
class omni.kit.widget.filebrowser.widget.FileBrowserWidget(title: str, **kwargs)

Bases: object

The basic UI widget for navigating a filesystem as a tree or grid view. The filesystem can either be from your local machine or the Omniverse Nucleus server.


title (str) – Widget title. Default None.

Keyword Arguments
  • layout (int) – The overall layout of the window, one of: {LAYOUT_SPLIT_PANES, LAYOUT_SINGLE_PANE_SLIM, LAYOUT_SINGLE_PANE_WIDE, LAYOUT_DEFAULT}. Default LAYOUT_SPLIT_PANES.

  • splitter_offset (int) – Position of vertical splitter bar. Default 300.

  • tooltip (bool) – Display tooltips when hovering over items. Default False.

  • allow_multi_selection (bool) – Allow multiple items to be selected at once. Default True.

  • mouse_pressed_fn (Callable) – Function called on mouse press. Function signature: void mouse_pressed_fn(pane: int, button: int, key_mode: int, item: FileBrowserItem, x: float=0, y: float=0)

  • mouse_double_clicked_fn (Callable) – Function called on mouse double click. Function signature: void mouse_double_clicked_fn(pane: int, button: int, key_mode: int, item: FileBrowserItem, x: float=0, y: float=0)

  • selection_changed_fn (Callable) – Function called when selection changed. Function signature: void selection_changed_fn(pane: int, selections: list[FileBrowserItem])

  • drop_fn (Callable) – Function called to handle drag-n-drops. Function signature: void drop_fn(dst_item: FileBrowserItem, src_path: str)

  • filter_fn (Callable) – This user function should return True if the given tree view item is visible, False otherwise. Function signature: bool filter_fn(item: FileBrowserItem)

  • show_grid_view (bool) – If True, initialize the folder view to display icons. Default False.

  • show_recycle_widget (bool) – If True, show recycle view in the left bottom corner. Default False.

  • grid_view_scale (int) – Scales grid view, ranges from 0-5. Default 2.

  • on_toggle_grid_view_fn (Callable) – Callback after toggle grid view is executed. Default None.

  • on_scale_grid_view_fn (Callable) – Callback after scale grid view is executed. Default None.

  • icon_provider (Callable) – This callback provides an icon to replace the default one in the tree view. Signature: str icon_provider(item: FileBrowserItem, expanded: bool).

  • thumbnail_provider (Callable) – This callback returns the path to the item’s thumbnail. If not specified, then a default thumbnail is used. Signature: str thumbnail_provider(item: FileBrowserItem).

  • badges_provider (Callable) – This callback provides the list of badges to layer atop the thumbnail in the grid view. Callback signature: List[str] badges_provider(item: FileBrowserItem)

  • treeview_identifier (str) – widget identifier for treeview, only used by tests.

  • enable_zoombar (bool) – Enables/disables zoombar. Default True.


__init__(title, **kwargs)

add_model_as_subtree(model[, parent])

Add a new model as the subtree of the tree view root model or the given parent item.


Clear the alert of the given item.

create_grouping_item(name, path[, parent])

Create a folder item at the given path and add it as child to the tree view root model or the given parent item.

delete_child(item[, parent])

Delete an item from the tree view root model or the given parent item.

delete_child_by_name(item_name[, parent])

Delete an item from the tree view root model or the given parent item.




Get the root item of the treeview by pane.


Return last of selected item from the specified pane.


Return list of selected items from the specified pane.


Hide the notification frame.


Link this widget to the given widget, i.e. the 2 widgets will therafter display the same models but not necessarily share the same view.

refresh_ui([item, listview_only])

Redraw the subtree rooted at the given item.


Set the scale of item inside grid view.

select_and_center(selection[, pane])

Select and centers the tree view on the given item, expanding the tree if needed.

set_expanded(item, expanded[, recursive])

Set the expansion state of the given item.

set_item_alert(item, alert_level, msg)

Set the alert message of the given item.

set_item_error(item, msg)

Set the error message of the given item.

set_item_info(item, msg)

Set the info message of the given item.

set_item_warning(item, msg)

Set the warning message of the given item.

set_selections(selections[, pane])

Selected given items in given pane.


Show the given model.


Show the notification frame.


Toggle on/of grid view.



Return True if grid view is visible.


Return True if the list model has UDIM sequence visible.

__init__(title: str, **kwargs)
add_model_as_subtree(model: FileBrowserModel, parent: Optional[FileBrowserItem] = None)

Add a new model as the subtree of the tree view root model or the given parent item.

  • model (FileBrowserModel) – the model to add.

  • parent (FileBrowserItem) – If set, add the model as a child to this item instead of the tree view root model.

clear_item_alert(item: FileBrowserItem)

Clear the alert of the given item.


item (FileBrowserItem) – Item to clear the alert.

create_grouping_item(name: str, path: str, parent: Optional[FileBrowserItem] = None) FileBrowserItem

Create a folder item at the given path and add it as child to the tree view root model or the given parent item.

  • name (str) – name of the item.

  • path (str) – path of the item.

  • parent (str) – If set, add the item as a child to this item instead of the tree view root model.

delete_child(item: FileBrowserItem, parent: Optional[FileBrowserItem] = None)

Delete an item from the tree view root model or the given parent item.

  • model (FileBrowserModel) – the item to remove.

  • parent (FileBrowserItem) – If set, remove the item from this item instead of the tree view root model.

delete_child_by_name(item_name: str, parent: Optional[FileBrowserItem] = None)

Delete an item from the tree view root model or the given parent item.

  • item_name (str) – the item name to remove.

  • parent (FileBrowserItem) – If set, remove the item from this item instead of the tree view root model.


Destructor. Called by extension before destroying this object. It doesn’t happen automatically. Without this hot reloading doesn’t work.

get_root(pane: Optional[int] = None) FileBrowserItem

Get the root item of the treeview by pane.

get_selected_item(pane: int = 1) FileBrowserItem

Return last of selected item from the specified pane.


pane (int) – One of TREEVIEW_PANE, LISTVIEW_PANE. Returns the union if None is specified.


`FileBrowserItem` or None

get_selections(pane: int = 1) [<class 'omni.kit.widget.filebrowser.model.FileBrowserItem'>]

Return list of selected items from the specified pane.


pane (int) – One of TREEVIEW_PANE, LISTVIEW_PANE. Returns the union if None is specified.




Hide the notification frame.

Link this widget to the given widget, i.e. the 2 widgets will therafter display the same models but not necessarily share the same view.


src_widget (FilePickerWidget) – The source widget.

refresh_ui(item: Optional[FileBrowserItem] = None, listview_only: bool = False)

Redraw the subtree rooted at the given item. If item is None, then redraws entire tree.


item (FileBrowserItem) – Root of subtree to redraw. Default None, i.e. root.

scale_grid_view(scale: float)

Set the scale of item inside grid view.

select_and_center(selection: FileBrowserItem, pane: int = 1)

Select and centers the tree view on the given item, expanding the tree if needed.

  • selection (FileBrowserItem) – The selected item.

  • pane (int) – One of TREEVIEW_PANE, LISTVIEW_PANE.

set_expanded(item: FileBrowserItem, expanded: bool, recursive: bool = False)

Set the expansion state of the given item.

  • item (FileBrowserItem) – The item to effect.

  • expanded (bool) – True to expand, False to collapse.

  • recursive (bool) – Apply state recursively to descendent nodes. Default False.

set_item_alert(item: FileBrowserItem, alert_level: int, msg: str)

Set the alert message of the given item.

  • item (FileBrowserItem) – Item to set alert.

  • alert_level (int) – level of alert.

  • msg (str) – message to alert.

set_item_error(item: FileBrowserItem, msg: str)

Set the error message of the given item.

  • item (FileBrowserItem) – Item to set alert.

  • alert_level (int) – level of alert.

  • msg (str) – message to alert.

set_item_info(item: FileBrowserItem, msg: str)

Set the info message of the given item.

  • item (FileBrowserItem) – Item to set alert.

  • alert_level (int) – level of alert.

  • msg (str) – message to alert.

set_item_warning(item: FileBrowserItem, msg: str)

Set the warning message of the given item.

  • item (FileBrowserItem) – Item to set alert.

  • alert_level (int) – level of alert.

  • msg (str) – message to alert.

set_selections(selections: [<class 'omni.kit.widget.filebrowser.model.FileBrowserItem'>], pane: int = 1)

Selected given items in given pane.

  • selections (list[FileBrowserItem]) – list of selections.

  • pane (int) – One of TREEVIEW_PANE, LISTVIEW_PANE, or None for both. Default None.

show_model(model: FileBrowserModel)

Show the given model.


Show the notification frame.

toggle_grid_view(show_grid_view: bool)

Toggle on/of grid view.

property show_grid_view

Return True if grid view is visible.

property show_udim_sequence

Return True if the list model has UDIM sequence visible.