
class omni.kit.widget.graph.BackdropDelegate(scale_factor=1.0)

Bases: GraphNodeDelegateFull

A class for implementing node backdrop UI elements in the Omniverse graph widget.

This delegate class extends the functionality of GraphNodeDelegateFull to provide a custom backdrop UI for graph nodes.


scale_factor (float) – The factor by which the UI elements are scaled.


node_background(model, node_desc)

Creates widgets that make up the node background.

node_footer(model, node_desc)

A placeholder for creating widgets at the bottom of the node.

node_header(model, node_desc)

Creates widgets to display at the top of the node.


Initializes the GraphNodeDelegateFull with an optional scale factor.

node_background(model, node_desc: GraphNodeDescription)

Creates widgets that make up the node background.

  • model – The graph model that contains the node data.

  • node_desc (GraphNodeDescription) – The graphical description of the node.


Exception – If an error occurs in the underlying UI toolkit.

A placeholder for creating widgets at the bottom of the node.

  • model – The graph model that contains the node data.

  • node_desc (GraphNodeDescription) – The graphical description of the node.

node_header(model, node_desc: GraphNodeDescription)

Creates widgets to display at the top of the node.

  • model – The graph model that contains the node data.

  • node_desc (GraphNodeDescription) – The graphical description of the node.