([title, width, height, ...])

Displays the import dialog with the specified settings.




__init__(self: omni.ext._extensions.IExt) None
add_import_options_frame(name: str, delegate: DetailFrameController)

Adds a set of import options to the dialog. Should be called after show_window.

  • name (str) – Title of the options box.

  • delegate (ImportOptionsDelegate) – Subclasses specified delegate and overrides the _build_ui_impl method to provide a custom widget for getting user input.

click_apply(filename_url: Optional[str] = None, postfix: Optional[str] = None, extension: Optional[str] = None)

Helper function to progammatically execute the apply callback. Useful in unittests

click_cancel(cancel_handler: Optional[Callable[[str, str], None]] = None)

Helper function to progammatically execute the cancel callback. Useful in unittests


Detach the current file importer dialog from main window.


Hides and destroys the dialog window.

async select_items_async(url: str, filenames: List[str] = []) List[FileBrowserItem]

Helper function to programatically select multiple items in filepicker. Useful in unittests.

show_window(title: Optional[str] = None, width: int = 1080, height: int = 450, show_only_collections: Optional[List[str]] = None, show_only_folders: bool = False, file_postfix_options: Optional[List[str]] = None, file_extension_types: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, file_filter_handler: Optional[Callable[[str, str, str], bool]] = None, import_button_label: str = 'Import', import_handler: Optional[Callable[[str, str, List[str]], None]] = None, filename_url: Optional[str] = None, file_postfix: Optional[str] = None, file_extension: Optional[str] = None, hide_window_on_import: bool = True, should_validate: bool = False, focus_filename_input: bool = True, allow_multi_files_selection: bool = False)

Displays the import dialog with the specified settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • title (str) – The name of the dialog

  • width (int) – Width of the window (Default=1250)

  • height (int) – Height of the window (Default=450)

  • show_only_collections (List[str]) – Which of these collections, [“bookmarks”, “omniverse”, “my-computer”] to display.

  • show_only_folders (bool) – Show only folders in the list view.

  • file_postfix_options (List[str]) – A list of filename postfix options. Nvidia defaults.

  • file_extension_types (List[Tuple[str, str]]) – A list of filename extension options. Each list element is a (extension name, description) pair, e.g. (“.usd”, “USD format”). Nvidia defaults.

  • file_filter_handler (Callable) – The filter handler that is called to decide whether or not to display a file. Function signature is filter_handler(filename: str, filter_postfix: str, filter_ext: str) -> bool

  • import_button_label (str) – Label for the import button (Default=”Import”)

  • import_handler (Callable) – The callback to handle the import. Function signature is import_handler(filename: str, dirname: str, selections: List[str]) -> None

  • filename_url (str) – Url of the file to import, if any.

  • file_postfix (str) – Sets selected postfix to this value if specified.

  • file_extension (str) – Sets selected extension to this value if specified.

  • hide_window_on_import (bool) – Whether the dialog hides on apply; if False, it means that whether to hide the dialog should be decided by import handler.

  • should_validate (bool) – Whether filename validation should be performed.