Extension: omni.kit.viewport.window-106.0.8

Documentation Generated: Jul 17, 2024



A high level implementation of a Window that contains a Viewport and variety of menus and manipulators for interacting and controlling a pxr.usd.UsdStage attached to a specific omni.usd.UsdContext.

How to create a new ViewportWindow


  1. Import the class from the package:

from omni.kit.viewport.window import ViewportWindow
  1. Create a ViewportWindow instance named “Demo”, attached to the default UsdContext

viewport_window = ViewportWindow("Demo", width=640, height=480)
  1. Get the active ViewportAPI attached to the ViewportWindow and inspect some properties.

viewport_api = viewport_window.viewport_api
usd_context = viewport_api.usd_context
usd_context_name = viewport_api.usd_context_name
usd_stage = viewport_api.stage
camera_path = viewport_api.camera_path
resolution = viewport_api.resolution

Further reading

Viewport Documentation
